Left-Wing Fags Get Owned in Britain


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Last Sunday Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP, and his family were harrassed by a horde of the great unwashed while they ate dinner in a pub in Kent. Their table was mobbed, his children scared out of their wits and his car climbed all over in an attempt at preventing him (and his family) from leaving the scene.

Well, members of Britain's right wing confronted the ringleaders on their doorstep this week. Witness what utter cowards leftists are when the tables are turned on them. The guy with the long hair is visibly shaking at the end of the video.

So is UKIP a far right party?

According to the media. But that wasn't UKIP acting in the video. They were members of Britain First, a campaign/pressure group who all sympathise with UKIP and real right-wing policies, as opposed to the false promises proposed by the so-called Conservative Party.
Love it, we need to do that here. About time the leftist here are shut down.

You can easily replicate Britain First in the U.S., and you had the Tea Party. Except that posed a threat to the Republicans, who slowly co-opted the Tea Party. Take a leaf out of UKIP and Britain First's books: don't work with or trust mainstream conservatism. It pays dividends.
Love it, we need to do that here. About time the leftist here are shut down.
Neither of you two punks have the balls to do anything except anonymously post on an internet message board.
Confrontational, militant faggots accusing some to post anonymously when the post the same way…. hahahaha….
They go out in numbers to intimidate peaceful people…. then they hide when they face equal force…. what a bunch of lowlifes!
Love it, we need to do that here. About time the leftist here are shut down.
Neither of you two punks have the balls to do anything except anonymously post on an internet message board.

Post your address.
Come on you know it won't happen. Their kind like to hide.

I think if my family were to be ambushed like that family was, that door would not have stopped me. I've already spent time in prison for going after a person that harmed my daughter, charged with aggravated assault w/intent. And yes, my intent was to kill the fucker and I admitted as much to the judge who sentenced me to five years. I would not hesitate to do it again.
Love it, we need to do that here. About time the leftist here are shut down.
Neither of you two punks have the balls to do anything except anonymously post on an internet message board.

Post your address.
Come on you know it won't happen. Their kind like to hide.

I think if my family were to be ambushed like that family was, that door would not have stopped me. I've already spent time in prison for going after a person that harmed my daughter, charged with aggravated assault w/intent. And yes, my intent was to kill the fucker and I admitted as much to the judge who sentenced me to five years. I would not hesitate to do it again.
Apparently, LIBERAL JUSTICE was "served" in your case. Them SOBs are winning but that's the fault of the citizenry.
Love it, we need to do that here. About time the leftist here are shut down.
Neither of you two punks have the balls to do anything except anonymously post on an internet message board.

Post your address.
Come on you know it won't happen. Their kind like to hide.

I think if my family were to be ambushed like that family was, that door would not have stopped me. I've already spent time in prison for going after a person that harmed my daughter, charged with aggravated assault w/intent. And yes, my intent was to kill the fucker and I admitted as much to the judge who sentenced me to five years. I would not hesitate to do it again.
Apparently, LIBERAL JUSTICE was "served" in your case. Them SOBs are winning but that's the fault of the citizenry.

Justice would have been me killing the SOB and getting a medal.
Neither of you two punks have the balls to do anything except anonymously post on an internet message board.

Post your address.
Come on you know it won't happen. Their kind like to hide.

I think if my family were to be ambushed like that family was, that door would not have stopped me. I've already spent time in prison for going after a person that harmed my daughter, charged with aggravated assault w/intent. And yes, my intent was to kill the fucker and I admitted as much to the judge who sentenced me to five years. I would not hesitate to do it again.
Apparently, LIBERAL JUSTICE was "served" in your case. Them SOBs are winning but that's the fault of the citizenry.

Justice would have been me killing the SOB and getting a medal.
No medal, just justice done for justice's sake. :)
Check-out these cowards/misfits (especially the queer at the end) in their "harrowing" account of what happened when Britain First paid a visit.

At least Britain First shouldn't have too much trouble getting members...

So is UKIP a far right party?
Yep. Many of their candidates have been exposed as openly racist or homophobic, and the party itself has unofficial ties to neo nazi groups.

UKIP as a party have some silly idea that leaving the EU would make all the UK's problems away, and that banning immigration would fix their economic problems - even though immigration is the only thing filling skills shortages.*

They never have a hope of ever getting real political power, as they are blocked fortunately by the Liberal Democrats, Labour, and at times the Conservatives.

They can wail all they want, but UKIP is a small fry in UK politics, and that is how things will stay.

*The UK has a bad economy, and its immigration barriers won't let English speaking 'colonials' in, so wonder how they will fill skill shortages with no immigration.

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