Let's give them what they want


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
As we all know (and to a certain degree, even they know), the left is profoundly stupid. Even though Marxism/Socialism/Communism has had a spectacular 100% failure rate world-wide, where ever it has been implemented, they Dumbocrats still call for it because it "feels" good to them (rational thought is not their strong point, it's all about emotion with them - hence the lack of logic and reason in their entire philosophy).

Well, today I heard an interview with a small business owner who closed his doors today. He said he's tired of putting in 90 hour work weeks all so that Obama can confiscate his wealth and hand it over to "Obama Phone" ghetto broad and "Obama Money" ghetto broad. With taxmaggedon looming, he had crunched the numbers and simply could not survive the 2013 year under Obama policy.

This got me thinking - since such a large portion of this population suckles at the government teet and refuses to help themselves, and another sector (though much smaller) actually supports themselves while supporting this stupidity, I think we should all do exactly what this small business owner did. Why kill ourselves so that the government can take 60% of what we EARN (work our asses off for) just to hand it to the parasite class? If you have a small business, I encourage you to close the doors and lay off your employees. If you work somewhere, I encourage to slack of so severely, you get fired and then you can go on unemployment and welfare (just like the Dem's want, since it ensures you need them, and thus, ensures your vote).

When there are none of us left who DO and PROVIDE, the entire thing will collapse. Lets give them exactly what they want - an entire nation punished for success who gives up, joins the left, and suckles at the government teet.

For those thinking this is crazy, I can only tell you that it worked in the former U.S.S.R. After collapsing under the exact insanity Obama and the Dumbocrats have implemented, they turned to capitalism to rebuild as Russia. Some people are just too stupid to understand even basic principles - they must experience the excruciating pain for themselves.

Anyway, this is what I'm doing. I invite all of you to join me. Lets burden the Obama Administration into collapse using their own policy's. Lets sit back, put our feet up, and enjoy the free healthcare, free housing, free food. I'll get to spend a TON of time with my children, and I am so looking forward to that.
You got it. The obummer democrats spent the entire political season demonizing a successful business man. But, on the other hand I can't get them to tell me what they will replace capitalism with. They just know they hate success. They don't know why.
1. Romney shipped jobs overseas.
2. Romney lied and lied and lied. I'm surprised his pants haven't caught on fire, yet.
3. His far right views didn't help him at all
4. Flip-flopping
5. He supported tax breaks for the rich and corporate personhood. Not to mention throwing regulation out the window.
See? They continue to demonize a successful man. They don't know why but they hate success. Game set match.
Yes he is successful off of the work of others.
Name one company that he started, not someone else, he himself started that was a manufacturing job or anything company that he started that actually produced a product.
He is a leech. He just happens to have money to invest and then leech it from the work of others.

See? They continue to demonize a successful man. They don't know why but they hate success. Game set match.
What's amazing too is that the stock market already collapsed today at the news that Barack Obama will be around 4 more years to attack work, redistribute wealth, and demonize the successful.

Uh, how did this man get re-elected when so many react so negatively to news of his re-election? Considering the long history of Obama-Chicago-Style politics and the long history of dumbocrat voter fraud, one can only imagine...
What's amazing too is that the stock market already collapsed today at the news that Barack Obama will be around 4 more years to attack work, redistribute wealth, and demonize the successful.

Uh, how did this man get re-elected when so many react so negatively to news of his re-election? Considering the long history of Obama-Chicago-Style politics and the long history of dumbocrat voter fraud, one can only imagine...

Yeah it collapsed.

Mitt Romney also won the election while we're discussing things that didn't actually happen.
Yes he is successful off of the work of others.
Name one company that he started, not someone else, he himself started that was a manufacturing job or anything company that he started that actually produced a product.
He is a leech. He just happens to have money to invest and then leech it from the work of others.

See? They continue to demonize a successful man. They don't know why but they hate success. Game set match.

Only the new age lazy liberal can consider having a job as being "exploited". Why do all of these people accept these jobs if they are so "exploited"?

Oh, that's right, you're just an asshole.... :lol:
China has taken the strongest elements of communism, socialism, capitalism.....mixed them....is overtaking us as the most powerful nation in the world sometime this century.
China has taken the strongest elements of communism, socialism, capitalism.....mixed them....is overtaking us as the most powerful nation in the world sometime this century.

Then go move to China! If it's so wonderful, go move there asshole....

But you might want to look at the people desperately trying to escape there, those who have been imprisoned, and the pandemic of suicides they are experiencing...

Fucking ignorant asshole....
You really have no answer to the facts now do you. So all you can do is insult.
Trading insults with the likes of those like you, neoconservatives, would be like me fighting an unarmed man. You certainly would get your cry-baby ass kicked.
So, if you have the nerve to find one company that the empty suit man, mitten, created show us.

Yes he is successful off of the work of others.
Name one company that he started, not someone else, he himself started that was a manufacturing job or anything company that he started that actually produced a product.
He is a leech. He just happens to have money to invest and then leech it from the work of others.

See? They continue to demonize a successful man. They don't know why but they hate success. Game set match.

Only the new age lazy liberal can consider having a job as being "exploited". Why do all of these people accept these jobs if they are so "exploited"?

Oh, that's right, you're just an asshole.... :lol:
You really have no answer to the facts now do you. So all you can do is insult.
Trading insults with the likes of those like you, neoconservatives, would be like me fighting an unarmed man. You certainly would get your cry-baby ass kicked.
So, if you have the nerve to find one company that the empty suit man, mitten, created show us.

Yes he is successful off of the work of others.
Name one company that he started, not someone else, he himself started that was a manufacturing job or anything company that he started that actually produced a product.
He is a leech. He just happens to have money to invest and then leech it from the work of others.

Only the new age lazy liberal can consider having a job as being "exploited". Why do all of these people accept these jobs if they are so "exploited"?

Oh, that's right, you're just an asshole.... :lol:

Aww, is the baby-little-bitch crying after I kicked his ass after 1 post? :rofl:

Hey, maybe you can call your suicide prevention hotline!

Still waiting for an answer from the lazy asshole boilermaker who thinks having a job is "exploitation" (just shows how fucking lazy the left is - if they, GASP, have to support themselves, then they are being "exploited"). Guess you got so used to mommy & daddy providing for your every whim, uh?

Don't cry little boy, you're just not in my league debating. Now go see mommy and daddy, have them dry your tears, and tell them about the "mean man who expects you to work for a living"...

The guy can close his doors, more businesses will take what he left.

Business is booming here!

What businesses? You people feel "exploited" if you have to actually WORK (God forbid, right?)! The only people doing anything are conservatives who are being exploited by you and the rest of the parasite class.

And you can lie (like you people always do) about "business booming" where you live, but the unemployment numbers don't lie sweetie...

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