Let's cut to the chase shall we? Why aren't there any protesters demanding the release of the hostages?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Where are the protesters demanding the release of the 200+ hostages? Are these.people cowardly to not call out the hostages and current victims.being held against their will? When America was attacked on 9/11 we were sent home from work. I went onto a chat program and there were hundreds of people posting. A Canadian said that America deserved the attack for.their M.E policies and I told all the chatters not to listen to her, I was.unequivical in my support, "she does not share Canadians view, we are with you 100%" I said. I was thanked. I also believed justice needed to be served for that attack. Do the protesters not give a damn about 200 innocent hostages?! This is why accusations of antisemetism creep in.
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Where are the protesters demanding the release of the 200+ hostages? Are these.people cowardly to not call out the hostages and current victims.being held against their will? When America was attacked on 9/11 we were sent home from work. I went onto a chat program and there were hundreds of people posting. A Canadian said that America deserved the attack for.their M.E policies and I told all the chatters not to listen to her, I was.unequivical in my support, "she does not share Canadians view, we are with you 100%" I said. I was thanked. I also believed justice needed to be served for thatattack. Do the protesters not give a damn about 200 innocent hostages?! This is why accusations of antisemetism creep in.
New Yorkers and others are posting flyers and protesting..but posters are getting torn down by muslims and secular jews IN AMERICA. Pro Israel protestors stand the chance of getting beat up and in the case of jews attacked at Airport in or near russia, hunted and if found stabbed or shot. Media is not covering israel supporters. They're spending all the time on pro-palestinian ie pro hamas supporters. Sane people support Israel. This is feeling more and more like how Germany and then the world must have felt in WWII.

One has the distinct feeling that our media are pro hamas.
New Yorkers and others are posting flyers and protesting..but posters are getting torn down by muslims and secular jews IN AMERICA. Pro Israel protestors stand the chance of getting beat up and in the case of jews attacked at Airport in or near russia, hunted and if found stabbed or shot. Media is not covering israel supporters. They're spending all the time on pro-palestinian ie pro hamas supporters. Sane people support Israel. This is feeling more and more like how Germany and then the world must have felt in WWII.

One has the distinct feeling that our media are pro hamas.
Bibi needs ro be replaced, this much I can glean from the videos I hear from Israelis of all stripes. As time has passed, they don't just want bombs dropped, they want hostages back and the terrorists killed. A very tall order really, but Bibi is definitely very unpopular there. Also, he has not apologized, throwing the IDF leadership under the bus and, apparently he finally took questions from the media for the first time in many years. Trump constantly taking questions put him in a unique class and it really is what ciitizens in free countries demand of their leaders, especialy in Israel.
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How do you protest a terrorist?

You need something a little more direct than a picket sign...

Where are the protesters demanding the release of the 200+ hostages? Are these.people cowardly to not call out the hostages and current victims.being held against their will? When America was attacked on 9/11 we were sent home from work. I went onto a chat program and there were hundreds of people posting. A Canadian said that America deserved the attack for.their M.E policies and I told all the chatters not to listen to her, I was.unequivical in my support, "she does not share Canadians view, we are with you 100%" I said. I was thanked. I also believed justice needed to be served for that attack. Do the protesters not give a damn about 200 innocent hostages?! This is why accusations of antisemetism creep in.
Why aren't you protesting Israel's murder of thousands of children?

Do you not give a damn about innocent children?
Bibi needs ro be replaced, this much I can glean from the videos I hear from Israelis of all stripes. As time has passed, they don't just want bombs dropped, they want hostages back and the terrorists killed. A very tall order really, but Bibi is definitely very unpopular there. Also, he has not apologized, throwing the IDF leadership under the bus and, apparently he finally took questions from the media for the first time in many years. Trump constantly taking questions put him in a unique class and it really is what ciitizens in free countries demand of their leaders, especialy in Israel.
let's not forget that Obama and his associates were trying to ruin Bibi the same way our left here in the US is trying to ruin President Trump. The Media in Israel is leftist and it hates Bibi.
Why aren't you protesting Israel's murder of thousands of children?

Do you not give a damn about innocent children?
Actualy I do care about innocent people being killed. If a soldier murders an innocent child on purpose they should face conseqences in this life and the next, ditto for any superior who orders such a strike except in the most extreme of circumstances (some guy running with a briefcase nuke or something who needs to be taken out). I have spoken out against excessive bombings and the world has. The difference is intent. It is a hell of a situation to be in and letting Hamas fester for years and allowing them to fire rockets indiscriminantly is the major issue. The fools who voted them in are just that, fools. It will always come down to intent however though eckless bombing will have an impact on Israels.global.diplomatic, that is the balance they have to find. Even many Israelis.are wuestioning this strategy. a ground incursion isn't an improved option either with so many hostaes held. It is a horrible situation all around.
Where are the protesters demanding the release of the 200+ hostages? Are these.people cowardly to not call out the hostages and current victims.being held against their will? When America was attacked on 9/11 we were sent home from work. I went onto a chat program and there were hundreds of people posting. A Canadian said that America deserved the attack for.their M.E policies and I told all the chatters not to listen to her, I was.unequivical in my support, "she does not share Canadians view, we are with you 100%" I said. I was thanked. I also believed justice needed to be served for that attack. Do the protesters not give a damn about 200 innocent hostages?! This is why accusations of antisemetism creep in.
Israel is bombing the hostages and there are plenty of protests to stop the bombing so there you go

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