*Legalize Pot And See Mexico's Drug Cartel Make War In U.S.A.!!!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. There has been a lot of bullshit going on about making *Pot Legal* in America.
2. Guess what idiots, if it is made legal, you will see whats going on in Mexico happenning right here in America, from *Sea to Shinning Sea*.
3. Kidnappings, murders, shootings, gangland activity, so on so forth.
4. You heard it here first!
5. CWN isn't *BULLSHITTING*!!!!!
6. Get off the dope losers!!!
7. Discuss?:confused:


If pot was legalized you would see crimes go down and all that in Mexico. If it was Illegal they would see their income go straight down. And with that where does the money come from? Well.. They're broke.

Instead you'll see people here in America not risking getting into shit by buying it from a shop just like Cigarettes.

Hmm.. This topic reminds me a lot of the whole Alcohol Ban back in the 30's..
Sorry bout that,

1. Thomas, are you biased?
2. Toker?
3. Joint Bogart?
4. If thier income gets hammered, guess who they are going to hammer?

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Biased against?

I smoke pot, yes.
I prefer bowls thank you, but joints are fine too.
Hmm.. No one? You think the Cartel are going to wage war against America? :lol: Good luck with that..

Besides, who are you to say people shouldn't smoke pot? Are you against Individual Freedoms? Hmm? Hmm? Well?
Sorry bout that,

1. There has been a lot of bullshit going on about making *Pot Legal* in America.
2. Guess what idiots, if it is made legal, you will see whats going on in Mexico happenning right here in America, from *Sea to Shinning Sea*.
3. Kidnappings, murders, shootings, gangland activity, so on so forth.
4. You heard it here first!
5. CWN isn't *BULLSHITTING*!!!!!
6. Get off the dope losers!!!
7. Discuss?:confused:


1. It's not bullshit it's that "liberty" I keep hearing Glenn Beck talk about.
2. Not if we secure the border.
3. Gang activity is CREATED by prohibition we learned this in the 1920s it's basic, the only reason the shit's still illegal is fucktards like you need a reason to look down on people.
4. And last.
5. Sure is.
6. Got off years ago, should still have the right to get back on if I wanted to.
7. Indeed.

If pot was legalized you would see crimes go down and all that in Mexico. If it was Illegal they would see their income go straight down. And with that where does the money come from? Well.. They're broke.

Instead you'll see people here in America not risking getting into shit by buying it from a shop just like Cigarettes.

Hmm.. This topic reminds me a lot of the whole Alcohol Ban back in the 30's..
It is essentially the same thing -- a prohibition. And if it is repealed all of the crime associated with it will end and the free market will take over. The liquor, pharmaceutical, paper and oil industries, along with several other less influential industries, will be displaced or diminished by a legal hemp crop. And the influence of those industries on our Congress is precisely the reason why marijuana was made illegal in America and why it has been demonized by government ever since the Harrison Act was passed in 1937.
Sorry bout that,

Biased against?

I smoke pot, yes.
I prefer bowls thank you, but joints are fine too.
Hmm.. No one? You think the Cartel are going to wage war against America? :lol: Good luck with that..

Besides, who are you to say people shouldn't smoke pot? Are you against Individual Freedoms? Hmm? Hmm? Well?

1. Pot smokers don't count on this thread.
2. For being *biased*.
3. Freedom to do something that is harmful for *ALL* Americans, isn't going to float here.
4. Dopers sitting around smoking bongs, with the munchies, isn't good for America.
5. We don't need to incourage *Losers*.
6. Dopers need to get off the dope, they will have no reason too, if its legal!
7. Hey I would stop you from boarding a plane to Mecca too, even though you may not be a Christian, which I doubt you could be.
8. But they would lop your head off even faster if you were not, you may not even get off the airport grounds, before, *ZING* there goes your fucking head rolling down the side walk into a pile of camel dung.

Sorry bout that,

Biased against?

I smoke pot, yes.
I prefer bowls thank you, but joints are fine too.
Hmm.. No one? You think the Cartel are going to wage war against America? :lol: Good luck with that..

Besides, who are you to say people shouldn't smoke pot? Are you against Individual Freedoms? Hmm? Hmm? Well?

1. Pot smokers don't count on this thread.
2. For being *biased*.
3. Freedom to do something that is harmful for *ALL* Americans, isn't going to float here.
4. Dopers sitting around smoking bongs, with the munchies, isn't good for America.
5. We don't need to incourage *Losers*.
6. Dopers need to get off the dope, they will have no reason too, if its legal!
7. Hey I would stop you from boarding a plane to Mecca too, even though you may not be a Christian, which I doubt you could be.
8. But they would lop your head off even faster if you were not, you may not even get off the airport grounds, before, *ZING* there goes your fucking head rolling down the side walk into a pile of camel dung.


Pot smokers don't count? Why not? Are you some sort of Higher Being that can say who can and can't be allowed to post?

Trust me buddy, I'm more Unbiased than you. From what I've seen you too far leaning for me to actually care what you care about this issue.

So, then should we ban Alcohol, Tobacco, Fast Food chains, junk food, soda etc etc, just because it's "Harmful"? What part of Individual freedoms don't you get?

Yeah because me, a "Pot Head" who plays hockey everyday, goes to the lake almost everyday, who is going to College and the Army isn't good for America or myself for that matter... :eusa_eh:

I like to smoke pot the same way i like to have a beer.

Now you're comparing me to a muslim? what?
I'm Catholic. Problem there? Who the fuck are you to tell my I'm a Christian or not? Asswipe.

If pot was legalized you would see crimes go down and all that in Mexico. If it was Illegal they would see their income go straight down. And with that where does the money come from? Well.. They're broke.

Instead you'll see people here in America not risking getting into shit by buying it from a shop just like Cigarettes.

Hmm.. This topic reminds me a lot of the whole Alcohol Ban back in the 30's..

And the gangs would disapper, and Mexicans would treat Americans like brothers and stop invade the US, and flowers would grow in cement, and pigs would fly,......TRA LA LA LA!
I've never smoked pot. In fact, other than TV, I've never seen pot. I'm a conservative who actually believes in freedom rather than just paying it lip service. Pot should be legal, regulated and taxed just like alcohol and tobacco. All of the associated crime would disappear. True story!
Sorry about that

1. the cartels exist because the price of Pot is artificially high
2. legal, the stuff would be really very cheap. It is a weed, after all.
3. legal the cartels would go broke and go away.
4. lower profits for crime, making crime not pay, would make the crime go away

!Sir James of Texas
Legalize pot and there would be no pot related crimes. No reason to fight for the illegal drug turf when everyone can grow the stuff in their backyards
Legalize pot and there would be no pot related crimes. No reason to fight for the illegal drug turf when everyone can grow the stuff in their backyards

Yet the people who call themselves Conservative don't understand that one of their Stances is Individual Freedom.. Or, so it used to be... :eusa_whistle:
Sorry bout that,

1. Some things shouldn't be free.
2. Like freedom to suck on a tail pipe.
3. It will kill you!
4. Pots the kind of drug that sucks you back when you suck on it.
5. It removes your ambition.
6. Causes parinoia.
7. Makes life a joke.
8. Direct cause of stupidness.
9. We *Real Americans* do not partake.
10. *Losers* partake in dope.


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