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Do you have indictment fatigue?

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Every time bad news comes out publicly about the Biden corrupt family high five a conservative.

Then the next day when Trump is indicted slap a leftist.

Seriously though don't you all have indictment fatigue? It's so overplayed in the media it's all the MSM wants to talk about. It is TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP or RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA on fucking steroids 24/7
It feels like a twisted game of Wack-a-Mole played by the media where Trump is the mole and the paddle is a bundle of indictments.

Personally I think the left are overplaying their hand BIGLY and they better pray to God Trump doesn't become president. I feel BIG changes coming in the pipeline. I'm just not sure if those changes will come through political figures or violence from a fed up population. If it's the latter I suspect Jan 6th will look like child's play.
Every time bad news comes out publicly about the Biden corrupt family high five a conservative.

Then the next day when Trump is indicted slap a leftist.

Seriously though don't you all have indictment fatigue? It's so overplayed in the media it's all the MSM wants to talk about. It is TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP or RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA on fucking steroids 24/7
It feels like a twisted game of Wack-a-Mole played by the media where Trump is the mole and the paddle is a bundle of indictments.

Personally I think the left are overplaying their hand BIGLY and they better pray to God Trump doesn't become president. I feel BIG changes coming in the pipeline. I'm just not sure if those changes will come through political figures or violence from a fed up population. If it's the latter I suspect Jan 6th will look like child's play.
Most people think a former president being indicted for 78 and counting felonies a big deal. It's kind of odd frankly that you don't.

As for the "corrupt" Biden family. The moment any of you can articulate an actual crimes. I promise you I will look at the evidence to support that crime very carefully.

So far what I understand is the the son of the president who's NOT nor ever was a public official used the name of his father to earn money. All the rest I heard is accusations by highly dubious sources, unverified government forms and a whole lot of bluster.

None of it amount to even the basis of any serious investigation in the only person either of us really cares about in this case, namely JOE BIDEN.

If you want to claim Hunter Biden is an asshole. You won't get an argument from me. But I would suggest you look at what you know and what you suspect. I promise you those things aren't the same thing.
The tears are just delicious. It's like watching a toddler whose had his favorite toy taken away from them for misbehaving.

Hey, GA hasn't had their turn yet! :) So you better lose the fatigue cause there's more coming.

The real question here is....will you finally decide to save your party's skin and give up this man?
Every time bad news comes out publicly about the Biden corrupt family high five a conservative.

Then the next day when Trump is indicted slap a leftist.

Seriously though don't you all have indictment fatigue? It's so overplayed in the media it's all the MSM wants to talk about. It is TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP or RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA on fucking steroids 24/7
It feels like a twisted game of Wack-a-Mole played by the media where Trump is the mole and the paddle is a bundle of indictments.

Personally I think the left are overplaying their hand BIGLY and they better pray to God Trump doesn't become president. I feel BIG changes coming in the pipeline. I'm just not sure if those changes will come through political figures or violence from a fed up population. If it's the latter I suspect Jan 6th will look like child's play.
Put the blame where it belongs
On Trump

It is his own poor decisions that brought this down
I really care less. As an aside I do enjoy seeing Trump going through what he dismissed others as SOB's for protesting over in the past.
Most people think a former president being indicted for 78 and counting felonies a big deal. It's kind of odd frankly that you don't.

As for the "corrupt" Biden family. The moment any of you can articulate an actual crimes. I promise you I will look at the evidence to support that crime very carefully.

So far what I understand is the the son of the president who's NOT nor ever was a public official used the name of his father to earn money. All the rest I heard is accusations by highly dubious sources, unverified government forms and a whole lot of bluster.

None of it amount to even the basis of any serious investigation in the only person either of us really cares about in this case, namely JOE BIDEN.

If you want to claim Hunter Biden is an asshole. You won't get an argument from me. But I would suggest you look at what you know and what you suspect. I promise you those things aren't the same thing.


I worked in banking for 10+ yrs. Saw one SAR in that time. Bidens compiled 150+

Nothing to see here. I know.

I'm not the one that supported ignoring the complaints (valid) of the people. It seems you are.

People protested peacefully. Trump called them SOB's, then some got violent.
I would have supported(perhaps not the exact term im looking for) the riots if they went after the government and not the people.
Going after the people is bullshit.
The tears are just delicious. It's like watching a toddler whose had his favorite toy taken away from them for misbehaving.

Hey, GA hasn't had their turn yet! :) So you better lose the fatigue cause there's more coming.

The real question here is....will you finally decide to save your party's skin and give up this man?
Lol, he is going to be your president again. That will be great.
I would have supported(perhaps not the exact term im looking for) the riots if they went after the government and not the people.
Going after the people is bullshit.

You protest where you live. It worked. It should have never came to that. After decades of getting ignored, people get frustrated.

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