Law abiding citizens with guns


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


Shot and killed his wife and daughter and then blew him self up. Well he was a law abiding citizen until he murdered his wife and daughter.
Zimmerman was a abiding citizenship with a gun until he targeted, stalked and murdered an unarmed teenager. Guns in the hand of law abiding citizens get into the wrong hands and kills innocent people.
Stand our Ground law is a license to legally kill. Provoke someone you want to off and when he attack you, you can kill him and claim self defense because you “felt” your life are in danger.
Thousand of guns are in the hand of law abiding white militia groups who want the take the country back and turn it white again. But it never was white.
Trayvon was not a threat to Zimmerman life and he know it. A lanky 140lb kid without even a boy scout knife. Zimmerman could have fought back with the hand that held the gun and pulled the trigger. He chose not to and he took a teenagers life. Trayvon’s parents did not lose their child. Zimmerman shot and killed him and an apology not stating that is not a apology. Trayvon is dead and not lost.

Stand our Ground law is a license to legally kill. Provoke someone you want to off and when he attack you, you can kill him and claim self defense because you “felt” your life are in danger.

The stand your ground law is an affirmation of your right to defend your self from assault. Slam MY head into the pavement several times, and I'm going to ventilate your ass.
Thank goodness we have a small minority who do not act irresponsible with their guns.
Yet the left want to get rid of, all of our guns when the few are abusive.

Stand your Ground Law is a license to legally kill? Or actually the right to defend you own life?
Depends on your point of view. Our Constitution gives Americans the right to defend themselves.

White militia groups are not law abider's. The majority of them are always in trouble with the law.

If stand your ground law is a license to legally kill, then abortion rights are also a license to legally kill an innocent who can not speak for their right to live.
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Shot and killed his wife and daughter and then blew him self up. Well he was a law abiding citizen until he murdered his wife and daughter.
Zimmerman was a abiding citizenship with a gun until he targeted, stalked and murdered an unarmed teenager. Guns in the hand of law abiding citizens get into the wrong hands and kills innocent people.
Stand our Ground law is a license to legally kill. Provoke someone you want to off and when he attack you, you can kill him and claim self defense because you “felt” your life are in danger.
Thousand of guns are in the hand of law abiding white militia groups who want the take the country back and turn it white again. But it never was white.
Trayvon was not a threat to Zimmerman life and he know it. A lanky 140lb kid without even a boy scout knife. Zimmerman could have fought back with the hand that held the gun and pulled the trigger. He chose not to and he took a teenagers life. Trayvon’s parents did not lose their child. Zimmerman shot and killed him and an apology not stating that is not a apology. Trayvon is dead and not lost.

Number one, I don't give a rat's ass about Trayvon Martin. You don't know what George Zimmerman could or could not have done because you weren't there so shut the fuck up. Who the hell made you judge, jury, and executioner you old bat?

Two, because there are some people legally in possession of a gun who kill people with them that some how means nobody should be able to legally have them? Your logic is beyond retarded, but so are you. I guess we should get rid of automobiles because law abiding citizens have used them as weapons too. Same for kitchen knives, baseball bats, pretty much any object heavy and blunt.

Third, how many gun crimes are carried out with "illegal" guns versus those that are "legally" in someone's possession? That's probably too much work for someone with your limited intelligence, huh.


Shot and killed his wife and daughter and then blew him self up. Well he was a law abiding citizen until he murdered his wife and daughter.
Zimmerman was a abiding citizenship with a gun until he targeted, stalked and murdered an unarmed teenager. Guns in the hand of law abiding citizens get into the wrong hands and kills innocent people.
Stand our Ground law is a license to legally kill. Provoke someone you want to off and when he attack you, you can kill him and claim self defense because you “felt” your life are in danger.
Thousand of guns are in the hand of law abiding white militia groups who want the take the country back and turn it white again. But it never was white.
Trayvon was not a threat to Zimmerman life and he know it. A lanky 140lb kid without even a boy scout knife. Zimmerman could have fought back with the hand that held the gun and pulled the trigger. He chose not to and he took a teenagers life. Trayvon’s parents did not lose their child. Zimmerman shot and killed him and an apology not stating that is not a apology. Trayvon is dead and not lost.

That a civil right might be potentially abused is not justification for its preemption; one goes to jail after yelling ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater, not before.

As for SYG, it comports with the Constitutional right to self-defense; the problem is not SYG, but citizens’ ignorance of the law.

It’s incumbent upon every responsible gun owner in a SYG jurisdiction to learn the law as it pertains to that jurisdiction.
This man was a law abiding citizen before he committed this act.

'Hero' whose stepdaughter was burned in fire is jailed - after he admits he actually raped her, sprayed her with lighter fluid and set her alight

Man gets life sentence for raping step-daughter, 10, dousing her in lighter fluid and setting her on fire | Mail Online

Do we ban lighter fluid now? :eusa_whistle:

This man was highly regarded in his community and a law abiding citizen before he carried out this heinous act.

New York TV executive beheaded wife, court finds
08/02/11 807 Views No Comments

A PAKISTANI-BORN American TV executive has been founded guilty of murder after a court ruled that he had beheaded his wife in what has been described as a “final act of dominance and control”.

Do we now ban knives?:eusa_whistle:

This man beat a woman with a hammer. Do we now ban tools? Then he choked and stabbed her. And cut out her heart and lungs.

The point of bringing up this man is he would never ever have been able to get a gun thru legal chanels; but did that hold him back from commiting this vicious murder?

Why no it didn't did it? :eusa_whistle:

A 'raging psychopath' who beat a woman with a hammer before carving out her heart and lungs has been jailed for almost 30 years.

Huang Chen followed Qian Wu, 46, to her Queens apartment where he hit her with the hammer 30 times and stabbed her repeatedly before choking her to death with a plastic rope.

Read more: 'Raging psychopath' who beat a woman with a hammer before carving out her heart and lungs is jailed for 29 years | Mail Online

Classic old saying and it applies to murderous intent as well.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Guns are not the issue.
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Likewise, for Zimmerman, SYG doesn’t come into play, it would be a mistake to put SYG ‘on trial’ with Zimmerman, he’ll use the statue as part of his defense, but will be judged in the context of that law, and his possible ignorance of it will not be an excuse.
Likewise, for Zimmerman, SYG doesn’t come into play, it would be a mistake to put SYG ‘on trial’ with Zimmerman, he’ll use the statue as part of his defense, but will be judged in the context of that law, and his possible ignorance of it will not be an excuse.

At trial will there be any onus for the Defense to prove this was a situation of self defense? How will this work?
Typical murkin.He shoulda just blown the fucker away.
Now this idiot will get charged with attempted murder and the tax payer will support it for the next 50 years.

No he won't, but you already knew that.

By the time officers arrived the suspect had been subdued by employees and shoppers. Police had high praise for gun carrying man who ended the hysteria. Lt. Brian Purvis said, "This was a volatile situation that could have gotten worse. We can only assume from what we saw it could have gotten worse. He was definitely in the right place at the right time."
How would all of you gun folks feel about a gun in every car? EVERY car has a gun in it.
What do you think would be most likely to happen?

Four people were shot on the freeway in Carson last week. Some cars have guns! Criminals have guns. They will always have guns. Criminals cannot be disarmed, only law abiding citizens can be disarmed.

If EVERY car had a gun in it, perhaps one or two criminals might think twice about taking pot shots at other cars.

Just having a guns in cars or homes or on the street isn't good enough. It would require a blanket of publicity. Criminals generally choose a victim assuming that victim is unarmed or otherwise unable to fight back.
Likewise, for Zimmerman, SYG doesn’t come into play, it would be a mistake to put SYG ‘on trial’ with Zimmerman, he’ll use the statue as part of his defense, but will be judged in the context of that law, and his possible ignorance of it will not be an excuse.

At trial will there be any onus for the Defense to prove this was a situation of self defense? How will this work?

Self defense is an affirmative defense, which means that the burden is on the defense to establish it. The burden of proof is less than beyond a reasonable doubt - usually by a preponderence of the evidence or by "clear and convincing evidence," depending on the particular jurisdiction (state) involved.
How would all of you gun folks feel about a gun in every car? EVERY car has a gun in it.
What do you think would be most likely to happen?

Four people were shot on the freeway in Carson last week. Some cars have guns! Criminals have guns. They will always have guns. Criminals cannot be disarmed, only law abiding citizens can be disarmed.

If EVERY car had a gun in it, perhaps one or two criminals might think twice about taking pot shots at other cars.

Just having a guns in cars or homes or on the street isn't good enough. It would require a blanket of publicity. Criminals generally choose a victim assuming that victim is unarmed or otherwise unable to fight back.

Arguing gun usage is like arguing the death penalty or abortion. You are either for it or against it and no one is going to change your mind.

I am against citizens carrying guns because I believe that much more harm would result than if they were prevented from carrying guns. We have enough road rage as it is, without adding guns to the mix.

Just my view.
I carry when I take the dog for a walk and I have for years. I used to live in a very high crime area, you'd be surprised how pleasant people can be when they know that you aren't happy to see them, that really is a pistol in your pocket. The one time I took a chance, on a Sunday afternoon, an 18 year old gang banger put a gun to my head and stole my car. I wouldn't go so far as to take out the trash without being armed.

Road rage isn't the problem, assuming everyone is defenseless is the problem.
How would all of you gun folks feel about a gun in every car? EVERY car has a gun in it.
What do you think would be most likely to happen?

Four people were shot on the freeway in Carson last week. Some cars have guns! Criminals have guns. They will always have guns. Criminals cannot be disarmed, only law abiding citizens can be disarmed.

If EVERY car had a gun in it, perhaps one or two criminals might think twice about taking pot shots at other cars.

Just having a guns in cars or homes or on the street isn't good enough. It would require a blanket of publicity. Criminals generally choose a victim assuming that victim is unarmed or otherwise unable to fight back.

Arguing gun usage is like arguing the death penalty or abortion. You are either for it or against it and no one is going to change your mind.

I am against citizens carrying guns because I believe that much more harm would result than if they were prevented from carrying guns. We have enough road rage as it is, without adding guns to the mix.

Just my view.

And the fact your view is simply wrong means nothing right? I mean you people made that argument in every State that has since legalized citizen carry, both open and concealed. Claiming the State would devolve into the old west with shoot outs on every street corner. And yet it simply has NOT HAPPENED. NOT ANYWHERE.

As a Lawyer you sure have a hard time with facts.
It might be the difference between a public defender and a private criminal defense attorney. The criminals that I know personally, and some have become friends after a sort, assess victims. If they feel that the victim might be armed or a householder armed, they'll go for someone less agressive.

Paramount California is a high crime city. Very low income, gang infested. Mid Paramount is a little senior citizen trailer park. Old coaches with even older residents. There has never been a crime in this trailer park. No thefts, no muggings, no assaults. Nothing. It's not even gated. Every home advertises in some way that security is provided by Smith & Wesson, or Ruger, or something, even plastered with NRA stickers on the windows.

Any little criminal knows that he would be immediately surrounded. He'd never get out alive and likely wouldn't take another step.

I recall one hand lettered sign. "I shoot to wound, but I'm 80 and my eyesight's bad."
Claiming the State would devolve into the old west with shoot outs on every street corner. And yet it simply has NOT HAPPENED. NOT ANYWHERE.

And it actually didn't happen that much in the old west either. That's more of a Hollywood fabrication.

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