Lance Armstrong's PED use made no difference


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Study suggests Lance Armstrong's PED use may have been for nothing

Wow, too bad he didn't trust himself to win honestly. Was wondering if this holds true for other sports like football, we got guys getting suspended left and right in the NFL.

The use of erythropoietin (EPO) has no effect on athletic performance, acccording to a recent study, which then begs the question: Did Lance Armstrong dope for nothing?

The study, published (ironically?) in The Lancet medical journal, divided 48 high-level (but amateur) cyclists into two groups. One group was given EPO, while the other group was given a placebo. The results: after a series of grueling rides, the two groups showed no difference in performance whatsoever.

EPO, which is one of 300 substances banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency, has long been prevalent in professional cycling throughout the years. The drug is purported to help an increased level of oxygen reach muscles in the body, and is widely thought to increase endurance.

Among the PEDs Armstrong has admitted to using, EPO was the only one he used during each of his since-stripped seven Tour de France titles.

While this study did not use pro cyclists, lead researcher Jules Heuberger apparently has no problem making the connection.

“It’s just tragic to lose your career for something that doesn’t work, to lose seven yellow jerseys for a drug that has no effect,” said Heuberger, who did the research at Holland’s Centre for Human Drug Research.

Interestingly, although the drug benefited athletes in lab settings, this did not translate to actual cycling races, which constituted racing up a hill for this study.
I like what comedian Bill Burr said about Armstrong. "OK so our roided up guy beat your roided up guy...".

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