Large collection of scientific knowledge that's been suppressed by FDA, CDC and pharma cont. media


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media

Poisoning children to protect profits

The very idea that mercury might be harmful to inject into children, if acknowledged as true, would require the vaccine industry to effectively admit that it has been knowingly poisoning millions of children for decades and did nothing to stop it. Any embracing of the real science linking mercury to neurodevelopmental damage is simultaneously an admission of guilt by the criminally-run vaccine industry… and they aren’t going to admit to any guilt at all, even if it means poisoning millions more children for years to come.

Meanwhile, the loss of cognitive capacity across the U.S. population due to mercury in .......

Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media –

Makes one wonder with all the documented evidence being released etc how anybody would ever have trust in these vaccines. It is all for profit and nothing else. It's a billion dollar industry and they will do anything to keep the profits huge.
The fda is the difference between china quality of food and medicine and what we have. You're a fucking dumbass mindwars...A dumbass that will kill millions.

Do I think there's too many regulations and the process is too slow? Yes, but that doesn't change the reality that you're a fool.

Same with the cdc that stops diseases that could kill hundreds of millions of people.

Of course, you'd rather we'd sat around with our finger up our ass! That is what you're all about.
The fda and cdc believe it or not makes it possible for many of these advancements in the first place. Government grants and government labs have done more for civilization then some private pharma!

The fastest way to turn America into a poor country is to destroy these institutions. I am all for reform but not what you want.
The fda is the difference between china quality of food and medicine and what we have. You're a fucking dumbass mindwars...A dumbass that will kill millions.

Do I think there's too many regulations and the process is too slow? Yes, but that doesn't change the reality that you're a fool.

Same with the cdc that stops diseases that could kill hundreds of millions of people.

Of course, you'd rather we'd sat around with our finger up our ass! That is what you're all about.

I really think that Mind Wars will NOT kill millions. Well maybe in your video game.

Right or wrong, lets see the different info people can bring to a message board and then we can judge it from there. Although the FDA and CDC provide valuable service they also have problems and can be used as tools for political ideology. Nothing wrong with bringing up problems with these agencies
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The fda is the difference between china quality of food and medicine and what we have. You're a fucking dumbass mindwars...A dumbass that will kill millions.

Do I think there's too many regulations and the process is too slow? Yes, but that doesn't change the reality that you're a fool.

Same with the cdc that stops diseases that could kill hundreds of millions of people.

Of course, you'd rather we'd sat around with our finger up our ass! That is what you're all about.

I really think that Mind Wars will NOT kill millions. Well maybe in your video game.

Right or wrong, lets see the different info people can bring to a message board and then we can judge it from there. Although the FDA and CDC provide valuable service they also have problems and can be used as tools for political ideology. Nothing wrong with bringing up problems with these agencies

Don't bet on it and my life is reality and being informed, those who haven't a clue are the ones living a video game.

Infowars is not a credible source.

At least they give a voice to real people who otherwise could not speak up in this instance. Why are the Left so afraid of free speech? Like Mathew being afraid that the free speech of one is going to kill millions. This may be the reason they are constantly trying to shout others down and criminalize language they are afraid of.

If this info is wrong, then its wrong, but maybe its right and could be looked into by other knowlegeble people.
Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media

Poisoning children to protect profits

The very idea that mercury might be harmful to inject into children, if acknowledged as true, would require the vaccine industry to effectively admit that it has been knowingly poisoning millions of children for decades and did nothing to stop it. Any embracing of the real science linking mercury to neurodevelopmental damage is simultaneously an admission of guilt by the criminally-run vaccine industry… and they aren’t going to admit to any guilt at all, even if it means poisoning millions more children for years to come.

Meanwhile, the loss of cognitive capacity across the U.S. population due to mercury in .......

Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media –

Makes one wonder with all the documented evidence being released etc how anybody would ever have trust in these vaccines. It is all for profit and nothing else. It's a billion dollar industry and they will do anything to keep the profits huge.

Thanks for this MindWars
Maybe we need a whole subforum under HEALTH CARE for discussing alternatives
and stopping censorship by pharm monopolies.

One man I met is working on research for alternatives to big pharm using "smart sugars":
Home - Endowment for Medical Research - FREE Education - Glycomics - Brain Function - Trehalose

Demanding that research dollars go into cost-effective natural methods
would revolutionize medicine and allow for sustainable "universal" health care by cutting costs.
Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media

Poisoning children to protect profits

The very idea that mercury might be harmful to inject into children, if acknowledged as true, would require the vaccine industry to effectively admit that it has been knowingly poisoning millions of children for decades and did nothing to stop it. Any embracing of the real science linking mercury to neurodevelopmental damage is simultaneously an admission of guilt by the criminally-run vaccine industry… and they aren’t going to admit to any guilt at all, even if it means poisoning millions more children for years to come.

Meanwhile, the loss of cognitive capacity across the U.S. population due to mercury in .......

Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media –

Makes one wonder with all the documented evidence being released etc how anybody would ever have trust in these vaccines. It is all for profit and nothing else. It's a billion dollar industry and they will do anything to keep the profits huge.

Thanks for this MindWars
Maybe we need a whole subforum under HEALTH CARE for discussing alternatives
and stopping censorship by pharm monopolies.

One man I met is working on research for alternatives to big pharm using "smart sugars":
Home - Endowment for Medical Research - FREE Education - Glycomics - Brain Function - Trehalose

Demanding that research dollars go into cost-effective natural methods
would revolutionize medicine and allow for sustainable "universal" health care by cutting costs.

Imagine that, Cutting costs! and more readily available medicines. yeah, thats going to hit a lot of resistance.
Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media

Poisoning children to protect profits

The very idea that mercury might be harmful to inject into children, if acknowledged as true, would require the vaccine industry to effectively admit that it has been knowingly poisoning millions of children for decades and did nothing to stop it. Any embracing of the real science linking mercury to neurodevelopmental damage is simultaneously an admission of guilt by the criminally-run vaccine industry… and they aren’t going to admit to any guilt at all, even if it means poisoning millions more children for years to come.

Meanwhile, the loss of cognitive capacity across the U.S. population due to mercury in .......

Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media –

Makes one wonder with all the documented evidence being released etc how anybody would ever have trust in these vaccines. It is all for profit and nothing else. It's a billion dollar industry and they will do anything to keep the profits huge.

Thanks for this MindWars
Maybe we need a whole subforum under HEALTH CARE for discussing alternatives
and stopping censorship by pharm monopolies.

One man I met is working on research for alternatives to big pharm using "smart sugars":
Home - Endowment for Medical Research - FREE Education - Glycomics - Brain Function - Trehalose

Demanding that research dollars go into cost-effective natural methods
would revolutionize medicine and allow for sustainable "universal" health care by cutting costs.

Imagine that, Cutting costs! and more readily available medicines. yeah, thats going to hit a lot of resistance.

Dear Yarddog the trick to conversion is to work WITH companies to CONVERT
all their jobs and resources over to the new demand and market.

For example, with coal or with the contested pipeline. Why not set up the alternatives and HELP the workers and companies to switch over to that improved technology?
There would not be resistance if we work together to accommodate the changes, right? how many jobs could we create for vets and other workers in proper CONVERSION from the old systems to the new ones, instead of fighting over that?

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