Larry Elder Slaps Obama's friend, Bill Ayers, around the radio station like a BIATCH!


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
LMAO! I've never heard this interview.. It's freaking great!!

I think I'm in love with Larry Elder! ;-)

[ame=]Larry Elder's explosive interview with Bill Ayers - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

LMAO! I've never heard this interview.. It's freaking great!!

I think I'm in love with Larry Elder! ;-)

Larry Elder's explosive interview with Bill Ayers - YouTube

1. No commentary I see.
2. You struck a *nothing*!
3. Except you may want to go to bed with this guy now, you know what they say if you go black you never go back!:badgrin:
4. Next time try to add an opinion okay???:eusa_eh:
5. Sure hope you don't try to do any commentary on the debate tonight,....:eusa_hand:

Sorry bout that,

LMAO! I've never heard this interview.. It's freaking great!!

I think I'm in love with Larry Elder! ;-)

Larry Elder's explosive interview with Bill Ayers - YouTube

1. No commentary I see.
2. You struck a *nothing*!
3. Except you may want to go to bed with this guy now, you know what they say if you go black you never go back!:badgrin:
4. Next time try to add an opinion okay???:eusa_eh:
5. Sure hope you don't try to do any commentary on the debate tonight,....:eusa_hand:


Hey Dingleberry.. Why are you numbering a post as if you're making bullets for an organized paper?

Your asinine racist remark is duly noted DUMMY.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

LMAO! I've never heard this interview.. It's freaking great!!

I think I'm in love with Larry Elder! ;-)

Larry Elder's explosive interview with Bill Ayers - YouTube

1. No commentary I see.
2. You struck a *nothing*!
3. Except you may want to go to bed with this guy now, you know what they say if you go black you never go back!:badgrin:
4. Next time try to add an opinion okay???:eusa_eh:
5. Sure hope you don't try to do any commentary on the debate tonight,....:eusa_hand:


Hey Dingleberry.. Why are you numbering a post as if you're making bullets for an organized paper?

Your asinine racist remark is duly noted DUMMY.

1. Next time bring your *A* game.
2. When making threads lady,.....:badgrin:
3. What are you trying to do kill everyone here with boredom????:badgrin:
4. Oh and stop being such a *asshat* too will ya!

Sorry bout that,

LMAO! I've never heard this interview.. It's freaking great!!

I think I'm in love with Larry Elder! ;-)

Larry Elder's explosive interview with Bill Ayers - YouTube

1. No commentary I see.
2. You struck a *nothing*!
3. Except you may want to go to bed with this guy now, you know what they say if you go black you never go back!:badgrin:
4. Next time try to add an opinion okay???:eusa_eh:
5. Sure hope you don't try to do any commentary on the debate tonight,....:eusa_hand:


You dumb sumbitch...there ain't a damned thing anybody could add to that interview that needs to be said. That piece of shit liberal (communist) Bill Ayers should have spent the rest of his sorry effing life getting cornholed in prison.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. No commentary I see.
2. You struck a *nothing*!
3. Except you may want to go to bed with this guy now, you know what they say if you go black you never go back!:badgrin:
4. Next time try to add an opinion okay???:eusa_eh:
5. Sure hope you don't try to do any commentary on the debate tonight,....:eusa_hand:


Hey Dingleberry.. Why are you numbering a post as if you're making bullets for an organized paper?

Your asinine racist remark is duly noted DUMMY.

1. Next time bring your *A* game.
2. When making threads lady,.....:badgrin:
3. What are you trying to do kill everyone here with boredom????:badgrin:
4. Oh and stop being such a *asshat* too will ya!


I found it interesting and Lenin is a douche, you worship a guy who thought LSD made him more in tune with the world. F-ing idiot.
Sorry bout that,
LMAO! I've never heard this interview.. It's freaking great!!I think I'm in love with Larry Elder! ;-)
Larry Elder's explosive interview with Bill Ayers - YouTube
1. No commentary I see.2. You struck a *nothing*!
3. Except you may want to go to bed with this guy now, you know what they say if you go black you never go back!:badgrin:4. Next time try to add an opinion okay???:eusa_eh:
5. Sure hope you don't try to do any commentary on the debate tonight,....:eusa_hand:

You love bill ayers. <3 so does Obama.
Ayers seems very reasonable. Too bad the RW loudmouth doesn't let him talk...

Reasonable? The man who planned to blow up soldiers at a Fort Dix dance and ended up being responsible for death of three of his comrades in the Townhouse Explosion? The first TERRORIST who blew up the Pentagon and the Capitol? The same TERRORIST who blew up police stations and police cars?

Greenwich Village townhouse explosion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The same man who states he has NO regrets for setting those bombs and wish they had done more?

No Regrets for a Love Of Explosives - In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen -

That's a person who sounds reasonable? Wow.
Larry Elder kicked that commie pukes treasonous ass.....You rock L.E.!!! :clap2:

Isn't it amazing how someone with Ayers background ever became a prominent university professor?!

Hopefully someday we'll hear a gory news report with video of Bill Ayers getting his just reward...Soon I hope!
LMAO! I've never heard this interview.. It's freaking great!!

I think I'm in love with Larry Elder! ;-)

Larry Elder's explosive interview with Bill Ayers - YouTube

Just seems like some right-wing shill talking over a person trying to explain what he was all about.

Ah, you just have to love the American in a sound bit world...:badgrin:

what do ewe think he was "all about"?

I'll never know because I haven't read Ayers book nor would Elder give him a chance to explain himself...
Just seems like some right-wing shill talking over a person trying to explain what he was all about.

Ah, you just have to love the American in a sound bit world...:badgrin:

what do ewe think he was "all about"?

I'll never know because I haven't read Ayers book nor would Elder give him a chance to explain himself...

Let me save you the time and trouble. He and his "weathermen" buddies, a bunch of 20+ year old college age terrorists punks ran around the United States trying to blow up government and university's property. He should have spent the rest of his sorry ass life in prison, where someone would, no doubt, have ended his god-damn sorry existence and put the SOB out of his misery.
bill ayers is a douchenozzle. anyone defending him is a third degree asswipe.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

LMAO! I've never heard this interview.. It's freaking great!!

I think I'm in love with Larry Elder! ;-)

Larry Elder's explosive interview with Bill Ayers - YouTube

1. No commentary I see.
2. You struck a *nothing*!
3. Except you may want to go to bed with this guy now, you know what they say if you go black you never go back!:badgrin:
4. Next time try to add an opinion okay???:eusa_eh:
5. Sure hope you don't try to do any commentary on the debate tonight,....:eusa_hand:


You dumb sumbitch...there ain't a damned thing anybody could add to that interview that needs to be said. That piece of shit liberal (communist) Bill Ayers should have spent the rest of his sorry effing life getting cornholed in prison.

Better OP with video to follow.........
1. In my opinion the lady could of provided a little more punch to the OP, I happen to agree with the video, and think that Ayers should be jailed, and wonder why he didn't go to trial then jail????
2. Statue of limitations shouldn't expire on that sort of crime.
3. Maybe he will get his day in court.
4. Why in the hell is he still walking free?
5. Why aren't we demanding him be drawn into court and then thrown in jail afterwards?
6. WTF is wrong with this picture?
7. These are the questions needing answering, and included in the *OP*.
8. And I am just fucking with the ladygunslinger, nothing personal, she as much does the same with me, so, what the hell, its all good here.
9. Ayers is a criminal and has been a part of some terrorist actions against America, and should pay for his crimes, plain and simple.
10. Why it hasn't taken place is insane!:eusa_eh:
No she goes with this weak shit......

"LMAO! I've never heard this interview..

It's freaking great!!

I think I'm in love with Larry Elder! ;-)

Larry Elder's explosive interview with Bill Ayers - YouTube


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