Land of the Free??? AUDIO - Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC mosque critics

Pelosi is a deranged Nazi. Seriously,who votes for these nutters? She gotta go. Make 2010 count America.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, called for an investigation of those who are protesting the building of the Ground Zero Mosque on Tuesday. She told San Francisco's KCBS radio:


"There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded," she said. "How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City." (h/t Kristinn)

Calls to investigate the funding for those proposing the $100 million "Cordoba House" have fallen on deaf ears, though, as New York's Mayor Mike Bloomberg has described such an investigation as "un-American."
AUDIO - Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC mosque opposition - Washington Times

This is the Land of the Free to Democrats! Investigate and INTIMIDATE anyone who disagrees with their agenda.

Remember people! November is coming! ;)

Yep, we need to investigate everyone who ever speaks up in opposition to anything that the Left approves of.
Oh the irony.

The same crowd that has been clamoring for investigating the funding of the pro-Mosque people are now deciding that investigating the anti-Mosque funding would be reprehensible.

lolol it never ends.

The real irony is that you are not condemning Pelosi for violating another person's First Amendment rights. I thought that was a key issue with you.
Oh the irony.

The same crowd that has been clamoring for investigating the funding of the pro-Mosque people are now deciding that investigating the anti-Mosque funding would be reprehensible.

lolol it never ends.

You THINK there might be a difference between investigating where the money for the actual MOSQUE comes from as opposed to investigating the free speech activities of those who oppose??????

Don't lie about the issue. Try being honest, for once in your wretched trailer trash excuse for a life.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do you know that even the left wing rag Daily Kos thinks Pelosi has lost her mind?
Investigate HC opponents. Investigate people reporting illegals. Investigate mosque opponents. Sue AZ.

Investigate questionable funding of a 100 million dollar Islamic Center - unAmerican!

The writing is on the wall folks.
So because she got some questions she didn't like at a press conference, we have to investigate the finances behind people who oppose the mosque? Are you kidding me?
I understand part of the impulse here, which is that in political campaigns, there ought to be transparency. But that transparency needs to be across the board -- you can't pick and choose who will be investigated. So to the extent that Pelosi would like there to be more information about how political campaigns are funded, then we ought to debate new policies that would apply to everybody -- equally.

Daily Kos: Investigate mosque opponents? No thanks.
Oh the irony.

The same crowd that has been clamoring for investigating the funding of the pro-Mosque people are now deciding that investigating the anti-Mosque funding would be reprehensible.

lolol it never ends.
How about if you get on the side of America for a change?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, called for an investigation of those who are protesting the building of the Ground Zero Mosque on Tuesday. She told San Francisco's KCBS radio:


"There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded," she said. "How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City." (h/t Kristinn)

Calls to investigate the funding for those proposing the $100 million "Cordoba House" have fallen on deaf ears, though, as New York's Mayor Mike Bloomberg has described such an investigation as "un-American."
AUDIO - Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC mosque opposition - Washington Times

This is the Land of the Free to Democrats! Investigate and INTIMIDATE anyone who disagrees with their agenda.

Remember people! November is coming! ;)

Yep, we need to investigate everyone who ever speaks up in opposition to anything that the Left approves of.
Thoughtcrime. They want a law.
Oh the irony.

The same crowd that has been clamoring for investigating the funding of the pro-Mosque people are now deciding that investigating the anti-Mosque funding would be reprehensible.

lolol it never ends.

The real irony is that you are not condemning Pelosi for violating another person's First Amendment rights. I thought that was a key issue with you.

No enemies on the Left.
You THINK there might be a difference between investigating where the money for the actual MOSQUE comes from as opposed to investigating the free speech activities of those who oppose??????

Don't lie about the issue. Try being honest, for once in your wretched trailer trash excuse for a life.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do you know that even the left wing rag Daily Kos thinks Pelosi has lost her mind?

So? Did you accuse the Muslim hating wingnuts around here of losing their minds for wanting the financing of the Islamic center investigated?
Don't lie about the issue. Try being honest, for once in your wretched trailer trash excuse for a life.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do you know that even the left wing rag Daily Kos thinks Pelosi has lost her mind?

So? Did you accuse the Muslim hating wingnuts around here of losing their minds for wanting the financing of the Islamic center investigated?

the center has a projected cost of $100 million.
what is the cost of people objecting to its location? are people being paid to object to it?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, called for an investigation of those who are protesting the building of the Ground Zero Mosque on Tuesday. She told San Francisco's KCBS radio:


"There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded," she said. "How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City." (h/t Kristinn)

Calls to investigate the funding for those proposing the $100 million "Cordoba House" have fallen on deaf ears, though, as New York's Mayor Mike Bloomberg has described such an investigation as "un-American."

AUDIO - Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC mosque opposition - Washington Times

This is the Land of the Free to Democrats! Investigate and INTIMIDATE anyone who disagrees with their agenda.

Remember people! November is coming! ;)

Astounding...wanna bet how many people back her?

Goodbye America....
Oh the irony.

The same crowd that has been clamoring for investigating the funding of the pro-Mosque people are now deciding that investigating the anti-Mosque funding would be reprehensible.

lolol it never ends.

And I saw it the other way around......

BTW, I've gotten no funding.....just so you know. Hope they investigate me...better call my niece and nephew, they are both lawyers, but I could get something out of this. Hmm, maybe I'll be able to pay for a fulltime caregiver for Andrew after all...
Au contraire.

She is a major leader of the Democrat Party and of one of the houses of Congress. Her words have much more impact than those of a private citizen, and reflect on her party. If they don't support her stances, they should remove her from the Speaker position.

Don't lie about the issue. Try being honest, for once in your wretched trailer trash excuse for a life.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do you know that even the left wing rag Daily Kos thinks Pelosi has lost her mind?

So? Did you accuse the Muslim hating wingnuts around here of losing their minds for wanting the financing of the Islamic center investigated?

Yanno, NYCarbineer, this new mosque is almost certainly seeking tax exempt status. There are more than enough tax laws and national security laws to authorize the feds to investigate the source of the funds used to acquire the land and erect the building, and not doing so seems terribly irresponsible to me. For starters, if the RCC were seeking the same deal the IRS would verify the funds involved actually belonged to the RCC and were acquired through donations or other legitimate means. It would be stupid, hypocritical and negligent to fail to place the mosque under at least the same scrutiny.

But obviously, the real concern is that some people fear the mosque will be built using funds funneled into the US from terrorist organizations. (Myself, I think Americans need to fear money being funneled out to such groups, not in from them, but I can understand the concern.) So set a troop of forensic accountants on the task and let them look. Why must we turn a blind eye if the suspicion is at least facially reasonable?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, called for an investigation of those who are protesting the building of the Ground Zero Mosque on Tuesday. She told San Francisco's KCBS radio:


"There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded," she said. "How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City." (h/t Kristinn)

Calls to investigate the funding for those proposing the $100 million "Cordoba House" have fallen on deaf ears, though, as New York's Mayor Mike Bloomberg has described such an investigation as "un-American."

AUDIO - Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC mosque opposition - Washington Times

This is the Land of the Free to Democrats! Investigate and INTIMIDATE anyone who disagrees with their agenda.

Remember people! November is coming! ;)

Not surprising.

I call Obama a Marxist because I think he believes in part the Teachings of Marx, not in the Totalitarian manifestations of Marx we have seen in the past.

Pelosi on the other hand is a Stalinist. She would be at home as the head of a totalitarian Communist Regime. I think it would make her day.

People that think like her are dangerous.

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