Lady libertynot calling illegal aliens


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
….the lost, the needy, the rejected, the exiled... freedom from oppression....

Lady Liberty is not calling Illegal Aliens because they do not fit the descriptions above.

No one crosses the border looking like starving little Ethiopians. Running from oppression. They are fat and wearing designer cloths and shoes and paying thousands of dollars to human smugglers. Leaving homes and family behind. They are not coming because their children are starving, but because of the generosity of our Government in handing our freebies. They have a welfare, healthcare and education system that many American students take advantage of. They want a mo’ better life this government afford them.

To compare Illegal Aliens with the huddled masses longing to breathe free, that entered the country through Ellis Island, and some were turned away, it offensive to all descendents of those immigrants and belittle the contributions they made to this country. They did not ask for welfare or healthcare or food stamps, they ask for nothing but freedom.

Comparing Illegal Aliens to immigrants of old is like comparing hamburger to filet mignon.

Lady Liberty is still calling those huddle masses that long to breathe free, offering them freedom from oppression, but Illegal Aliens are not them.


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