Landslide? New Poll Of Nevada Suggests Bernie Is Pulling Away


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Go Bernie, Go!

The doom of the Democrat party is in the lead!

Landslide? New poll of Nevada suggests Bernie is pulling away

“Landslide” is a relative term, of course. Bernie’s not going to get so much as 50 percent of the vote in Nevada.

But given the photo finish in Iowa and the surprisingly tight margin in New Hampshire, a comfortable win would be impressive and potentially game-changing depending upon just how comfortable it is. Nevada’s apt to be the last state that’s hotly contested by the big four that have dominated the top tier for the past year. Warren will likely be done after the vote and Buttigieg and Klobuchar may be relegated to de facto also-ran status after their moment in the sun in New Hampshire. By his own admission, Biden needs a second-place finish in Nevada in order to build momentum before must-win South Carolina.

Let’s say he gets that — but that he also finishes 20 points behind Sanders on caucus night, a very distant, dismal second. “BERNIE’S FOR REAL,” the papers will scream the next day. South Carolinians may began shifting towards him. In one fell swoop, all of the competition except Bloomberg will have been marginalized: Warren gone, Pete and Amy dismissed as pretenders, Biden denied the good buzz he was counting on. Even Bloomberg, for all his resources, would begin to look small in the face of “Sanders might be unstoppable” narrative. Everyone’s preparing for Bernie to win Nevada, even rival campaigns, but I don’t know that anyone’s prepared for him to win Nevada going away.
Go Bernie, Go!

The doom of the Democrat party is in the lead!

Landslide? New poll of Nevada suggests Bernie is pulling away

“Landslide” is a relative term, of course. Bernie’s not going to get so much as 50 percent of the vote in Nevada.

But given the photo finish in Iowa and the surprisingly tight margin in New Hampshire, a comfortable win would be impressive and potentially game-changing depending upon just how comfortable it is. Nevada’s apt to be the last state that’s hotly contested by the big four that have dominated the top tier for the past year. Warren will likely be done after the vote and Buttigieg and Klobuchar may be relegated to de facto also-ran status after their moment in the sun in New Hampshire. By his own admission, Biden needs a second-place finish in Nevada in order to build momentum before must-win South Carolina.

Let’s say he gets that — but that he also finishes 20 points behind Sanders on caucus night, a very distant, dismal second. “BERNIE’S FOR REAL,” the papers will scream the next day. South Carolinians may began shifting towards him. In one fell swoop, all of the competition except Bloomberg will have been marginalized: Warren gone, Pete and Amy dismissed as pretenders, Biden denied the good buzz he was counting on. Even Bloomberg, for all his resources, would begin to look small in the face of “Sanders might be unstoppable” narrative. Everyone’s preparing for Bernie to win Nevada, even rival campaigns, but I don’t know that anyone’s prepared for him to win Nevada going away.
The SUPERDELEGATES want to step in and get Biden or Bloomberg the nomination.

Bernie's unapologetic commie ass is wholly unelectable and they FUCKING know it. Commies must pretend to not be commies to get elected. See Hillary.

Not sure if Nevada has open primaries but here in Missouri we do and hell yes I’m going to go vote for that crazy ass commie! Anything to help the collapse of the democrat party.
This is of Dem caucus voters. Warren comes in at 65% to Sanders 68%.

Within the margin of error
Not sure if Nevada has open primaries but here in Missouri we do and hell yes I’m going to go vote for that crazy ass commie! Anything to help the collapse of the democrat party.
I think Republicans should do this whenever they can. Limbaugh organized a similar effort which he called "Operation Chaos."

Let the voting begin!
Not sure if Nevada has open primaries but here in Missouri we do and hell yes I’m going to go vote for that crazy ass commie! Anything to help the collapse of the democrat party.
A: Any registered Democrat in the state may participate in the caucus process through one of two processes: in-person early voting or attending your precinct caucus. Casino employees on the Las Vegas Strip will also have the option of attending strip caucus sites on Caucus Day. Participants may register to vote same day or change party affiliation at any early vote location, caucus day location or strip caucus location. For more information on the options for participating in the caucus, please visit
Go Bernie, Go!

The doom of the Democrat party is in the lead!

Landslide? New poll of Nevada suggests Bernie is pulling away

“Landslide” is a relative term, of course. Bernie’s not going to get so much as 50 percent of the vote in Nevada.

But given the photo finish in Iowa and the surprisingly tight margin in New Hampshire, a comfortable win would be impressive and potentially game-changing depending upon just how comfortable it is. Nevada’s apt to be the last state that’s hotly contested by the big four that have dominated the top tier for the past year. Warren will likely be done after the vote and Buttigieg and Klobuchar may be relegated to de facto also-ran status after their moment in the sun in New Hampshire. By his own admission, Biden needs a second-place finish in Nevada in order to build momentum before must-win South Carolina.

Let’s say he gets that — but that he also finishes 20 points behind Sanders on caucus night, a very distant, dismal second. “BERNIE’S FOR REAL,” the papers will scream the next day. South Carolinians may began shifting towards him. In one fell swoop, all of the competition except Bloomberg will have been marginalized: Warren gone, Pete and Amy dismissed as pretenders, Biden denied the good buzz he was counting on. Even Bloomberg, for all his resources, would begin to look small in the face of “Sanders might be unstoppable” narrative. Everyone’s preparing for Bernie to win Nevada, even rival campaigns, but I don’t know that anyone’s prepared for him to win Nevada going away.

Why is this an issue for you, a Canadian?
Not sure if Nevada has open primaries but here in Missouri we do and hell yes I’m going to go vote for that crazy ass commie! Anything to help the collapse of the democrat party.
A: Any registered Democrat in the state may participate in the caucus process through one of two processes: in-person early voting or attending your precinct caucus. Casino employees on the Las Vegas Strip will also have the option of attending strip caucus sites on Caucus Day. Participants may register to vote same day or change party affiliation at any early vote location, caucus day location or strip caucus location. For more information on the options for participating in the caucus, please visit
Every conservative in Nevada should get in on this. Let’s all help the US by fucking over the democrats.
Not sure if Nevada has open primaries but here in Missouri we do and hell yes I’m going to go vote for that crazy ass commie! Anything to help the collapse of the democrat party.
A: Any registered Democrat in the state may participate in the caucus process through one of two processes: in-person early voting or attending your precinct caucus. Casino employees on the Las Vegas Strip will also have the option of attending strip caucus sites on Caucus Day. Participants may register to vote same day or change party affiliation at any early vote location, caucus day location or strip caucus location. For more information on the options for participating in the caucus, please visit
Every conservative in Nevada should get in on this. Let’s all help the US by fucking over the democrats.

Democrats are for Working Class Americans, conservatives are against Working Class Americans.
Not sure if Nevada has open primaries but here in Missouri we do and hell yes I’m going to go vote for that crazy ass commie! Anything to help the collapse of the democrat party.
A: Any registered Democrat in the state may participate in the caucus process through one of two processes: in-person early voting or attending your precinct caucus. Casino employees on the Las Vegas Strip will also have the option of attending strip caucus sites on Caucus Day. Participants may register to vote same day or change party affiliation at any early vote location, caucus day location or strip caucus location. For more information on the options for participating in the caucus, please visit
Every conservative in Nevada should get in on this. Let’s all help the US by fucking over the democrats.

Democrats are for Working Class Americans, conservatives are against Working Class Americans.
Democrats are destroying this country.
Not sure if Nevada has open primaries but here in Missouri we do and hell yes I’m going to go vote for that crazy ass commie! Anything to help the collapse of the democrat party.
A: Any registered Democrat in the state may participate in the caucus process through one of two processes: in-person early voting or attending your precinct caucus. Casino employees on the Las Vegas Strip will also have the option of attending strip caucus sites on Caucus Day. Participants may register to vote same day or change party affiliation at any early vote location, caucus day location or strip caucus location. For more information on the options for participating in the caucus, please visit
Every conservative in Nevada should get in on this. Let’s all help the US by fucking over the democrats.

Democrats are for Working Class Americans, conservatives are against Working Class Americans.
Democrats are destroying this country.

You live in Canada.

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