Let's see...Who walked out on the debt limit talks?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I do think it was Cartoon Cantor and his Republicans. So who do you think will be blamed when we default?

That should be an easy answer. That would be the party who abandoned negotiations. I think the American voters will agree.
There’ll be no default - Obama and the spineless democrats will give in, to the detriment of he Nation; the ‘walk out’ was a calculated tactic – republicans may be crazy but they’re not stupid.
The republicans walked across the hall. Obama checked out completely.

Left to take care of serious business, you know.... Building his warchest.
I think the American public is finally starting to "tune in" to the Republican disasters of the last 10 years.

One clue is all those recalls. Another is those Republican politicians who are desperately trying to pass as many socially based laws as possible. They know with the changing population, they may not get another chance. That's why they are going after women's rights. And this "slash and burn" of the middle class. Education, Medicare, SS, they want to leave behind as much devastation as possible to protect the uber wealthy for as long as possible.
There’ll be no default - Obama and the spineless democrats will give in, to the detriment of he Nation; the ‘walk out’ was a calculated tactic – republicans may be crazy but they’re not stupid.

I don't know. From what I have read, it may be too late already to lift the ceiling. If we default the repubs may have dug themselves their deepest grave.
I think the American public is finally starting to "tune in" to the Republican disasters of the last 10 years.

One clue is all those recalls. Another is those Republican politicians who are desperately trying to pass as many socially based laws as possible. They know with the changing population, they may not get another chance. That's why they are going after women's rights. And this "slash and burn" of the middle class. Education, Medicare, SS, they want to leave behind as much devastation as possible to protect the uber wealthy for as long as possible.

Your a bit slow eh?

They tuned in in the last midterms. Your fools errand is pointless
There’ll be no default - Obama and the spineless democrats will give in, to the detriment of he Nation; the ‘walk out’ was a calculated tactic – republicans may be crazy but they’re not stupid.

I don't know. From what I have read, it may be too late already to lift the ceiling. If we default the repubs may have dug themselves their deepest grave.

Shuddup and read - Democratic lawmakers leave Wisconsin to protest union curbs | Reuters
You're right as always rdean:
Debt ceiling: Deficit battle shaping up as a Republican victory - latimes.com
Even as the political battle mounts over federal spending, the end result for federal policy is already visible — and clearly favors Republican goals of deep spending cuts and drastically fewer government services.

President Obama entered the fray last week to insist that federal deficits can't be reduced through spending reductions alone. Federal tax revenue also must rise as part of whatever deficit reduction package Congress approves this summer, he said. Obama has been pushing to end a series of what he calls tax loopholes and tax breaks for the rich.

But even if Obama were to gain all the tax-law changes he wants, new revenue would make up only about 15 cents of each dollar in deficit reduction in the package. An agreement by the Republicans to accept new revenue would be a political victory for Obama because "no new taxes" has been such an article of faith for the OP.
Remember that rdean? Obama had his own version of "No New Taxes" when he said what he wasn't gonna' raise taxes on those that make less than 250K.

Go ahead Mr President, push for tax hikes. The Republicans won't use that as a campaign commercial in 2012 no sir! :lol:
You're right as always rdean:
Debt ceiling: Deficit battle shaping up as a Republican victory - latimes.com
Even as the political battle mounts over federal spending, the end result for federal policy is already visible — and clearly favors Republican goals of deep spending cuts and drastically fewer government services.

President Obama entered the fray last week to insist that federal deficits can't be reduced through spending reductions alone. Federal tax revenue also must rise as part of whatever deficit reduction package Congress approves this summer, he said. Obama has been pushing to end a series of what he calls tax loopholes and tax breaks for the rich.

But even if Obama were to gain all the tax-law changes he wants, new revenue would make up only about 15 cents of each dollar in deficit reduction in the package. An agreement by the Republicans to accept new revenue would be a political victory for Obama because "no new taxes" has been such an article of faith for the OP.
Remember that rdean? Obama had his own version of "No New Taxes" when he said what he wasn't gonna' raise taxes on those that make less than 250K.

Go ahead Mr President, push for tax hikes. The Republicans won't use that as a campaign commercial in 2012 no sir! :lol:

Rdean doesn't pay taxes. That's why he's so willing to chip in.

I am sure he's stroking his checkbook now - payable to the U.S. Treasury - leading by pathetic example.
We have recklessly cut taxes to levels below which we can run our government. The result has been increased debt ever since the tax cuts took effect.

Time to raise them to previous levels until such time as we have paid off our debt
We have recklessly cut taxes to levels below which we can run our government. The result has been increased debt ever since the tax cuts took effect.

Time to raise them to previous levels until such time as we have paid off our debt

Correct. But that conflicts with rightist dogma.

What’s disheartening is the right’s desire to balance the budget on the backs of the middle class, disabled, and elderly.

Why are they forced to sacrifice and the wealthy not? *

*Rhetorical question.
I don't think the seriousness of the situation has set in. When Social Security checks stop coming, Vets stop getting their checks, and interest rates reach double digit figures, then maybe middle America will wake up.

All that will happen so the wealthy can keep their tax cuts. I don't see how a political party that walked out on negotiations to prevent the above can do anything buy LOSE.
There’ll be no default - Obama and the spineless democrats will give in, to the detriment of he Nation; the ‘walk out’ was a calculated tactic – republicans may be crazy but they’re not stupid.

Oh, they're pretty stupid alright..
We have recklessly cut taxes to levels below which we can run our government. The result has been increased debt ever since the tax cuts took effect.

You think?

Time to raise them to previous levels until such time as we have paid off our debt

Nope. Time to reduce spending once and for all. Why should working Americans have to pay for the mistakes of a few fat cats in Washington? Make the tough decisions and cut until the budget is balanced.
Simple version of the story is... Obama is gettin played at his own game... Obama accepts or it's Obama that fucks the country, not the Reps.
I do think it was Cartoon Cantor and his Republicans. So who do you think will be blamed when we default?

That should be an easy answer. That would be the party who abandoned negotiations. I think the American voters will agree.

And WHO never showed up--:clap2:

So who do you think will be blamed when we default?

This is a trick question, right?

The answer is, bank ATM's and airport kiosks, right?
So who do you think will be blamed when we default?

This is a trick question, right?

The answer is, bank ATM's and airport kiosks, right?

Obama is AWOL on this debt ceiling issue.

“I’m disappointed because America does not have a tradition of class warfare,” said Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. “It’s class warfare and the kind of language you’d expect from the leader of a third world country, not the president of the United States.”

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., dubbed President Obama the “addict in chief” on spending. “He’s played dozens of rounds of golf and had many, many fundraisers around the country, but he has been AWOL on this issue.”

“And his condescending speech yesterday that told Congress to solve the problem ignored the fact that he was elected president to lead, and yet he’s not even following when it comes to this issue,” he added.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, also speaking from the floor, invited the president to come to the Capitol to “hear directly from Senate Republicans why what he’s proposing will not pass … and finally start talking about what’s actually possible.”


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Simple..."Let the rich keep their loopholes" Republicans will be blamed.
I think the American public is finally starting to "tune in" to the Republican disasters of the last 10 years.

One clue is all those recalls. Another is those Republican politicians who are desperately trying to pass as many socially based laws as possible. They know with the changing population, they may not get another chance. That's why they are going after women's rights. And this "slash and burn" of the middle class. Education, Medicare, SS, they want to leave behind as much devastation as possible to protect the uber wealthy for as long as possible.



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