Lawyer Essawi freed along with her two brothers from Israeli jails

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authorities has released Thursday Palestinian lawyer Sherien Essawi and her two brothers from jail after the Israeli prosecution failed to prove any charges against them.

The IOA charged the three siblings with passing Hamas money to Palestinian prisoners from the Gaza Strip who were denied family visits for years now.

The Israeli central court decided to release the three Palestinians after their lawyer filed a petition urging their immediate release after the prosecutor failed to prove the charges against them despite the passage of one year since they were arrested.

Lawyer Essawi freed along with her two brothers from Israeli jails
The Israeli occupation authorities has released Thursday Palestinian lawyer Sherien Essawi and her two brothers from jail after the Israeli prosecution failed to prove any charges against them.
Occupational arab drivel aside, isn't ashamed of praising the israeli justice system?

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