Late Stage Socialism: Venezuelan Troops Open Fire on Protestors


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
All socialist governments run the same course.

One killed as Venezuelan troops fire on protesters.

Shooting outside La Carlota airbase in Caracas brings death toll from near-daily unrest to at least 76 since April.

At least two soldiers shot long firearms through the fence at protesters from a distance of just a few metres. One man collapsed to the ground and was carried off by other demonstrators, television footage showed. Paramedics took at least two other wounded people to a hospital, a witness told Reuters news agency.

The protesters began attacking the fence outside La Carlota airbase in the wealthy east of Caracas when security forces broke up a march destined for the attorney general’s office.

Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the streets over the past months to protest against a clampdown on the opposition, shortages of food and medicine, and President Nicolas Maduro’s plan to overhaul the constitution.
All socialist governments run the same course.

One killed as Venezuelan troops fire on protesters.

Shooting outside La Carlota airbase in Caracas brings death toll from near-daily unrest to at least 76 since April.

At least two soldiers shot long firearms through the fence at protesters from a distance of just a few metres. One man collapsed to the ground and was carried off by other demonstrators, television footage showed. Paramedics took at least two other wounded people to a hospital, a witness told Reuters news agency.

The protesters began attacking the fence outside La Carlota airbase in the wealthy east of Caracas when security forces broke up a march destined for the attorney general’s office.

Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the streets over the past months to protest against a clampdown on the opposition, shortages of food and medicine, and President Nicolas Maduro’s plan to overhaul the constitution.

To The Usual Suspects of The UN, Human Rights Groups and Leftist Activists, it's okay for Socialist and Communist Dictatorships to use live rounds to shoot and kill people, they are SILENT about Venezuela, just like they were SILENT about Fidel Castro and Cuba.

The Usual Suspects of The UN, Human Rights Groups and Leftist Activists however are NEVER SILENT when Right-Wing Dictatorships shoot and kill people to save their nations from Communism and Socialism.

EG. General Augusto Pinochet who saved Chile from becoming a Marxist shit hole like Cuba.

EG. Lieutenant General Jorge Videla who saved Argentina from becoming a Marxist shit hole like Cuba.

Leftist hypocrisy at it's finest, also illustrating that The UN is a Marxist organisation protecting and SILENT about Socialist and Communist Dictatorships and screaming about Muh Human Rights and Muh International Law ONLY when Right-Wing Dictatorships are saving their nations from being over run with filthy Marxist-Leninist-Trotskyites.
Late stage "socialism" is like a cancer trying to affect the whole body eh ? Yep.
Socialism begins with hugs, love and holding hands and always ends with shots fired, or worse...
Socialism begins with hugs, love and holding hands and always ends with shots fired, or worse...
So what you are saying is that one of the two socialist, finally figures out that the other one is an oppressor or trying to oppress the other one who is being played for a fool ? Yeah that usually ends in violence alot of times. They start eating their own right ? Seeing that going on in the Demon-crat party now.
All socialist governments run the same course.

One killed as Venezuelan troops fire on protesters.

Shooting outside La Carlota airbase in Caracas brings death toll from near-daily unrest to at least 76 since April.

At least two soldiers shot long firearms through the fence at protesters from a distance of just a few metres. One man collapsed to the ground and was carried off by other demonstrators, television footage showed. Paramedics took at least two other wounded people to a hospital, a witness told Reuters news agency.

The protesters began attacking the fence outside La Carlota airbase in the wealthy east of Caracas when security forces broke up a march destined for the attorney general’s office.

Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the streets over the past months to protest against a clampdown on the opposition, shortages of food and medicine, and President Nicolas Maduro’s plan to overhaul the constitution.
It happens when a state is a self-proclaimed Marxist/communist state, but not merely socialist.

Why hasn't it happened in Sweden then?
All socialist governments run the same course.

One killed as Venezuelan troops fire on protesters.

Shooting outside La Carlota airbase in Caracas brings death toll from near-daily unrest to at least 76 since April.

At least two soldiers shot long firearms through the fence at protesters from a distance of just a few metres. One man collapsed to the ground and was carried off by other demonstrators, television footage showed. Paramedics took at least two other wounded people to a hospital, a witness told Reuters news agency.

The protesters began attacking the fence outside La Carlota airbase in the wealthy east of Caracas when security forces broke up a march destined for the attorney general’s office.

Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the streets over the past months to protest against a clampdown on the opposition, shortages of food and medicine, and President Nicolas Maduro’s plan to overhaul the constitution.
It happens when a state is a self-proclaimed Marxist/communist state, but not merely socialist.

Why hasn't it happened in Sweden then?
I have been to Sweden. They openly embrace Capitalism. Just ask my Visa card company.

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