Latest polling between Obama and Candidates


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Latest polling between Obama and Candidates''

Latest Polls

Average of all polls (11/29 - 12/7):

Iowa Gingrich average pts. +12.6

New Hampshire Romney average pts. +11.2

South Carolina Gingrich average pts. +19.3

Generic Osama vs. Republican candidate (11/28 - 12/4; Rasmussen) Republican +8

Obama vs. Romney (12/5 -12/9) Romney +3 Obama +2
Obama vs. Gingrich (12/5-12/7) Obama +5.5

What does this say to you?

I believe these should be more current, but take what you can from the info.

It would appear that Gingrich has a lock on Iowa and South Carolina. Romney has a more moderate lock on New Hampshire, but has been lead has dwindled from past polls. Still a lock, however.

The latest polls says the Republicans have a generic lead in the polls but when they assign a candidate to the polling, the lead dwindles and sways to Obama in the case of Gingrich. Wonder what the margin of error is in these polls? Didn’t say.

The more interesting statistics may be coming. What kind of influence will Ron Paul have in the equation when the determination will be between the incumbent and the nominee?

What kind of impact will the independent voters have? Will disenfranchised Democrats stay home rather than vote for a Republican? Will disenfranchised Romney supporters or anti Gingrich voters opt out of voting if Gingrich gets the nomination? How strong is there an anti Gingrich movement in the Republican base? Likewise with Romney and the elitism and religious concerns continue.

Will Paul be the spoiler?

The most threatening statistics for either candidate will come out after the Obama and the nominee debates begin. How many will there be? Anytime or repeated debates for recovery of either candidate after poor performances?

Since Gingrich and Romney have more experience this past year in debating, will Obama agree to fewer debates?

Questions, questions. What will the future bring?
Latest polling between Obama and Candidates''

Latest Polls

Average of all polls (11/29 - 12/7):

Iowa Gingrich average pts. +12.6

New Hampshire Romney average pts. +11.2

South Carolina Gingrich average pts. +19.3

Generic Osama vs. Republican candidate (11/28 - 12/4; Rasmussen) Republican +8

Obama vs. Romney (12/5 -12/9) Romney +3 Obama +2
Obama vs. Gingrich (12/5-12/7) Obama +5.5

What does this say to you?

I believe these should be more current, but take what you can from the info.

It would appear that Gingrich has a lock on Iowa and South Carolina. Romney has a more moderate lock on New Hampshire, but has been lead has dwindled from past polls. Still a lock, however.

The latest polls says the Republicans have a generic lead in the polls but when they assign a candidate to the polling, the lead dwindles and sways to Obama in the case of Gingrich. Wonder what the margin of error is in these polls? Didn’t say.

The more interesting statistics may be coming. What kind of influence will Ron Paul have in the equation when the determination will be between the incumbent and the nominee?

What kind of impact will the independent voters have? Will disenfranchised Democrats stay home rather than vote for a Republican? Will disenfranchised Romney supporters or anti Gingrich voters opt out of voting if Gingrich gets the nomination? How strong is there an anti Gingrich movement in the Republican base? Likewise with Romney and the elitism and religious concerns continue.

Will Paul be the spoiler?

The most threatening statistics for either candidate will come out after the Obama and the nominee debates begin. How many will there be? Anytime or repeated debates for recovery of either candidate after poor performances?

Since Gingrich and Romney have more experience this past year in debating, will Obama agree to fewer debates?

Questions, questions. What will the future bring?

Good thread. Telling.

However, you are neglecting Gallup's polls, which indicates Obama is evenly matched with Romney and a generic.
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Democrats will not be staying home this election. Not many are paying attention at this point..but when the quality of the Republican candidates becomes more for Democrats to get more charged up. 2010 was the bridge to far. The recalls and referendums should have been a indicator.
Latest polling between Obama and Candidates''

Latest Polls

Average of all polls (11/29 - 12/7):

Iowa Gingrich average pts. +12.6

New Hampshire Romney average pts. +11.2

South Carolina Gingrich average pts. +19.3

Generic Osama vs. Republican candidate (11/28 - 12/4; Rasmussen) Republican +8

Obama vs. Romney (12/5 -12/9) Romney +3 Obama +2
Obama vs. Gingrich (12/5-12/7) Obama +5.5

What does this say to you?

I believe these should be more current, but take what you can from the info.

It would appear that Gingrich has a lock on Iowa and South Carolina. Romney has a more moderate lock on New Hampshire, but has been lead has dwindled from past polls. Still a lock, however.

The latest polls says the Republicans have a generic lead in the polls but when they assign a candidate to the polling, the lead dwindles and sways to Obama in the case of Gingrich. Wonder what the margin of error is in these polls? Didn’t say.

The more interesting statistics may be coming. What kind of influence will Ron Paul have in the equation when the determination will be between the incumbent and the nominee?

What kind of impact will the independent voters have? Will disenfranchised Democrats stay home rather than vote for a Republican? Will disenfranchised Romney supporters or anti Gingrich voters opt out of voting if Gingrich gets the nomination? How strong is there an anti Gingrich movement in the Republican base? Likewise with Romney and the elitism and religious concerns continue.

Will Paul be the spoiler?

The most threatening statistics for either candidate will come out after the Obama and the nominee debates begin. How many will there be? Anytime or repeated debates for recovery of either candidate after poor performances?

Since Gingrich and Romney have more experience this past year in debating, will Obama agree to fewer debates?

Questions, questions. What will the future bring?

I'm not sure these polls mean anything at this point about next November. Most of the voters, the some 50% of voters who don't participate in primaries and don't care all that much, are probably not engaged at all.

I think that Gingrich will prevail because in teh GOP base, there is a justified rage against Obama that he's articulating and Romney isn't.
Democrats will not be staying home this election. Not many are paying attention at this point..but when the quality of the Republican candidates becomes more for Democrats to get more charged up. 2010 was the bridge to far. The recalls and referendums should have been a indicator.

Interesting points about 2010. You may be right. Of course the one poll that wasn't brought up in the OP was if you liked the direction of the country which was overwhelmingly "no." So who are the voters going to retaliate on for this? Will it be Congress or the administration?
As long as both parties are controlled by their whacked-out bases, we'll continue to see wild swings back and forth at the ballot box.

Each party does precisely the same thing - they achieve electoral victory, interpret it as a "mandate" to cram 100% of their agenda down our throats, immediately proceed to overreach, and then wonder why they're beaten in the next one or two elections. And then it gets funny - they each claim the reason they were beaten is that they weren't liberal/conservative ENOUGH. Gotta love it.

Short memories in politics, indeed.

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Latest polling between Obama and Candidates''

Latest Polls

Average of all polls (11/29 - 12/7):

Iowa Gingrich average pts. +12.6

New Hampshire Romney average pts. +11.2

South Carolina Gingrich average pts. +19.3

Generic Osama vs. Republican candidate (11/28 - 12/4; Rasmussen) Republican +8

Obama vs. Romney (12/5 -12/9) Romney +3 Obama +2
Obama vs. Gingrich (12/5-12/7) Obama +5.5

What does this say to you?

I believe these should be more current, but take what you can from the info.

It would appear that Gingrich has a lock on Iowa and South Carolina. Romney has a more moderate lock on New Hampshire, but has been lead has dwindled from past polls. Still a lock, however.

The latest polls says the Republicans have a generic lead in the polls but when they assign a candidate to the polling, the lead dwindles and sways to Obama in the case of Gingrich. Wonder what the margin of error is in these polls? Didn’t say.

The more interesting statistics may be coming. What kind of influence will Ron Paul have in the equation when the determination will be between the incumbent and the nominee?

What kind of impact will the independent voters have? Will disenfranchised Democrats stay home rather than vote for a Republican? Will disenfranchised Romney supporters or anti Gingrich voters opt out of voting if Gingrich gets the nomination? How strong is there an anti Gingrich movement in the Republican base? Likewise with Romney and the elitism and religious concerns continue.

Will Paul be the spoiler?

The most threatening statistics for either candidate will come out after the Obama and the nominee debates begin. How many will there be? Anytime or repeated debates for recovery of either candidate after poor performances?

Since Gingrich and Romney have more experience this past year in debating, will Obama agree to fewer debates?

Questions, questions. What will the future bring?

I'm not sure these polls mean anything at this point about next November. Most of the voters, the some 50% of voters who don't participate in primaries and don't care all that much, are probably not engaged at all.

I think that Gingrich will prevail because in teh GOP base, there is a justified rage against Obama that he's articulating and Romney isn't.

I've heard that from many observers who are usually active debaters on both sides.
Democrats will not be staying home this election. Not many are paying attention at this point..but when the quality of the Republican candidates becomes more for Democrats to get more charged up. 2010 was the bridge to far. The recalls and referendums should have been a indicator.

Not really, since you've lost as many of those as you've won.

Fact is, if the economy is still in the shitter come next November, Obama is done. Even he admits this...
Democrats will not be staying home this election. Not many are paying attention at this point..but when the quality of the Republican candidates becomes more for Democrats to get more charged up. 2010 was the bridge to far. The recalls and referendums should have been a indicator.

Interesting points about 2010. You may be right. Of course the one poll that wasn't brought up in the OP was if you liked the direction of the country which was overwhelmingly "no." So who are the voters going to retaliate on for this? Will it be Congress or the administration?

I'm thinking the house has alot to worry about..especially if Newt gets the nod. This will reinforce the gridlock politics meme on the Republicans. Newt is the father of that. He's actually shut down the government..and was quite proud of it.
Democrats will not be staying home this election. Not many are paying attention at this point..but when the quality of the Republican candidates becomes more for Democrats to get more charged up. 2010 was the bridge to far. The recalls and referendums should have been a indicator.

Not really, since you've lost as many of those as you've won.

Fact is, if the economy is still in the shitter come next November, Obama is done. Even he admits this...

Lost what? 3 of 2 state Republicans got the boot. And the referendums have been a success.

The economy is only in the shitter for the middle class and poor. It's top heavy now. Many corporations are seeing record profits..and aren't spending on employing people. They are sitting on the cash.
I'm not too concerned about polls at this juncture. When the Primaries are over and the nomination is made is when to start looking at polls. The GOP candidates are getting all the attention right now... they've had(or so it seems) about 80 debates so far, and they are in the news every day. So they are at the forefront in people's minds.

So, no matter what the polls say.... I personally am not paying too much attention to them right now.
Polls had Hillary and Giuliani on top at this point in 2008. I'll wait for the polls once the schizophrenic GOP picks their candidate. I'm praying for Newt...Obama's best chance to win in '12.
Democrats will not be staying home this election. Not many are paying attention at this point..but when the quality of the Republican candidates becomes more for Democrats to get more charged up. 2010 was the bridge to far. The recalls and referendums should have been a indicator.

Not really, since you've lost as many of those as you've won.

Fact is, if the economy is still in the shitter come next November, Obama is done. Even he admits this...

Lost what? 3 of 2 state Republicans got the boot. And the referendums have been a success.

The economy is only in the shitter for the middle class and poor. It's top heavy now. Many corporations are seeing record profits..and aren't spending on employing people. They are sitting on the cash.

There were 7 Republicans who were recalled, only two got the boot, one of them because she was in a Democratic District, the other because he ran off with his secretary. So really, complete fail in Wisconsin. The attempt to dislodge a Supreme Court Justice also failed there.

In Ohio, Dems won the collective bargaining argument, but lost the Health Care argument. So again- mixed bag.

None of which will take away from the fact that if unemployment is still over 8%, if Obama's approval rating is still in the 40's, if the "Wrong Track" number is still in the 60's as it is now, he's done.
Polls had Hillary and Giuliani on top at this point in 2008. I'll wait for the polls once the schizophrenic GOP picks their candidate. I'm praying for Newt...Obama's best chance to win in '12.

Be careful what you wish for.

Frankly, if I were running Obama's campaign, I'd be more worried about Newt than Romney.

Newt was able to stand toe to toe with Bill Clinton, and Obama is no Bill Clinton. Not a fraction of Clinton's political skill.
Newt is toast against Obama. Romney has a chance of defeating him in the general. BUT DON'T TELL THE GOP PRIMARY VOTERS THAT!
Newt is toast against Obama. Romney has a chance of defeating him in the general. BUT DON'T TELL THE GOP PRIMARY VOTERS THAT!

You're a blathering moron. Obama's approval rating is LOWER than Jimmy Carters. A fucking semi-retarded ape could beat Obama at this point.

If you continue to enjoy economic misery, unemployment, and 10 wars - by all means - vote for Obama again.

Newt is toast against Obama. Romney has a chance of defeating him in the general. BUT DON'T TELL THE GOP PRIMARY VOTERS THAT!

You sound like you are trying to deflect on the issue that Gingrich has the best solutions, few of which we have heard from Romney and Obama will not be able to debate against him effectively.

Nice try, though.
Polls had Hillary and Giuliani on top at this point in 2008. I'll wait for the polls once the schizophrenic GOP picks their candidate. I'm praying for Newt...Obama's best chance to win in '12.

Be careful what you wish for.

Frankly, if I were running Obama's campaign, I'd be more worried about Newt than Romney.

Newt was able to stand toe to toe with Bill Clinton, and Obama is no Bill Clinton. Not a fraction of Clinton's political skill.

LOL...right. Newt as the nominee would be a gift to Democrats. Newt didn't stand "toe to toe" with Clinton, he used bullshit tactics to try and "get" Clinton...all the while stooping someone who wasn't his wife as he went after Clinton for the same thing.

I support your support for Newt. Go Newt, go!!
Just heard on the news that enthusiasm polls on the part of each party shows that Republicans are most enthusiastic about their campaigns as opposed to the Democrats. It was pointed out that was due to the falling poll numbers of Obama.

It was also pointed out that it may be that Romney is going to continue to be the under dog because he hasn' surged in the polls since Gingrich has pulled ahead after the last three debates.
Newt is toast against Obama. Romney has a chance of defeating him in the general. BUT DON'T TELL THE GOP PRIMARY VOTERS THAT!

You're a blathering moron. Obama's approval rating is LOWER than Jimmy Carters. A fucking semi-retarded ape could beat Obama at this point.

If you continue to enjoy economic misery, unemployment, and 10 wars - by all means - vote for Obama again.


You appear to be very incorrect...

Talk-show host offers Newt Gingrich $1 million to drop out - Yahoo! News


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