Latest Poll Romney Obama tied in MI


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
If Obama can't win MI he's done:cool:

New presidential poll has Obama, Romney deadlocked

Mitchell Poll shows changes in Michigan voters


DETROIT - Michigan is proving once gain to be a battle ground state. In the most recent poll, Romney and Obama are tied at 47% with 3% voting for someone else and 3% undecided.

Just ten days ago, Obama led Romney by 5% (49%-44%). The race was tied in Mitchell Polls conducted in June (June 18, 2012) when Obama led 47%-46% and one month ago (July 24, 2012) when Romney led 45%-44%.

The automated telephone survey of 1277 likely voters in the November General Election was conducted Thursday, August 23, 2012 and has a Margin of Error + or – 2.74% at the 95% level of confidence. The survey was conducted by Mitchell Research & Communications, Inc. for the media and was not paid for by any campaigns or committees.

“Romney has solidified his lead with Republicans and has moved back into a tie with Obama as a result of a big shift in men voters towards his candidacy. He has also gained ground with independent voters. Only ten days ago, he trailed with ticket splitters by 6% (46%-40%). Now, Romney leads with independents by 8%. There is also reason to believe that the addition of Paul Ryan to the ticket helps Romney. When the vice presidential candidates are added to a trial ballot question, Romney/Ryan leads Obama/Biden by 1%

New presidential poll has Obama, Romney deadlocked | Politics - Home
Obama blames supporters if he fails

Perhaps the most laughable aspect of this latest desperate missive is Obama’s assertion that he doesn’t have “as much time to campaign this time as I did in 2008.” He’s done nothing but campaign since the beginning of the year

Today, President Obama sent out a campaign email essentially blaming his supporters if he loses. See, he’s supposedly being outspent. And because he’s supposedly being outspent, he’s losing. And he can’t spend more money unless his supporters fork it over.

This is the campaign version of Obama’s entire economic argument: he can’t fix the economy unless he spends more money. And unless we give him more money, he can’t spend it. So if the economy fails, it’s our fault. ...

Obama blames supporters if he fails | Times 247
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