Let's pretend the Muslim Brotherhood really did infiltrate the Bush Administration



First of all, I want to make it clear I believe that the MB infiltrated the Bush Administration is about as likely as Bush knowing about 9/11 in advance, or Obama being born in Kenya, or Obama's long form Hawaii issued BC being a fake, or there were bombs used to bring down the WTC or Katrina happened because of the gays.

All extremely stupid stories for extremely stupid people.

So let's see how hard it is to put a conspiracy together.

We will start off with Frank Gaffney on Grover Norquist and the Muslim Brotherhood.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbyiz97lA78]Frank Gaffney on Grover Norquist and the Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube[/ame]

Center for Security Policy's Frank Gaffney and Americans for Tax Reform's Grover Norquist. To boil it down: Gaffney wants conservatives to pay more attention to Norquist's outreach to Muslims and his "insidious Muslim Brotherhood influence operation.

Frank Gaffney and the Norquist Identity

This a very public feud that has been going on for a very long time between extreme right wingers. I'm sure the Republican base knows all about it since they have such a "keen" understanding what their leadership is doing.

So I'm not going to rehash an existing conspiracy, instead, I'll use it to start a new one.

Here goes:

Grover worked with Bush even before he made it to the White House. Bush proved to be an inept business man and was bailed out by the Muslim Brotherhood via Saudi Royalty. It's unknown the amount of Arabian money that help get Bush elected. We know the Republican Base hasn't that much money and this was before Republicans attached themselves to the Business community.

It really was the Saudi's who brought down the WTC and they knew Bush, as payback, would protect Radical Muslims by shifting the blame.

Bush did this, first, by rounding up the Bin Laden family and helping them get out of the country without being interviewed. Then, when Bin Laden was on the verge of being captured, Bush withdrew US forces and attacked Saddam, the biggest threat to the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East.

By getting rid of Saddam, the Muslim Brotherhood was allowed into Iraq. Islam was written into the constitution as the source for all laws. Women were put into Burkas.

Working behind the scenes, Bush quietly disbanded the CIA unit looking for Bin Laden and announced he was not going to bother with Bin Laden anymore.

As part of the deal, Bush worked to Bankrupt the country giving subsidies to companies who shut down American factories and move American jobs overseas. Moving the wealth of the nation to the top 1%. Gutting the Middle Class. Using up the military. Spending trillions in Iraq. Grover worked behind the scenes getting 95% of the Republican leadership to sign his anti American pledge so the country wouldn't be able to fight back against the insidious attack from within by the Muslim Brotherhood.

And there you go. A fabulous conspiracy sprinkled with "facts". So, which are the facts? And which is the "conspiracy"?
As much as the dislexec left seems to be confused about time and space it might be a good time to remind people that Bush was in office about 7 months when 9-11 happened and he was foolish enough to keep the Clinton appointed jerks in the FBI and the CIA. The first attack on the WTT happened shortly into Clinton's administration and he dismissed it as "a stupid act by stupid people". Nobody assumes that either Clinton Administration or the Bush administration was infiltrated with Jihad rabble so we have to look at the possibility of world class negligence by the Clinton administration. While Bubba was playing sodomy games with Monica the freaking 9-11 terrorists, some of which were illegally in the US, were going to flight school under Bubba's nose. His incredible failure of an A.G. allowed her assistant to draft a memo requiring the FBI and the CIA... NOT... to share information about potential threats to the US or risk arrest by the justice dept.
As much as the dislexec left seems to be confused about time and space it might be a good time to remind people that Bush was in office about 7 months when 9-11 happened and he was foolish enough to keep the Clinton appointed jerks in the FBI and the CIA. The first attack on the WTT happened shortly into Clinton's administration and he dismissed it as "a stupid act by stupid people". Nobody assumes that either Clinton Administration or the Bush administration was infiltrated with Jihad rabble so we have to look at the possibility of world class negligence by the Clinton administration. While Bubba was playing sodomy games with Monica the freaking 9-11 terrorists, some of which were illegally in the US, were going to flight school under Bubba's nose. His incredible failure of an A.G. allowed her assistant to draft a memo requiring the FBI and the CIA... NOT... to share information about potential threats to the US or risk arrest by the justice dept.

And Republicans put impeaching the president above the safety of the country. They do the same now. They even apologized to BP. And that's not even a conspiracy.
As much as the dislexec left seems to be confused about time and space it might be a good time to remind people that Bush was in office about 7 months when 9-11 happened and he was foolish enough to keep the Clinton appointed jerks in the FBI and the CIA. The first attack on the WTT happened shortly into Clinton's administration and he dismissed it as "a stupid act by stupid people". Nobody assumes that either Clinton Administration or the Bush administration was infiltrated with Jihad rabble so we have to look at the possibility of world class negligence by the Clinton administration. While Bubba was playing sodomy games with Monica the freaking 9-11 terrorists, some of which were illegally in the US, were going to flight school under Bubba's nose. His incredible failure of an A.G. allowed her assistant to draft a memo requiring the FBI and the CIA... NOT... to share information about potential threats to the US or risk arrest by the justice dept.

And Republicans put impeaching the president above the safety of the country. They do the same now. They even apologized to BP. And that's not even a conspiracy.

Is it the left wing argument that Clinton was so distracted by his impeachment that he left the Country unprotected? He found time to bomb Europe while the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in his backyard and the Attorney General was issuing memos that were so crazy that they should have resulted in her arrest.
Modern democrats often show sympathy for the enemies of the United States but I doubt if the jihad infiltrated even the corrupt and negligent Clinton administration.

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