Late demands on the day of the debate... could it kill the debate afterall?


Just reported on FOX...

Biden "doesnt need breaks" Campaign is responding to the news breaking of their request.... Can you say 'damage control'....
Now that is funny!

"We demand breaks every 30 minutes!!!!".... what... oh shit the media is talking about this??... uh... "Biden doesn't need breaks!!!"

You can't make this stuff up
As I've said before, if Biden backs out, Trump should have the debate himself, or, invite Kanye West or some Green Party member to join the debate. Trump can constantly look at the empty podium and remind citizens that he is backing out.

Trump isn't asking for anything special that would benefit him, like breaks, he's asking to make sure it's on the level. Who would NOT want to be inspected for an earpiece? That would be like not wanting voter I.D or something.
He probably needs to shoot up every 30 minutes. Not sure he can maintain focus much longer than 30 mins. without little boost.

Biden probably already has the questions and I am sure he will try to wear an earpiece.
I am concerned that Old Joe can't handle focusing for 3 minutes--30 or 90 minutes---no way.

The Donald needs to poke and poke away at Creepy Joe, push his buttons, make him lose it totally, the greatest thing would be if Creepy Joe lost it and charged across the stage and threatened to PHYSICALLY ATTACK The Donald. We have seen footage of Creepy Joe literally THREATENING members of the American public when they have challenged him on his political and social issues and so The Donald needs to poke and poke Creepy Joe until he loses it and charges across the stage to PUNCH The Donald. Wouldn't that look GREAT on Live TV, a demented unhinged drugged-up babbling nutcase threatening to PUNCH The Donald.

Then The Donald could calmly look into the TV camera and tell the American peoples:

"So do you think Joe Biden, after what you just saw, is MENTALLY SOUND and FIT to be President of The United States?"
Bio breaks for old farts are normal for any public meeting.
Breaks in a debate would be unprecedented.
And is an unusual request for sure, and interesting to say the least since the biggest concern about Biden is can he hold up for 90 minutes.
Trump is going to have be super nice tonight-----but tell Joe no to breaks...let the dems use it as excuse not to debate.

So far The Donald has been too NICE with Creepy Joe. WTF The Trump Campaign should have got ME to run their campaign, I would even have worked for free, the gloves would have been OFF on Day One, I would have told The Donald to stay ABOVE the FRAY while me and my team would have operated FULLY from the political sewer, by now we would have had Creepy Joe DEAD AND BURIED, my God by the time WE had finished with Creepy Joe he probably would have already killed himself because he couldn't take the EXTREME HARDCORE onslaught we had going on him, he would have been shown ZERO RESPECT, we would have TREATED him like a RABID DISEASED ANIMAL. Creepy Joe is a FRAIL and DEMENTED old POS, so SLAP him around, knock him to the floor and when he's on the floor kick him until he is finished - not PHYSICALLY but POLITICALLY.

I have run one campaign already and my team TOTALLY DESTROYED the opponent and I mean PERSONALLY DESTROYED them, it was VERY VERY UGLY but nobody cares about that, the fact is we WON and WINNING is ALL that matters, in politics fuck things like being polite and all the moral shit. Go for the JUGULAR and fucking BURY them. I'm into the Politics of Personal Destruction, I'm into showing the opponent No Mercy and literally just finishing them off.
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Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


/----/ Rush still thinks Denemtia Joe will bail out at the last minute for some BS excuse.
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


/----/ Rush still thinks Denemtia Joe will bail out at the last minute for some BS excuse.
IF they cant find a way to keep him medicated they will run like hell...
I say let them take breaks.

Each candidate will have a chair next to his podium. Every 30 minutes the candidates can sit in those chairs for five minutes. During those five minutes, they can converse with absolutely no one.

Trump's actually in a great position right now. He can demonstrate his willingness to compromise by agreeing to breaks every 30 minutes while, at the same time, ensuring that those breaks offer no strategic advantage to Biden.

It then puts Biden on the hot seat for denying requests for a drug test and inspections for listening devices...
I say let them take breaks.

Each candidate will have a chair next to his podium. Every 30 minutes the candidates can sit in those chairs for five minutes. During those five minutes, they can converse with absolutely no one.

Trump's actually in a great position right now. He can demonstrate his willingness to compromise by agreeing to breaks every 30 minutes while, at the same time, ensuring that those breaks offer no strategic advantage to Biden.

It then puts Biden on the hot seat for denying requests for a drug test and inspections for listening devices...

Good idea.
Sure you can take a break Joe.
Right here in this chair where we can keep an eye on you.
There is a reason they wanted the breaks. Obviously, or they wouldn't have asked for it.
My guess is they wanted to keep Joe caffeinated. Caffeine is a proven stimulant as well as enhances mental acuity. Buut.... it is also a diuretic. It makes you pee. Especially as you age.... big time.
So I would think there plan was a caffeine jolt.... pee break... possibly another jolt...pee break etc.
Of course. I wont believe it happens until I see it with my own eyes.

Why does the fucking Biden camp come up with this at the last minute?

It must be that their attempts to change his sleeping patterns, so that 9 pm is 9an for joe, isn't working. Those with dementia suffer from a symptom called "Sun Downing," the brain declines later in the day and into the night, so they have been putting him to bed during the day and waking him at night.........that is why he keeps missing days off the campaign trail.......
There is a reason they wanted the breaks. Obviously, or they wouldn't have asked for it.
My guess is they wanted to keep Joe caffeinated. Caffeine is a proven stimulant as well as enhances mental acuity. Buut.... it is also a diuretic. It makes you pee. Especially as you age.... big time.
So I would think there plan was a caffeine jolt.... pee break... possibly another jolt...pee break etc.

Pretty sure he's on something a bit stronger than a cup of coffee.
Joe Biden:
A break every 30 minutes.
To wear an ear piece....or at least have no personal inspections of debaters
Hillary added to the debate, Trump in the Middle

Pre-Debate Drug Test
3rd-Party Inspections to ensure no ear pieces used to facilitate outside help during the debate
'3 Gaffe Rule' - 3 or more mental lapses / breakdowns = a loss, game over
There is a reason they wanted the breaks. Obviously, or they wouldn't have asked for it.
My guess is they wanted to keep Joe caffeinated. Caffeine is a proven stimulant as well as enhances mental acuity. Buut.... it is also a diuretic. It makes you pee. Especially as you age.... big time.
So I would think there plan was a caffeine jolt.... pee break... possibly another jolt...pee break etc.
Biden camp has demanded there be a break every 30 minutes.... Trump camp says no. If candidates can't discuss topics for 90minutes, they shouldn't be President.
Trump camp demanding a third party company inspect candidates for listening devices etc.
Biden camp appears to be deny.


My adult son, who is voting for the first time ever this year, is very excited about watching the debate and insisting that his father and I watch it with him tonight. *sigh* Not looking forward to it, but I hope for my son's sake it doesn't get cancelled at the last minute.

Trump has a point. If a candidate can't stand up and debate for 90 minutes against a political opponent, what possible use would he be against the likes of Putin or Kim Jung Un or Xi Jinping?

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