Lessons from the Jesus 'wife' story


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Lessons from the Jesus 'wife' story

A small ancient Coptic papyrus fragment was major news this week. And if you followed any of the reports on the fragment you might have become convinced that there is new evidence that Jesus was married. Based on the reporting, you might also believe that this news should make Catholics and other Christians who believe in the Bible very nervous.

There are two problems with this line of thinking. First, proof of a married Jesus wouldn't make most Catholics and Christians nervous. Second, the evidence just isn't there that Jesus was ever married

Read more: Lessons from the Jesus 'wife' story | Fox News

Would Jesus being married have any effect on his mission here on earth? Why would this upset Christians?
why are youputting "wife" in quotes.

it's always been clear to a good many of us that he would have had to be married. he was jewish and in his '30's. his NOT being married would have been noteworthy.... and his father not finding him a wife would have been considered a dereliction of his duty as a father

also, to direct you to your own scripture.... the two mary's attended his body after the crucifixion. under jewish law only a man's mother and/or wife could attend his body in death.

do i think it changes his preachings? not in the least.

but it changes the way the church has taught those teachings.
Honestly I think Jesus probably did have a wife. Women have gotten little mention in scripture. The only women repeatedly mentioned around Jesus are the Mary's, so I would think if he was married, it was one of them. Marriage is not a sin but blessed by God. It would have been expected of a grown man to have a wife. Jesus seemed to travel with women. Certainly it would have raised an eyebrow for a single man to be traveling with women not of their families. The Pharisee's would have latched on to that to discredit Jesus. Because this did not happen there must be a reason why.

What difference does it make if Jesus had a wife? Absolutely none that I can see.
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I agree with both of you. There was some jealousy between the disciples and Mary of Magdelene and how close they were. I believe it was in the Gospel according to Thomas.

The interesting aspect of this issue is that I read somewhere that Mary of Magdelene went on to preach after the death of Jesus and that would open the Catholic church to women priests.

BTW, Jillian, the article had "wife" in quotation marks, not I.
I agree with both of you. There was some jealousy between the disciples and Mary of Magdelene and how close they were. I believe it was in the Gospel according to Thomas.

The interesting aspect of this issue is that I read somewhere that Mary of Magdelene went on to preach after the death of Jesus and that would open the Catholic church to women priests.

BTW, Jillian, the article had "wife" in quotation marks, not I.

it seems from my reading that peter was the most jealous of the attention paid to mary and didn't like having a woman as part of the crew. i always thought he made her a harlot b/c he didn't like her being there.

it would have opened up the way for female priests... and it also would have taken away any argument in favor of celibacy or against a healthy sexuality.

sorry re the quotes. didn't realize.

I agree with both of you. There was some jealousy between the disciples and Mary of Magdelene and how close they were. I believe it was in the Gospel according to Thomas.

The interesting aspect of this issue is that I read somewhere that Mary of Magdelene went on to preach after the death of Jesus and that would open the Catholic church to women priests.

BTW, Jillian, the article had "wife" in quotation marks, not I.

it seems from my reading that peter was the most jealous of the attention paid to mary and didn't like having a woman as part of the crew. i always thought he made her a harlot b/c he didn't like her being there.

it would have opened up the way for female priests... and it also would have taken away any argument in favor of celibacy or against a healthy sexuality.

sorry re the quotes. didn't realize.


YOu are right, it was mostly Peter who was offended, although Phillip got in the way there, too. When Jesus a[ppeared to Mary before the rest of the disciples, they wouldn't believe her because she was merely a woman. Jesus set them straight.

Then they all realized that Jesus spoke to her more and told her more about God and the Heavens and she became the "Apostle to the Apostles."

There was even mention of Jesus kissing Mary on the lips. My guess that wouldn't have happened unless they were married, (but that's just me.)
The only lesson is simply that there is now further evidence that over the last 2000 years the gospels have been manipulated for political purposes. :eusa_boohoo:

There was no question there was a selection of gospels to be contained in the Bible.
Yet, you give credence to the gospels. Which therein you believe in the miracles of Christ.
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First of all, Jesus wouldn't have been married, as Elton John says: there's a very good chance that jesus was gay.
Secondly, the scrap of paper was dated to the fourth century. Case closed.
why are youputting "wife" in quotes.

it's always been clear to a good many of us that he would have had to be married. he was jewish and in his '30's. his NOT being married would have been noteworthy.... and his father not finding him a wife would have been considered a dereliction of his duty as a father

also, to direct you to your own scripture.... the two mary's attended his body after the crucifixion. under jewish law only a man's mother and/or wife could attend his body in death.

do i think it changes his preachings? not in the least.

but it changes the way the church has taught those teachings.

The 'documents that 'proved' His 'marriage' were forged. Whether or not He was married remains a mystery.
why are youputting "wife" in quotes.

it's always been clear to a good many of us that he would have had to be married. he was jewish and in his '30's. his NOT being married would have been noteworthy.... and his father not finding him a wife would have been considered a dereliction of his duty as a father

also, to direct you to your own scripture.... the two mary's attended his body after the crucifixion. under jewish law only a man's mother and/or wife could attend his body in death.

do i think it changes his preachings? not in the least.

but it changes the way the church has taught those teachings.

The 'documents that 'proved' His 'marriage' were forged. Whether or not He was married remains a mystery.

Does it make a difference to the Jesus we know? The Jesus who performed miracles on the less fortunate and told of God and his dealings with Man? I say
Np". It doesn't change Jesus in our hearts. A resounding and peaceful "No."
I agree with both of you. There was some jealousy between the disciples and Mary of Magdelene and how close they were. I believe it was in the Gospel according to Thomas.

The interesting aspect of this issue is that I read somewhere that Mary of Magdelene went on to preach after the death of Jesus and that would open the Catholic church to women priests.

BTW, Jillian, the article had "wife" in quotation marks, not I.

it seems from my reading that peter was the most jealous of the attention paid to mary and didn't like having a woman as part of the crew. i always thought he made her a harlot b/c he didn't like her being there.

it would have opened up the way for female priests... and it also would have taken away any argument in favor of celibacy or against a healthy sexuality.

sorry re the quotes. didn't realize.


YOu are right, it was mostly Peter who was offended, although Phillip got in the way there, too. When Jesus a[ppeared to Mary before the rest of the disciples, they wouldn't believe her because she was merely a woman. Jesus set them straight.

Then they all realized that Jesus spoke to her more and told her more about God and the Heavens and she became the "Apostle to the Apostles."

There was even mention of Jesus kissing Mary on the lips. My guess that wouldn't have happened unless they were married, (but that's just me.)

oh i think you're 100% correct. but that type of dynamic wouldn't have been uncommon in that time among religious jews, nor is it today, to tell the truth. if the gospels hadn't been culled, and mary given this role of 'saved harlot'... then perhaps christianity would have been the religion to truly equalize women. but religions are run by men...

in judaism, if a woman was accused of adultery, she was reviled and cast out of the community for 10 generations. one of the reasons christianity spread as it did, was it was supposed to be more compassionate. that, of course, has been perverted among certain denominations.

jesus may have been the first feminist. :)
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why are youputting "wife" in quotes.

it's always been clear to a good many of us that he would have had to be married. he was jewish and in his '30's. his NOT being married would have been noteworthy.... and his father not finding him a wife would have been considered a dereliction of his duty as a father

also, to direct you to your own scripture.... the two mary's attended his body after the crucifixion. under jewish law only a man's mother and/or wife could attend his body in death.

do i think it changes his preachings? not in the least.

but it changes the way the church has taught those teachings.

The 'documents that 'proved' His 'marriage' were forged. Whether or not He was married remains a mystery.

Does it make a difference to the Jesus we know? The Jesus who performed miracles on the less fortunate and told of God and his dealings with Man? I say
Np". It doesn't change Jesus in our hearts. A resounding and peaceful "No."

i don't think miracles occurred in the sense written about. i think maybe lazarus was in a coma... and healers were not uncommon in those days. it was only later that the laying on of hands was forbidden. and belief can be a very strong factor in healing generally.

the way the stuff was written, 40 years later, 70 years later... that was kind the stories of like corey booker running into buildings and saving lives in newark... they're great PR
it seems from my reading that peter was the most jealous of the attention paid to mary and didn't like having a woman as part of the crew. i always thought he made her a harlot b/c he didn't like her being there.

it would have opened up the way for female priests... and it also would have taken away any argument in favor of celibacy or against a healthy sexuality.

sorry re the quotes. didn't realize.


YOu are right, it was mostly Peter who was offended, although Phillip got in the way there, too. When Jesus a[ppeared to Mary before the rest of the disciples, they wouldn't believe her because she was merely a woman. Jesus set them straight.

Then they all realized that Jesus spoke to her more and told her more about God and the Heavens and she became the "Apostle to the Apostles."

There was even mention of Jesus kissing Mary on the lips. My guess that wouldn't have happened unless they were married, (but that's just me.)

oh i think you're 100% correct. but that type of dynamic wouldn't have been uncommon in that time among religious jews, nor is it today, to tell the truth. if the gospels hadn't been culled, and mary given this role of 'saved harlot'... then perhaps christianity would have been the religion to truly equalize women. but religions are run by men...

in judaism, if a woman was accused of adultery, she was reviled and cast out of the community for 10 generations. one of the reasons christianity spread as it did, was it was supposed to be more compassionate. that, of course, has been perverted among certain denominations.

jesus may have been the first feminist. :)

Indeed, he was!
YOu are right, it was mostly Peter who was offended, although Phillip got in the way there, too. When Jesus a[ppeared to Mary before the rest of the disciples, they wouldn't believe her because she was merely a woman. Jesus set them straight.

Then they all realized that Jesus spoke to her more and told her more about God and the Heavens and she became the "Apostle to the Apostles."

There was even mention of Jesus kissing Mary on the lips. My guess that wouldn't have happened unless they were married, (but that's just me.)

oh i think you're 100% correct. but that type of dynamic wouldn't have been uncommon in that time among religious jews, nor is it today, to tell the truth. if the gospels hadn't been culled, and mary given this role of 'saved harlot'... then perhaps christianity would have been the religion to truly equalize women. but religions are run by men...

in judaism, if a woman was accused of adultery, she was reviled and cast out of the community for 10 generations. one of the reasons christianity spread as it did, was it was supposed to be more compassionate. that, of course, has been perverted among certain denominations.

jesus may have been the first feminist. :)

Indeed, he was!

He's the most famous gay man in history! Indeed!
The only lesson is simply that there is now further evidence that over the last 2000 years the gospels have been manipulated for political purposes. :eusa_boohoo:

There was no question there was a selection of gospels to be contained in the Bible.
Yet, you give credence to the gospels. Which therein you believe in the miracles of Christ.

Who knows what the miracles of Christ actually were. All we know is that over thousands of years his story has been manipulated and distorted to whatever best served the current handlers political agenda. Therefore whatever current followers believe is not the same as what the apostles intended for anyone to believe.

Also, I give no credence to the gospels. All I can read from them was that Jesus, if he existed, was a good man. The rest, such as the book of revelations, has no more evidence for it being true than the Lord of the Rings.
there are Truths in the Bible but they are likewise available whether the Bible is read or not.
Shit. Old School, I'm going to give you rep, because you just got here and I have already disagreed with you twice.

In museums in Europe, the Mid-East, and North America, there exists just over 250 partial or complete papyri and manuscripts of the Greek New Testament dating from 130 AD through 700 AD. The oldest virtually complete document is the Chester Beatty Papyri dated at 250 AD. Apart from these there are an additional 5000+ Greek manuscripts dating from 700 to the 1500s.

Modern English translations are not made through a comparison of previous translations but through a careful study of this composite Greek text know to scholars as the “Nestle Greek Text”.
The Bible remains intact. and can be verified.
Jesus said:
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away".

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