Left-Wing Icon Daniel Ellsberg: 'Obama Deceives the Public'


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Pacific Northwest
'Obama Deceives the Public'

Daniel Ellsberg, legendary leaker of the "Pentagon Papers" in 1971, still has a bone to pick with the White House. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, the 79-year-old peace activist accuses President Obama of betraying his election promises -- in Iraq, in Afghanistan and on civil liberties.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. Ellsberg, you're a hero and an icon of the left. But we hear you're not too happy with President Obama anymore.

Ellsberg: I think Obama is continuing the worst of the Bush administration in terms of civil liberties, violations of the constitution and the wars in the Middle East.

Read more:

Left-Wing Icon Daniel Ellsberg: 'Obama Deceives the Public' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Obama IS the Great Uniter - just not in the way he HOPED!
I predicted it was only a matter of time before the Left turned against him.

The problem is that Obama ran on being everything to everyone. To moderates he was a moderate who promised no tax increases and a health care plan that would let you keep everything like it was. To leftists he promised a new era in international relations. His mouth wrote checks that his ass couldn't possibly cash. And now it's all coming home to roost.
Mark my words, "I didn't offer that man a job", will be an epic catch phrase.
The syntax needs to be modified:

"I did not have job offer discussions with that man, Mr. XXX."
And don't forget:

"There is not a job offer, an improper job offer or any other kind of improper job offer discussion."
There's a difference between having a healthy dose of self-confidence and suffering from a pathological narcissistic personality disorder.

Just sayin'.
so what is it, loons?

too far left or too far right?

i figure if all you extremist idiots don't like him, he's doing something properly.


Then Bush was a smash hit! Thanks for the clarification.. Babe. :lol:

do you really think ANYONE who thinks they can be leader of the free world is humble?


Can you tell any other person who thought he could be leader of the Free World who wrote 2 autobiographies before he was 40? That is something way beyond self confidence.
so what is it, loons?

too far left or too far right?

i figure if all you extremist idiots don't like him, he's doing something properly.


At an approval rate of 50%, it means 25% on either end aren't happy. That sounds like you are saying half of the people in the US are loons.

0bama has managed to blend the worst aspects of Bush, with the wars and all AND runaway socialism. He is too everything all at once.
Obama is the unholy splicing of the worst qualities of Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and Bush II.

It ain't pretty.
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CaféAuLait;2393875 said:
'Obama Deceives the Public'

Daniel Ellsberg, legendary leaker of the "Pentagon Papers" in 1971, still has a bone to pick with the White House. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, the 79-year-old peace activist accuses President Obama of betraying his election promises -- in Iraq, in Afghanistan and on civil liberties.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. Ellsberg, you're a hero and an icon of the left. But we hear you're not too happy with President Obama anymore.

Ellsberg: I think Obama is continuing the worst of the Bush administration in terms of civil liberties, violations of the constitution and the wars in the Middle East.

Read more:

Left-Wing Icon Daniel Ellsberg: 'Obama Deceives the Public' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
So, Obama isn't far enough Left for you?
Odd, Daniel simply believes Obama is following the same wrong steps as Bush in many cases. Yet the righties applaud Daniel as they vote for Bush.

Something is not adding up here. :eusa_eh:

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