Let's Discuss The Ramifications Of Mob Rule


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
Near Magnolia, TX
We as citizens are guaranteed certain rights both under our Constitution and laws. We are guaranteed the right to peaceably assemble and express our views and opinions and not be molested by the government or other citizens. When we start allowing a mob to veto our rights this country is destine for destruction.

Take the emotion out of it and concentrate completely on our system. No matter how repugnant a persons views are, no one and I mean no one has the right to physically assault or block the path of peaceful demonstrations. If the demonstrators start getting violent it is the job of law enforcement to deal with the situation. No mob, counter protest or what you chose to call them has the right to deny anyone their constitutionally guaranteed rights. If you want to see the country destroyed, feel free to keep cheering the mob on.

This is not a thread for finger pointing, it is for a discussion on how we preserve our rights and our country.

Decent enough thread on it's face, however, who is the mob referring to in your mind?
Let's discuss the ramifications of not condeming " mob rule".

The ramifications are, MORE mob rule, and that's what is going to occur if the left and their media doesn't condemn BOTH sides now!
The hateful left of course.
The antifa.

The other group had a permit and was peacefully protesting.
Decent enough thread on it's face, however, who is the mob referring to in your mind?

Any mob who sets their sights on the denial of the rights of others. Ideology is irrelevant, the point is our system of civil rights and our right to exercise them in a lawful manner unmolested. Can we continue to allow anyone to physically prevent others from expressing their views and expect our society to survive?

Let's discuss the ramifications of not condeming " mob rule".

The ramifications are, MORE mob rule, and that's what is going to occur if the left and their media doesn't condemn BOTH sides now!

What happens if next time they bring guns instead of clubs and both sides use them?

Any mob who sets their sights on the denial of the rights of others. Ideology is irrelevant, the point is our system of civil rights and our right to exercise them in a lawful manner unmolested. Can we continue to allow anyone to physically prevent others from expressing their views and expect our society to survive?

When and where did this occur?
Decent enough thread on it's face, however, who is the mob referring to in your mind?

Any mob who sets their sights on the denial of the rights of others. Ideology is irrelevant, the point is our system of civil rights and our right to exercise them in a lawful manner unmolested. Can we continue to allow anyone to physically prevent others from expressing their views and expect our society to survive?

You have it backwards. Society cannot survive if the bullshit about all races being equal is accepted as that is totally untrue. There is life unworthy of life and ideas unworthy of society. America was founded by white men for white men. If you want to march around with your faggot flag get your faggot ass on a boat to Africa.
The hateful left of course.
The antifa.

The other group had a permit and was peacefully protesting.

Please, keep it neutral, I want to discuss our systems and how they will survive if these incidents are allowed to continue. We can't allow any mob right, left or center to have the ability to veto the rights of others and preserve the country.

Any mob who sets their sights on the denial of the rights of others. Ideology is irrelevant, the point is our system of civil rights and our right to exercise them in a lawful manner unmolested. Can we continue to allow anyone to physically prevent others from expressing their views and expect our society to survive?

When and where did this occur?
Every protest by BLM.
The first amendment does not mean that you should be protected from other people's first amendment rights. Understand that no Nazi is going to goosestep around in America without someone wanting to kick their ass. That is exactly how it ought to be.
Any mob who sets their sights on the denial of the rights of others. Ideology is irrelevant, the point is our system of civil rights and our right to exercise them in a lawful manner unmolested. Can we continue to allow anyone to physically prevent others from expressing their views and expect our society to survive?

When and where did this occur?

How many examples do you want? A Trump rally was shut down because of threats of violence, people have been prevented from speaking on college campuses, a rally scheduled for Texas A&M for this weekend was canceled because of the threats of violence. Those are examples of a veto by the mob.

Decent enough thread on it's face, however, who is the mob referring to in your mind?

Any mob who sets their sights on the denial of the rights of others. Ideology is irrelevant, the point is our system of civil rights and our right to exercise them in a lawful manner unmolested. Can we continue to allow anyone to physically prevent others from expressing their views and expect our society to survive?

You have it backwards. Society cannot survive if the bullshit about all races being equal is accepted as that is totally untrue. There is life unworthy of life and ideas unworthy of society. America was founded by white men for white men. If you want to march around with your faggot flag get your faggot ass on a boat to Africa.

Run along child, adults are talking. You're not welcome here.

Let's discuss the ramifications of not condeming " mob rule".

The ramifications are, MORE mob rule, and that's what is going to occur if the left and their media doesn't condemn BOTH sides now!

What happens if next time they bring guns instead of clubs and both sides use them?

The war of the races is overdue. Besides, they can't shoot for shit.

Fuck off and die puke, I spent more than 20 years in the military to preserve our country, not yours. BTW I can shoot just fine.

Decent enough thread on it's face, however, who is the mob referring to in your mind?

Any mob who sets their sights on the denial of the rights of others. Ideology is irrelevant, the point is our system of civil rights and our right to exercise them in a lawful manner unmolested. Can we continue to allow anyone to physically prevent others from expressing their views and expect our society to survive?

You have it backwards. Society cannot survive if the bullshit about all races being equal is accepted as that is totally untrue. There is life unworthy of life and ideas unworthy of society. America was founded by white men for white men. If you want to march around with your faggot flag get your faggot ass on a boat to Africa.

Run along child, adults are talking. You're not welcome here.

Oh, I thought you were Mr. First Amendment big man on campus, faggot boy? I guess not.
Let's discuss the ramifications of not condeming " mob rule".

The ramifications are, MORE mob rule, and that's what is going to occur if the left and their media doesn't condemn BOTH sides now!

What happens if next time they bring guns instead of clubs and both sides use them?

The war of the races is overdue. Besides, they can't shoot for shit.

Fuck off and die puke, I spent more than 20 years in the military to preserve our country, not yours. BTW I can shoot just fine.

Seems you have no trouble telling others to shut up when you don't like what they say? All you now is a mob :lol:
The first amendment does not mean that you should be protected from other people's first amendment rights. Understand that no Nazi is going to goosestep around in America without someone wanting to kick their ass. That is exactly how it ought to be.

Bullshit, everyone has a right to speak their peace without interference, kicking ass proves you are no better than they are and your ideas are inferior.

The first amendment does not mean that you should be protected from other people's first amendment rights. Understand that no Nazi is going to goosestep around in America without someone wanting to kick their ass. That is exactly how it ought to be.
In time they will understand that they have been lied to. The working white sleeping giant is waking up.
The first amendment does not mean that you should be protected from other people's first amendment rights. Understand that no Nazi is going to goosestep around in America without someone wanting to kick their ass. That is exactly how it ought to be.

Bullshit, everyone has a right to speak their peace without interference, kicking ass proves you are no better than they are and your ideas are inferior.

So you telling me to go away wasn't interference? Maybe you should try making up your mind.

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