Less Government, More Freedom


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Read the intro and you get lots of examples of government interference and restraint in our everyday lives. But, after all that, it gets down to the most basic of freedoms we should enjoy. They are:

We should be able to say what we want to say without fear of retribution.

We should be able to live out our convictions and worship as we please.

We should be able to protect our own homes and do what we want with our own property.

We should be able to raise our own children and make our own health decisions.

We should be able to be free from the fear that the government is watching, tracking and monitoring all of our electronic communications.

In every human heart there is a hunger to live free, and big government is the enemy of freedom.


Story @ Less Government. More Freedom. – The American Dream
Yet you want to lock people up for smoking marijuana. You people are not hypocrites as much as you are fools.

"Make our own health decisions" means "Suffer quietly without affordable health care"

Emphasis on fools...
Really? The only thing you're cutting is things that keep us from being mexico or China in quality of life. That isn't freedom idiot.

Being afraid of eating the food isn't freedom
Being afraid of drinking the water isn't freedom
Being on the street because you had to seek treatment for cancer isn't freedom.

That is all you fuckers offer and that isn't freedom.

You scream freedom but you stand by keeping the most prisoners on earth in our prisons.
You scream freedom but you ban pot
You scream freedom but you want people like me and others to be forced into the closet!

Your freedom is the kind the taliban has..

You're no freedom fighter. Coward.
People say they want less gov until it's something they don't like.
Really? The only thing you're cutting is things that keep us from being mexico or China in quality of life. That isn't freedom idiot.

Being afraid of eating the food isn't freedom
Being afraid of drinking the water isn't freedom
Being on the street because you had to seek treatment for cancer isn't freedom.

That is all you fuckers offer and that isn't freedom.

You scream freedom but you stand by keeping the most prisoners on earth in our prisons.
You scream freedom but you ban pot
You scream freedom but you want people like me and others to be forced into the closet!

Your freedom is the kind the taliban has..

You're no freedom fighter. Coward.
There are worse things than dying… Like letting the progressive federal government control your every move.
Really? The only thing you're cutting is things that keep us from being mexico or China in quality of life. That isn't freedom idiot.

Being afraid of eating the food isn't freedom
Being afraid of drinking the water isn't freedom
Being on the street because you had to seek treatment for cancer isn't freedom.

That is all you fuckers offer and that isn't freedom.

You scream freedom but you stand by keeping the most prisoners on earth in our prisons.
You scream freedom but you ban pot
You scream freedom but you want people like me and others to be forced into the closet!

Your freedom is the kind the taliban has..

You're no freedom fighter. Coward.

Fool your quality of life has sunk us $20 trillion in debt, when we can't borrow another dollar then you will know real pain and suffering.
People say they want less gov until it's something they don't like.
Quit Falling down the well... you know nothing of what you talk about.

All you do is insult because you have nothing .

Cons like you talk a lot of shit about "government surveillance " , when it was you who voted and revoted patriot act spy powers .
Really? The only thing you're cutting is things that keep us from being mexico or China in quality of life. That isn't freedom idiot.

Being afraid of eating the food isn't freedom
Being afraid of drinking the water isn't freedom
Being on the street because you had to seek treatment for cancer isn't freedom.

That is all you fuckers offer and that isn't freedom.

You scream freedom but you stand by keeping the most prisoners on earth in our prisons.
You scream freedom but you ban pot
You scream freedom but you want people like me and others to be forced into the closet!

Your freedom is the kind the taliban has..

You're no freedom fighter. Coward.

This post is unmitigated bullshit. Nobody is saying that we shouldn't have no gov't, but rather limited gov't that is less intrusive. Obviously we need to make sure the food we eat and the water we drink is safe, don't be ridiculous. If you don't like the ban on pot, then change the effing law; why didn't you guys do that when Obama was in office and you had the Senate and the House? Blame the GOP? Fucking nonsense.

Who is forcing the LGBTs into a closet? Last I heard they have the same legal rights as everyone else.

The most prisoners on earth? You sure about that? How many Chinese or Russians are in a prison somewhere and nobody knows about them? Stupidest argument I've ever heard, you like the idea of rapist and molesters going free in a short time?

To say the freedoms in this country is the same as that under the Taliban is outrageous mother fucking bullshit. Get your fucking head out of your fucking ass and get down on your knees and thank God you live in this country over anywhere else on the planet. And if you don't feel that way then haul your mother fucking ass outta here.
People say they want less gov until it's something they don't like.
Quit Falling down the well... you know nothing of what you talk about.

All you do is insult because you have nothing .

Cons like you talk a lot of shit about "government surveillance " , when it was you who voted and revoted patriot act spy powers .

LIMITED powers of surveillance by legal means is what we had before the shit of the earth was elected you want to use any means you can against political opponents, admit it liberal, you and your idols have no honor, and only want to have regalisic power to d as you wish and make all others comply with your dictatorial theft, and rape of our legal, economic and social systems. communist scum.

As for you lies about conditions in this country, They sell tickets on busses every day, boats, planes, and you can even hitch a ride if you keep clean, and look decent. So get the fuck out. letting thugs out is a major problem for people of color RACIST like you keep them in fear of imminent death within the section eight hovels you force them into RACIST. It goes on and on!!! We should be executing thugs like they do in most countries, THAT is why their prisons are not crowded their burial pits are. Stupid liberals as usual. Why not save a few black people by committing suicide.
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"Make our own health decisions". Lol, unless it's reproductive rights , pot smoking , end of life decisions .
Its not aboit More or Kess Government. Its about Properly Focused Government. The Founding Fathers pointed this out by leaving a very specific list of Government Powers in Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution.

Unfortunztely Mr Lincoln expanded both the breadth and depth of the Government's power and every administration sinxe has done the same.
Really? The only thing you're cutting is things that keep us from being mexico or China in quality of life. That isn't freedom idiot.

Being afraid of eating the food isn't freedom
Being afraid of drinking the water isn't freedom
Being on the street because you had to seek treatment for cancer isn't freedom.

That is all you fuckers offer and that isn't freedom.

You scream freedom but you stand by keeping the most prisoners on earth in our prisons.
You scream freedom but you ban pot
You scream freedom but you want people like me and others to be forced into the closet!

Your freedom is the kind the taliban has..

You're no freedom fighter. Coward.

Poor Matthew. He is upset because he wants stuff for free, and wants us to pay for it, so he is having a hissy-fit!

As far as herb------> was abortion always legal? Is it now? How was the law changed? Why aren't you trying to change the law instead of whining like a little pipsqueak! And if you can't change it, then more people disagree with you, than agree with you. Isn't that how it is supposed to work, or did someone make you the all powerful Karnak, lol! Why don't you just lobby a senator or two, to put forth a bill to legalize whatever you want? Why complain to us; and I mean that seriously. Don't you have like minded people in congress? Where is the bill to change whatever it is you want? I don't see it, and yet you come on here screaming at us who have NOTHING to do with stopping a bill that doesn't exist.

Do you realize how PHONY your whole rant is! We aren't doing ANYTHING; the funny part is...................neither are your people, now are they! You should be screaming at YOUR peeps, asking them where the legislation is. But then again, it is nothing new; leftists have always been bassackwards, and continue to be.
People say they want less gov until it's something they don't like.
Quit Falling down the well... you know nothing of what you talk about.

All you do is insult because you have nothing .

Cons like you talk a lot of shit about "government surveillance " , when it was you who voted and revoted patriot act spy powers .
I don't rely on the federal government, I see no reason to.
If you really believe in less government then stay out of my fucking business and life.

Stop forcing your religious crap on our children
Stop arresting people for smoking a herb

For starters.
See that's the problem with you progressive control freaks, you want to force your shit on everyone else. I'm a conservative libertarian I never try to push my views on you bozos.
This country would be a much better place with much, much less government… Fact
People say they want less gov until it's something they don't like.
Quit Falling down the well... you know nothing of what you talk about.

All you do is insult because you have nothing .

Cons like you talk a lot of shit about "government surveillance " , when it was you who voted and revoted patriot act spy powers .
I don't rely on the federal government, I see no reason to.

You are posting on the internet aren't ya?
If you really believe in less government then stay out of my fucking business and life.

Stop forcing your religious crap on our children
Stop arresting people for smoking a herb

For starters.
See that's the problem with you progressive control freaks, he want to force your shit on everyone else. I'm a conservative libertarian I never try to push my views on you bozos.
This country would be a much better place with much, much less government… Fact

Example ?

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