Latest Hotmail Scam


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Over the last couple weeks, I've received some e-mails in my regular in box which claim to be from the Windows Live Team, asking me to confirm information or my account would be shut down within 48 hours.

Even though I immediately smelled a rat, the message was saved anyways. Four days later, I got the same request, but the time frame for "compliance" was two weeks.

Methinks spammers are at least fishing for legit e-mail addys to keep their crap from being screened by spam filters, or worse.

Anybody else experience this one?
Me too but just look at there spelling and grammer
Dear Account User,

We encountered a problem with our database and a lot of records were lost, we are restoring our database to enable us serve you better. Your Windows Live! Account details are required so as to store in our database to keep your account active. Failure to do this will lose his or her account permanently.

To update and enable us restore your account details in our data base to keep your account active, you are required to provide us the details below urgently. Click the reply button to enter details below.
Username: ……………………..
Password: …………………….
Date of Birth: …………………

Country or Territory: …………
Make sure the details above are correct to enable us restore your account details, this will help prevent your account from been suspended.
Users have often told us that the more they use Windows Live! Service, the more they discover its benefits. We'll keep working on making Windows Live! the best email service around, and we appreciate your joining us for the ride.

Windows Live Alert Team
Over the last couple weeks, I've received some e-mails in my regular in box which claim to be from the Windows Live Team, asking me to confirm information or my account would be shut down within 48 hours.

Even though I immediately smelled a rat, the message was saved anyways. Four days later, I got the same request, but the time frame for "compliance" was two weeks.

Methinks spammers are at least fishing for legit e-mail addys to keep their crap from being screened by spam filters, or worse.

Anybody else experience this one?
Dude. Migrate to Debian, non US.
It's called " Lenny"
Well Dude - I just got a call from my brother in Seattle asking if I had taken another job selling Viagra on line. Apparently he and my sister in law received emails for ME with spam attached. We have Windows Live. Shit. What do we do now?
Well Dude - I just got a call from my brother in Seattle asking if I had taken another job selling Viagra on line. Apparently he and my sister in law received emails for ME with spam attached. We have Windows Live. Shit. What do we do now?

I think he was wondering if you could get him a discount. :eusa_whistle:

Over the last couple weeks, I've received some e-mails in my regular in box which claim to be from the Windows Live Team, asking me to confirm information or my account would be shut down within 48 hours.

Even though I immediately smelled a rat, the message was saved anyways. Four days later, I got the same request, but the time frame for "compliance" was two weeks.

Methinks spammers are at least fishing for legit e-mail addys to keep their crap from being screened by spam filters, or worse.

Anybody else experience this one?
First problem.
Second, Winbloze.
Grow up dude.................
Hey...It's my first e-mail box that I got way back when.

I imagine the same scam could be pulled off over at Yay-hoo or Gmail, if the scammers have legit e-mail addys to spam.

I used to have a hotmail account. Haven't checked it in 10 years. I wonder if it's still active.
I got a mac virus that sent out begging emails to everyone on my mac address book to have them send me $2000 to an account in England as I had lost my wallet, ticket and credit cards.

It was very scary. I got replies from several people about it. It was my first virus.
Hey...It's my first e-mail box that I got way back when.

I imagine the same scam could be pulled off over at Yay-hoo or Gmail, if the scammers have legit e-mail addys to spam.

I used to have a hotmail account. Haven't checked it in 10 years. I wonder if it's still active.

I had a yahoo account I hadn't checked in at least five, probably longer. It was still kicking when I remembered it. Never know!
When we got Windows 7 we had to get a hotmail account to link our other accounts. It was a pain in the ass.

I just spent the last half hour trying to figure out what to do. I changed our password and reported the company to Microsoft.

Then I contacted the company and asked for my commission check.
Dude - I can probably get you an employee discount. :lol:
Hey...It's my first e-mail box that I got way back when.

I imagine the same scam could be pulled off over at Yay-hoo or Gmail, if the scammers have legit e-mail addys to spam.

I used to have a hotmail account. Haven't checked it in 10 years. I wonder if it's still active.
Well, the good news is that I use Firefox and have a great anti-virus/spyware program.
Hey...It's my first e-mail box that I got way back when.

I imagine the same scam could be pulled off over at Yay-hoo or Gmail, if the scammers have legit e-mail addys to spam.

I used to have a hotmail account. Haven't checked it in 10 years. I wonder if it's still active.
Well, the good news is that I use Firefox and have a great anti-virus/spyware program.

I just tried to access my old hotmail account. I can't remember the password. It gave the option to send it to the alternate email address I have on file, but I can't remember that email address. It also gave the option to send the password to the hotmail account, which makes no sense. Accessing the account is what I am having problems with. Why would they send it there, knowing I can't access it?
Hey...It's my first e-mail box that I got way back when.

I imagine the same scam could be pulled off over at Yay-hoo or Gmail, if the scammers have legit e-mail addys to spam.

I used to have a hotmail account. Haven't checked it in 10 years. I wonder if it's still active.
Well, the good news is that I use Firefox and have a great anti-virus/spyware program.

We have firefox and Norton. Now I'm thinking I should change the passwords to the linked accounts.

My husband isn't home so I can't ask him if he gave away our password, but I doubt it. I glanced through our emails and didn't see anything suspicious on there.

Damn technology!

Do you think I should contact the company and let them know they've been reported?
I used to have a hotmail account. Haven't checked it in 10 years. I wonder if it's still active.
Well, the good news is that I use Firefox and have a great anti-virus/spyware program.

I just tried to access my old hotmail account. I can't remember the password. It gave the option to send it to the alternate email address I have on file, but I can't remember that email address. It also gave the option to send the password to the hotmail account, which makes no sense. Accessing the account is what I am having problems with. Why would they send it there, knowing I can't access it?

Because it's hotmail. :lol:

I use it and my yahoo as spam accounts. They work for that. Not much good for anything else.
Well, the good news is that I use Firefox and have a great anti-virus/spyware program.

I just tried to access my old hotmail account. I can't remember the password. It gave the option to send it to the alternate email address I have on file, but I can't remember that email address. It also gave the option to send the password to the hotmail account, which makes no sense. Accessing the account is what I am having problems with. Why would they send it there, knowing I can't access it?

Because it's hotmail. :lol:

I use it and my yahoo as spam accounts. They work for that. Not much good for anything else.

Funny, I have a hotmail account and had not had any problems until I lost my job earlier this year and started using it for sending out my resume. I use my Road Runner account for anything that I sign up online for and get a dozen or more spam emails daily.

If you use your email account to sign up for something online, you can pretty much be assured that it will eventually get out to the spammer/scammers.


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