Land of Canaan / Palestine - Israel

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Results of a DNA study by geneticist Ariella Oppenheim appears to match historical accounts that Arab Israelis ((Palestinian 1948)) and Palestinians, together as the one same population, represent modern "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times", albeit religiously first Christianized then largely Islamized, and all eventually culturally Arabized."American Academy for the Advancement of Science."

Before the Hebrews first migrated there around 1800 B.C., the land of Canaan was occupied by Canaanites.
Between 3000 and 1100 B.C., Canaanite civilization covered what is today Israel, the West Bank, Lebanon and much of Syria and JordanThose who remained in the Jerusalem hills after the Romans expelled the Jews [in the second century A.D.] were a potpourri: farmers and vineyard growers, pagans and converts to Christianity, descendants of the Arabs, Persians, Samaritans, Greeks and old Canaanite tribes.source""Marcia Kunstel and Joseph Albright, Their Promised Land""

The present-day Palestinians ancestral heritage
But all these [different peoples who had come to Canaan] were additions, sprigs grafted onto the parent treeAnd that parent tree was Canaanite[The Arab invaders of the 7th century A.D.] made Moslem converts of the natives, settled down as residents, and intermarried with them, with the result that all are now so completely Arabized that we cannot tell where the Canaanites leave off and the Arabs begin.source""Illene Beatty, Arab and Jew in the Land of Canaan""

which means that the Palestinian people definitely is the today Canaanites , there unique deferent culture from all their Neighbors in every way of living.

Great post. Thanks for the information. It seems so easy for people to forget how societies morph over time. Compare present USA culture with 100 years ago for an example. For someone to claim a blood right to a land, while spiritually noble and right, physically will be a tough row to hoe. The price will be paid in blood as well as claimed.
Results of a DNA study by geneticist Ariella Oppenheim appears to match historical accounts that Arab Israelis ((Palestinian 1948)) and Palestinians, together as the one same population, represent modern "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times", albeit religiously first Christianized then largely Islamized, and all eventually culturally Arabized."American Academy for the Advancement of Science."

The consensus of opinion among historians, archaeologists and ethnologists is Pallies are merely Arabs who originated from the Arabian Peninsula.

Jews lived in Canaan at least 2000 years before the Muhammadan invaded, verifiable by legitimate historians and the archaeological record.
Great post. Thanks for the information. It seems so easy for people to forget how societies morph over time. Compare present USA culture with 100 years ago for an example. For someone to claim a blood right to a land, while spiritually noble and right, physically will be a tough row to hoe. The price will be paid in blood as well as claimed.

Archaeological evidence substantiates Jews lived in Canaan/Judah in at least 1300 BCE.

Arabs did not invade Canaan'Judah until 636 AD in the Battle of Yarmuk.

Open a book. A history book, not your comic books
"Palestinians have continuously resided in Palestine since four thousand years before Christ....

"Their ancestors built the cities of Jerusalem, Nablus, Jericho, Beisan, Acca and Jaffa.

"The Hebrews arrived in the land between 1400-1200 B.C., and only maintained control over it during the lifetimes of King David and his son King Solomon – a period of about 80 years.

" The land then came under Greek and Roman rule, and was then conquered by Islam in the year 637 A.D. under the second Caliph, Omar.

"By that time, the Jews had already left Jerusalem, and Christianity was the dominant religion.

"The Caliph granted full security to all Christians, including personal safety, and protection of property, religion and churches.

"The Muslims declared Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, and the city remained under Islamic rule until the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, except for a brief time of Christian rule under the Crusaders.

US Involvement...
"Palestinians have continuously resided in Palestine since four thousand years before Christ

That would have been hard to do since Palestinians didn't even exist until Arabs began callingl themselves by that name in 1967.

1967 doesn't really constitute ancient history.

Jews have lived in Canaan since at least 1300 BCE, verified by the archaeological record.

Muslim intruders invaded in 636 AD. Thus, Jews lived in Canaan for 2000 years before Muhammad was even born.

After you sober up, open a history book, dummy
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"Palestinians have continuously resided in Palestine since four thousand years before Christ....

"Their ancestors built the cities of Jerusalem, Nablus, Jericho, Beisan, Acca and Jaffa.

"The Hebrews arrived in the land between 1400-1200 B.C., and only maintained control over it during the lifetimes of King David and his son King Solomon – a period of about 80 years.

" The land then came under Greek and Roman rule, and was then conquered by Islam in the year 637 A.D. under the second Caliph, Omar.

"By that time, the Jews had already left Jerusalem, and Christianity was the dominant religion.

"The Caliph granted full security to all Christians, including personal safety, and protection of property, religion and churches.

"The Muslims declared Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, and the city remained under Islamic rule until the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, except for a brief time of Christian rule under the Crusaders.

US Involvement...

Sometimes you're posts are so stupid they aren't even worth a response "Palestinians" founded Jerusalem You're a joke
"Palestinians have continuously resided in Palestine since four thousand years before Christ....

"Their ancestors built the cities of Jerusalem

That's a nice trick considering Jerusalem is a Hebrew word that is mentioned 700 times in the Hebrew Bible, zero times in the Quran.

Also a nice trick, considering King David established Jerusalem as the Jewish capital in 1000BCE and conquered it from the Philistines who were Greek, not Arab Muslim. Muslims didn't invade Jerusalem until 636 AD.

Jews pray facing Jerusalem.

Muslims pray facing Mecca in Saudi Arabia, their asses face Jerusalem

In fact, the only connection Muslims have with Jerusalem is completely fictional: Muhammad's night journey to Jerusalem on his winged donkey Al Buraq, with the woman's head and peacock's tail. When the Meccans heard Muhammad's tale, they laughed him out of Mecca.

George, sorry, you're way out of your depth.
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"The Muslims declared Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, and the city remained under Islamic rule until the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, except for a brief time of Christian rule under the Crusaders.

Well, no. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Muslim entity. In fact, when Musims invaded Syria in 636 Ad, they established Ramla, not Jerusalem, as their capital.

During Ottoman rule, Jerusalem was left to rot by the Muslims and was used as a repository for indigents.

When the Jordanians seized Jerusalem in 1947, the land was known as Judea and Samaria. They changed the name to The West Bank and Jerusalem was literally turned into a urinal.

When the Jews seized Jerusalem in 1967, Jerusalem was restored to its original beauty.

The Muslims don't give a fuck about Jerusalem other than they want what the Jews want.
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Before the Hebrews first migrated there around 1800 B.C., the land of Canaan was occupied by Canaanites.
Between 3000 and 1100 B.C., Canaanite civilization covered what is today Israel, the West Bank, Lebanon and much of Syria and JordanThose who remained in the Jerusalem hills after the Romans expelled the Jews [in the second century A.D.] were a potpourri: farmers and vineyard growers, pagans and converts to Christianity, descendants of the Arabs, Persians, Samaritans, Greeks and old Canaanite tribes.source""Marcia Kunstel and Joseph Albright, Their Promised Land""

The present-day Palestinians ancestral heritage
But all these [different peoples who had come to Canaan] were additions, sprigs grafted onto the parent treeAnd that parent tree was Canaanite[The Arab invaders of the 7th century A.D.] made Moslem converts of the natives, settled down as residents, and intermarried with them, with the result that all are now so completely Arabized that we cannot tell where the Canaanites leave off and the Arabs begin.source""Illene Beatty, Arab and Jew in the Land of Canaan""

which means that the Palestinian people definitely is the today Canaanites , there unique deferent culture from all their Neighbors in every way of living.

It took you all this time to find this? Those conclusions from a pro "Palestinian" Point of view are bogus. One thing is for sure... ALL DNA analyze show that the Jews originated in the Middle East,..Look it up. So all you're all you bullshit, saying the Jews of Europe didn't originate from there are also bogus. Anyway you haters are grasping at straws with this stuff. Israel is there as a Jewish state, and there is nothing you an do about it....Now get over it haters
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"B]The Hebrews arrived in the land between 1400-1200 B.C., and only maintained control over it during the lifetimes of King David and his son King Solomon – a period of about 80 years.

Wrong, again. You've already been instructed on this matter, psycho. Jews controlled Canaan/Judah for over 400 years during the First Temple period, which lasted from when King David established Jerusalem as the Jewish capital in 1000 BCE to 586 BCE when the Babylonians invaded.

Arabs controlled Judea for less than 90 years under the Umayyads. That's it.

You demonstrate zero knowledge of history and a complete inability to retain information imparted to you.

Proving that even recovering alcoholics never restore their addled brains
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Results of a DNA study by geneticist Ariella Oppenheim appears to match historical accounts that Arab Israelis ((Palestinian 1948)) and Palestinians, together as the one same population, represent modern "descendants of a core population that lived in the area since prehistoric times", albeit religiously first Christianized then largely Islamized, and all eventually culturally Arabized."American Academy for the Advancement of Science."

The consensus of opinion among historians, archaeologists and ethnologists is Pallies are merely Arabs who originated from the Arabian Peninsula.

Jews lived in Canaan at least 2000 years before the Muhammadan invaded, verifiable by legitimate historians and the archaeological record.
Which explains why you never post any proof of your alleged "consensus."

I suppose that makes it easier for you to justify the murder of your neighbors for economic gain?
"Palestinians have continuously resided in Palestine since four thousand years before Christ....

"Their ancestors built the cities of Jerusalem, Nablus, Jericho, Beisan, Acca and Jaffa.

"The Hebrews arrived in the land between 1400-1200 B.C., and only maintained control over it during the lifetimes of King David and his son King Solomon – a period of about 80 years.

" The land then came under Greek and Roman rule, and was then conquered by Islam in the year 637 A.D. under the second Caliph, Omar.

"By that time, the Jews had already left Jerusalem, and Christianity was the dominant religion.

"The Caliph granted full security to all Christians, including personal safety, and protection of property, religion and churches.

"The Muslims declared Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, and the city remained under Islamic rule until the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, except for a brief time of Christian rule under the Crusaders.

US Involvement...

Sometimes you're posts are so stupid they aren't even worth a response "Palestinians" founded Jerusalem You're a joke
Today's Palestinian (Canaanite) ancestors built Jerusalem, Einstein.

No Hebrews required.

Don't tell Moses.
"The Muslims declared Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, and the city remained under Islamic rule until the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, except for a brief time of Christian rule under the Crusaders.

Well, no. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Muslim entity. In fact, when Musims invaded Syria in 636 Ad, they established Ramla, not Jerusalem, as their capital.

During Ottoman rule, Jerusalem was left to rot by the Muslims and was used as a repository for indigents.

When the Jordanians seized Jerusalem in 1947, the land was known as Judea and Samaria. They changed the name to The West Bank and Jerusalem was literally turned into a urinal.

When the Jews seized Jerusalem in 1967, Jerusalem was restored to its original beauty.

The Muslims don't give a fuck about Jerusalem other than they want what the Jews want.
"Jews" and "original beauty?"

You've outdone yourself.

"The Muslims declared Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, and the city remained under Islamic rule until the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, except for a brief time of Christian rule under the Crusaders.

Well, no. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Muslim entity. In fact, when Musims invaded Syria in 636 Ad, they established Ramla, not Jerusalem, as their capital.

During Ottoman rule, Jerusalem was left to rot by the Muslims and was used as a repository for indigents.

When the Jordanians seized Jerusalem in 1947, the land was known as Judea and Samaria. They changed the name to The West Bank and Jerusalem was literally turned into a urinal.

When the Jews seized Jerusalem in 1967, Jerusalem was restored to its original beauty.

The Muslims don't give a fuck about Jerusalem other than they want what the Jews want.
"Jews" and "original beauty?"

You've outdone yourself.


Drinking on Thanksgiving morning? You're not only a drunk, you're a turkey:lol:
It doesn't matter who did what when. No it doesn't. Ownership is 9/10 of the law. Who has it now has it, and you'll have to kick their ass to take it. The Native Americans were rightfully here in the USA until we kicked their asses and took it. Texas belonged to Mexico before we kicked their ass and took it. The bottom line is once a people are established in a land, you'll have to kick their ass to take it back from them. History was yesterday and today is what matters. You can deliberate over facts, treaties, and rules while you get your ass kicked off your land, and at the end of the day you are smart, right, and homeless.
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It doesn't matter who did what when. No it doesn't. Ownership is 9/10 of the law. Who has it now has it, and you'll have to kick their ass to take it. The Native Americans were rightfully here in the USA until we kicked their asses and took it. Texas belonged to Mexico before we kicked their ass and took it. The bottom line is once a people are established in a land, you'll have to kick their ass to take it back from them. History was yesterday and today is what matters. You can deliberate over facts, treaties, and rules while you get your ass kicked off your land, and at the end of the day you are smart, right, and homeless.

Arabs attacked Jews. Jews won. To the victor goes the spoils.

End of story.
It doesn't matter who did what when. No it doesn't. Ownership is 9/10 of the law. Who has it now has it, and you'll have to kick their ass to take it. The Native Americans were rightfully here in the USA until we kicked their asses and took it. Texas belonged to Mexico before we kicked their ass and took it. The bottom line is once a people are established in a land, you'll have to kick their ass to take it back from them. History was yesterday and today is what matters. You can deliberate over facts, treaties, and rules while you get your ass kicked off your land, and at the end of the day you are smart, right, and homeless.

Arabs attacked Jews. Jews won. To the victor goes the spoils.

End of story.

Yep. That is correct. And they will have to fight to keep it.

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