Leftist, MSNBC Hosts Fantasize about "Truth Tribunal" for Trump supporters if Biden Wins


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Leftist, MSNBC Hosts Fantasize about "Truth Tribunal" for Trump supporters if Biden Wins
Members of the extreme Leftist elite are suggesting that should Biden win the presidency a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" be adopted to 'process' Trump supporters.

By Frank Salvato
A group of well-connected liberal elite is floating the idea of creating a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to process those who supported President Trump should November’s election go to Joe Biden.
This group of connected Progressives, some who held high positions in the Obama-Biden and Clinton administrations, are suggesting a Soviet-style “reprogramming” for those who do not agree with their line of thinking.
The insinuation they are making is that people who supported, voted, or worked with President Trump – a duly elected President of the United States – have somehow transgressed a societal mandate.
One such elitist is former advisor to Presidents Obama and Clinton, Robert Reich who tweeted:
When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”​
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”

Jennifer Rubin, an opinion columnist with The Washington Post, got more intense in her aggressive totalitarianism in a recent column, writing:
“They should think more about atoning for the betrayal of their country than trying to escape the consequences of enabling a liar, racist and wannabe authoritarian. There are practical reasons for employers outside the right-wing bubble to reject not only those who were the face of the administration but also those who labored behind the scenes…
“We as a country and as individuals need to decide whether those who are unremorseful, who seek no forgiveness and who admit no complicity in an administration that engaged in reprehensible conduct deserve to be welcomed back into ‘polite’ society. It seems like another moral failing on the part of Trumpers that they whine about the stigma of their tenure without shouldering any responsibility to come clean and make amends.”
There have been no comments on this issue, to date, from former Obama administration senior advisor Valerie Jarrett or former US Attorney General Eric Holder, two of the most radical among the Obama administration.
Fox News’s Tucker Carlson dove not the subject on his broadcast prefacing his interview by saying, “Every single day of this year has been yet another page torn directly from a George Orwell novel – you can’t believe what’s real, but unfortunately it is.”

Re-education camps – which were also employed by the Soviets, Nazis, and communist Chinese – was recognized by the global community as both a means of political revenge and a complex technique of repression and indoctrination.

Wow... Robert Reich making a remark like that.... Had he been born ten years earlier in Germany he would have been uthanized before his 6th birthday.
Leftists sure love gulags, aka Re-education Camps . I think they may find it hard to round people up. They will be in for the fight of thier lives. If the military sides with them, I'm sure that many within will oppose it.
These are no longer politicians of the "Democratic Party". For all intents and pruposes the "Democratic Party" no longer exists it is the Democrat Socialists of America, totally affiliated and supported by the CPUSA.
Communists in America must be destroyed in a civil war that again is a Democrat Party sell out. It’s traditional America Liberty and Freedom vs liberal Communist tyrants; game on-gloves off.
Run this by any "Boomer" such as my own parents . . . sigh . . . and they will whisper in your wake as you depart their company that their son just might be going mad, bless his heart. Such is the pushing the ten ton stone uphill task of convincing most Americans, regardless of their political "denomination" that their beloved nation under God is now a fallen country nearly united under Satanic forces.

I would imagine people felt the same way, at the collapsing moment of countless "great" empires down through human history and since time immemorial. Alas, now—in these last gasp final moments of our once "great" American empire—we too needs experience this fleeting shadow of a phantasmal need to cling for life to the "good old days"; those we lived ourselves and memories of stories of more empyreal American days lived by our parents and grandparents. What's that saying people like to toss about? Oh yes . . . "See you on the flip side."

All sides have flipped this year . . . now haven't they?

Stay safe out there, cowboys and cowgirls . . .
Leftist, MSNBC Hosts Fantasize about "Truth Tribunal" for Trump supporters if Biden Wins
Members of the extreme Leftist elite are suggesting that should Biden win the presidency a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" be adopted to 'process' Trump supporters.

By Frank Salvato
A group of well-connected liberal elite is floating the idea of creating a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to process those who supported President Trump should November’s election go to Joe Biden.
This group of connected Progressives, some who held high positions in the Obama-Biden and Clinton administrations, are suggesting a Soviet-style “reprogramming” for those who do not agree with their line of thinking.
The insinuation they are making is that people who supported, voted, or worked with President Trump – a duly elected President of the United States – have somehow transgressed a societal mandate.
One such elitist is former advisor to Presidents Obama and Clinton, Robert Reich who tweeted:
When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”​
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”

Jennifer Rubin, an opinion columnist with The Washington Post, got more intense in her aggressive totalitarianism in a recent column, writing:
“They should think more about atoning for the betrayal of their country than trying to escape the consequences of enabling a liar, racist and wannabe authoritarian. There are practical reasons for employers outside the right-wing bubble to reject not only those who were the face of the administration but also those who labored behind the scenes…
“We as a country and as individuals need to decide whether those who are unremorseful, who seek no forgiveness and who admit no complicity in an administration that engaged in reprehensible conduct deserve to be welcomed back into ‘polite’ society. It seems like another moral failing on the part of Trumpers that they whine about the stigma of their tenure without shouldering any responsibility to come clean and make amends.”
There have been no comments on this issue, to date, from former Obama administration senior advisor Valerie Jarrett or former US Attorney General Eric Holder, two of the most radical among the Obama administration.
Fox News’s Tucker Carlson dove not the subject on his broadcast prefacing his interview by saying, “Every single day of this year has been yet another page torn directly from a George Orwell novel – you can’t believe what’s real, but unfortunately it is.”

Re-education camps – which were also employed by the Soviets, Nazis, and communist Chinese – was recognized by the global community as both a means of political revenge and a complex technique of repression and indoctrination.

Wow... Robert Reich making a remark like that.... Had he been born ten years earlier in Germany he would have been uthanized before his 6th birthday.
Leftists sure love gulags, aka Re-education Camps . I think they may find it hard to round people up. They will be in for the fight of thier lives. If the military sides with them, I'm sure that many within will oppose it.
These are no longer politicians of the "Democratic Party". For all intents and pruposes the "Democratic Party" no longer exists it is the Democrat Socialists of America, totally affiliated and supported by the CPUSA.
Communists in America must be destroyed in a civil war that again is a Democrat Party sell out. It’s traditional America Liberty and Freedom vs liberal Communist tyrants; game on-gloves off.

Chris Hayes would feel right at home running a re-education camp for Pol Pot, Chairman Mao or Comrade Stalin!
Leftist, MSNBC Hosts Fantasize about "Truth Tribunal" for Trump supporters if Biden Wins
Members of the extreme Leftist elite are suggesting that should Biden win the presidency a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" be adopted to 'process' Trump supporters.

By Frank Salvato
A group of well-connected liberal elite is floating the idea of creating a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to process those who supported President Trump should November’s election go to Joe Biden.
This group of connected Progressives, some who held high positions in the Obama-Biden and Clinton administrations, are suggesting a Soviet-style “reprogramming” for those who do not agree with their line of thinking.
The insinuation they are making is that people who supported, voted, or worked with President Trump – a duly elected President of the United States – have somehow transgressed a societal mandate.
One such elitist is former advisor to Presidents Obama and Clinton, Robert Reich who tweeted:
When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”​
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”

Jennifer Rubin, an opinion columnist with The Washington Post, got more intense in her aggressive totalitarianism in a recent column, writing:
“They should think more about atoning for the betrayal of their country than trying to escape the consequences of enabling a liar, racist and wannabe authoritarian. There are practical reasons for employers outside the right-wing bubble to reject not only those who were the face of the administration but also those who labored behind the scenes…
“We as a country and as individuals need to decide whether those who are unremorseful, who seek no forgiveness and who admit no complicity in an administration that engaged in reprehensible conduct deserve to be welcomed back into ‘polite’ society. It seems like another moral failing on the part of Trumpers that they whine about the stigma of their tenure without shouldering any responsibility to come clean and make amends.”
There have been no comments on this issue, to date, from former Obama administration senior advisor Valerie Jarrett or former US Attorney General Eric Holder, two of the most radical among the Obama administration.
Fox News’s Tucker Carlson dove not the subject on his broadcast prefacing his interview by saying, “Every single day of this year has been yet another page torn directly from a George Orwell novel – you can’t believe what’s real, but unfortunately it is.”

Re-education camps – which were also employed by the Soviets, Nazis, and communist Chinese – was recognized by the global community as both a means of political revenge and a complex technique of repression and indoctrination.

Wow... Robert Reich making a remark like that.... Had he been born ten years earlier in Germany he would have been uthanized before his 6th birthday.
Leftists sure love gulags, aka Re-education Camps . I think they may find it hard to round people up. They will be in for the fight of thier lives. If the military sides with them, I'm sure that many within will oppose it.
These are no longer politicians of the "Democratic Party". For all intents and pruposes the "Democratic Party" no longer exists it is the Democrat Socialists of America, totally affiliated and supported by the CPUSA.
Communists in America must be destroyed in a civil war that again is a Democrat Party sell out. It’s traditional America Liberty and Freedom vs liberal Communist tyrants; game on-gloves off.

I walked out of an airport next to Reich one time. I was shocked at how small he was. I'd love to be in that position again.

I'll bet I could get my leg high enough to squash his sorry left wing ass flat.
Run this by any "Boomer" such as my own parents . . . sigh . . . and they will whisper in your wake as you depart their company that their son just might be going mad, bless his heart. Such is the pushing the ten ton stone uphill task of convincing most Americans, regardless of their political "denomination" that their beloved nation under God is now a fallen country nearly united under Satanic forces.

I would imagine people felt the same way, at the collapsing moment of countless "great" empires down through human history and since time immemorial. Alas, now—in these last gasp final moments of our once "great" American empire—we too needs experience this fleeting shadow of a phantasmal need to cling for life to the "good old days"; those we lived ourselves and memories of stories of more empyreal American days lived by our parents and grandparents. What's that saying people like to toss about? Oh yes . . . "See you on the flip side."

All sides have flipped this year . . . now haven't they?

Stay safe out there, cowboys and cowgirls . . .

Yep, keep your gun clean and oiled and your powder dry.
Leftist, MSNBC Hosts Fantasize about "Truth Tribunal" for Trump supporters if Biden Wins
Members of the extreme Leftist elite are suggesting that should Biden win the presidency a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" be adopted to 'process' Trump supporters.

By Frank Salvato
A group of well-connected liberal elite is floating the idea of creating a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to process those who supported President Trump should November’s election go to Joe Biden.
This group of connected Progressives, some who held high positions in the Obama-Biden and Clinton administrations, are suggesting a Soviet-style “reprogramming” for those who do not agree with their line of thinking.
The insinuation they are making is that people who supported, voted, or worked with President Trump – a duly elected President of the United States – have somehow transgressed a societal mandate.
One such elitist is former advisor to Presidents Obama and Clinton, Robert Reich who tweeted:
When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”​
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”

Jennifer Rubin, an opinion columnist with The Washington Post, got more intense in her aggressive totalitarianism in a recent column, writing:
“They should think more about atoning for the betrayal of their country than trying to escape the consequences of enabling a liar, racist and wannabe authoritarian. There are practical reasons for employers outside the right-wing bubble to reject not only those who were the face of the administration but also those who labored behind the scenes…
“We as a country and as individuals need to decide whether those who are unremorseful, who seek no forgiveness and who admit no complicity in an administration that engaged in reprehensible conduct deserve to be welcomed back into ‘polite’ society. It seems like another moral failing on the part of Trumpers that they whine about the stigma of their tenure without shouldering any responsibility to come clean and make amends.”
There have been no comments on this issue, to date, from former Obama administration senior advisor Valerie Jarrett or former US Attorney General Eric Holder, two of the most radical among the Obama administration.
Fox News’s Tucker Carlson dove not the subject on his broadcast prefacing his interview by saying, “Every single day of this year has been yet another page torn directly from a George Orwell novel – you can’t believe what’s real, but unfortunately it is.”

Re-education camps – which were also employed by the Soviets, Nazis, and communist Chinese – was recognized by the global community as both a means of political revenge and a complex technique of repression and indoctrination.

Wow... Robert Reich making a remark like that.... Had he been born ten years earlier in Germany he would have been uthanized before his 6th birthday.
Leftists sure love gulags, aka Re-education Camps . I think they may find it hard to round people up. They will be in for the fight of thier lives. If the military sides with them, I'm sure that many within will oppose it.
These are no longer politicians of the "Democratic Party". For all intents and pruposes the "Democratic Party" no longer exists it is the Democrat Socialists of America, totally affiliated and supported by the CPUSA.
Communists in America must be destroyed in a civil war that again is a Democrat Party sell out. It’s traditional America Liberty and Freedom vs liberal Communist tyrants; game on-gloves off.

Reich is a CFR member, a globalist and a commie....no surprise that he would tout that kind of bullshit.
I used to think Pinochet was a bad guy....sigh.
Cue Frank’s wet dream fantasy about helicopters.

Throwing leftists out of helicopters is a horrible thing. It's messy, wasteful, and even with the low fuel prices these days, the maintenance on those copters is pretty expensive.

I would suggest compost bins instead. That way, the leftists would be putting something back into the Earth.

Ecology, man. It's the wave of the future. You know, "feed the children" and all that. Come on man. Know whut I mean?
Last edited:
Leftist, MSNBC Hosts Fantasize about "Truth Tribunal" for Trump supporters if Biden Wins
Members of the extreme Leftist elite are suggesting that should Biden win the presidency a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" be adopted to 'process' Trump supporters.

By Frank Salvato
A group of well-connected liberal elite is floating the idea of creating a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to process those who supported President Trump should November’s election go to Joe Biden.
This group of connected Progressives, some who held high positions in the Obama-Biden and Clinton administrations, are suggesting a Soviet-style “reprogramming” for those who do not agree with their line of thinking.
The insinuation they are making is that people who supported, voted, or worked with President Trump – a duly elected President of the United States – have somehow transgressed a societal mandate.
One such elitist is former advisor to Presidents Obama and Clinton, Robert Reich who tweeted:
When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”​
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”​
Reich’s position on the creation of this “commission” is tantamount to political retaliation for the “crime” of “wrongthink.”
Joining Reich on his call for ideologically re-wiring half the nation is MSNBC’s Sean Hayes who tweeted, “The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”

Jennifer Rubin, an opinion columnist with The Washington Post, got more intense in her aggressive totalitarianism in a recent column, writing:
“They should think more about atoning for the betrayal of their country than trying to escape the consequences of enabling a liar, racist and wannabe authoritarian. There are practical reasons for employers outside the right-wing bubble to reject not only those who were the face of the administration but also those who labored behind the scenes…
“We as a country and as individuals need to decide whether those who are unremorseful, who seek no forgiveness and who admit no complicity in an administration that engaged in reprehensible conduct deserve to be welcomed back into ‘polite’ society. It seems like another moral failing on the part of Trumpers that they whine about the stigma of their tenure without shouldering any responsibility to come clean and make amends.”
There have been no comments on this issue, to date, from former Obama administration senior advisor Valerie Jarrett or former US Attorney General Eric Holder, two of the most radical among the Obama administration.
Fox News’s Tucker Carlson dove not the subject on his broadcast prefacing his interview by saying, “Every single day of this year has been yet another page torn directly from a George Orwell novel – you can’t believe what’s real, but unfortunately it is.”

Re-education camps – which were also employed by the Soviets, Nazis, and communist Chinese – was recognized by the global community as both a means of political revenge and a complex technique of repression and indoctrination.

Wow... Robert Reich making a remark like that.... Had he been born ten years earlier in Germany he would have been uthanized before his 6th birthday.
Leftists sure love gulags, aka Re-education Camps . I think they may find it hard to round people up. They will be in for the fight of thier lives. If the military sides with them, I'm sure that many within will oppose it.
These are no longer politicians of the "Democratic Party". For all intents and pruposes the "Democratic Party" no longer exists it is the Democrat Socialists of America, totally affiliated and supported by the CPUSA.
Communists in America must be destroyed in a civil war that again is a Democrat Party sell out. It’s traditional America Liberty and Freedom vs liberal Communist tyrants; game on-gloves off.

I walked out of an airport next to Reich one time. I was shocked at how small he was. I'd love to be in that position again.

I'll bet I could get my leg high enough to squash his sorry left wing ass flat.

That's why I claimed that if Reich had born in 1936 he would have been euthanized by the time he was six. in Nazi Germany...

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