Leave it to Trump, to take a much anticipated weekend for tax payers to eff that up too!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
If you are a hard workin do or die tax payer living in America until the Trump regime, expect every gotdamned weekend for this lazy good for nothing big mouth white tweetin mf to fuck that up for you, with a racist tweet about something you did or didn't do.

First weekend attack was against Muslims,bitch hadn't been in office a hot fuckin minute
Then it was Obama, then came attacks against women, then came the transgenders, now its back to the blacks and on and on and on and on.....everybody works hard during the week to enjoy the weekend to rest, watch sports party, just chill...but not in Trumps america....its watch your back, the whites are pissed again about some'tem!!
If you are a hard workin do or die tax payer living in America until the Trump regime, expect every gotdamned weekend for this lazy good for nothing big mouth white tweetin mf to fuck that up for you, with a racist tweet about something you did or didn't do.

First weekend attack was against Muslims,bitch hadn't been in office a hot fuckin minute
Then it was Obama, then came attacks against women, then came the transgenders, now its back to the blacks and on and on and on and on.....everybody works hard during the week to enjoy the weekend to rest, watch sports party, just chill...but not in Trumps america....its watch your back, the whites are pissed again about some'tem!!

Trump duped his feeble minded base again by making this about the flag, anthem & soldiers.

More & more, the Mueller investigation is closing on on Trump. Trump got help from the Russians, and his base is OK with that.

Trump called POWs non heroes & expressed his dislike for them. Yet him base loved it.

Trump called John McCain a non hero, his base loved him for him.

Yet a few NFL players protest police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem, and the Orange Pillsbury Doughboy explodes with a hate filled rant & his base loves it.

So, this draft dodging, veteran disrespecting, supporter of police brutality calls some NFL layers as soldier haters, his base is actually dumb enough to ignore Trump's true history & blame the NFL.

It is not NK, Russia, ISIS that threaten America, it is this contingent of our citizenry that this is fucking stupid that let a man that actually was disrespectful to our soldiers dupe them into taking a protest about police brutality to be disrespectful of our country.

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