Leftist, liberal, marxist do you really went the rich to be taxed more?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Leftist do you really think that it's fair to tax someone at a higher percentage just because they have more of it? I don't think it's fair as I believe we should all pay a equal percentage...Once we start taxing someone at a higher percentage, because they have more-- then you get into problems of fairness that can led to big problems that have occurred throughout history(USSR, Cuba, Kenya, China, ect). It is only right that everyone get taxed fairly for the things that we enjoy within our country---Defense, pavement for our roads, ect.

It is about fairness. If things are fair then there is less hatred towards each other and more peace.:cool:
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Leftist do you really think that it's fair to tax someone at a higher percentage just because they have more of it?


Per the GOP, the wealthy people in this country are the job creators, and if they can give you a job they can take it away. Which is what we have seen over the past few years. If you tax everyone the same percentage, you're basically saying that power is free. Whoever gets it, can exercise it as they see fit with zero cost and zero repercussions.

I disagree with that assessment. Having that kind of power can have a very negative impact on the country as a whole. That power should not be free.

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