lets take a closer look at Obamas talking points shall we?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
1. Corporate jets

2. Tax the rich for their fair share

3. Rich housing deductions

4. Rich charity deductions

Those have been his main drum beats for the past month or so. What would happen if he got his way besides the govt raising revenue?

1. He created this damn issue with his own legislation. Wouldn't be an issue had we been able to "find out what was in it BEFORE we passed it". Moron

2. Most entitlement receiptients recieve 3x as much as they contribute. The entitlement class create 0 jobs, 0 wealth. The rich pay most of the taxes and create most of the jobs. How are they not "doing their share"? Obama lies and says most rich wouldn't mind paying more. DID HE CALL THEM ALL AND ASK THEM? You all Demonize the rich for being rich. I'm not rich but I could be cause I work for it. Crawl back under your rocks and smoke some more pot faggots.

3. The housing market is dead. So let's take away the only incentive left for the rich to invest in while at the same time creating tons of jobs for everyone else. Uber fail Obama. I'm in the housing market and the only people left building and hiring me are the rich for the most part. So yea let's further damage the housing industry by removing tax credits for new investments. No morg deduction = end of new builds. Dumb logic yet again big O.

4. WTF ARE YOU SERIOUS? Let's end the deduction that helps the indigent survive in this shit economy. Pathetic
A financial collaspe will give us the opportunity to finally end Socialist Security and Medicare, both millstones about our necks.
Could you worship "the rich" anymore? Seriously, sucking up to them is not going to make you rich. It's quite embarrassing how much you worship them. Perhaps if you had some initiative and could create your own wealth you wouldn't have to beg rich people to give you the scraps from their table. Pitiful.
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Could you worship "the rich" anymore? Seriously, sucking up to them is not going to make you rich. It's quite embarrassing how much you worship them. Perhaps if you had some initiative and could create your own wealth you wouldn't have to beg rich people to give you the scraps from their table. Pitiful.

I need initiative? I own the top rated bathroom remodeling company in KC. Jmstile.com
And I'm doing quite well for myself.

Unlike some of you morons I understand that wealth grows from the top down not the bottom up.
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We need safety nets not enabling programs

Safety nets= Socialism. You are weak and untrue to your cause. You sure you are one of us?

If you actually think Medicare isn't socialism you need to learn what the hell you are talking about

I'm referring to programs for those that "cant" help themselves. Not the programs that "everyone" dips into. There is a big difference. And by the way I'm not trying to be one of any group.
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