Lady Gaga the biggest entertaintment celeb

It's amazing how pop-stars are marketed to hormone saturated teenagers. Would Stefanai Germanotti ring as a pop star? She has a nice body but it looks like she is a little short and with a ton of makeup it's hard to see what she really looks like.
Lady BlahBlah's a barker for Starbucks. She's merely a rehash of Madonna. She relies on 'controversial' gimmicks and schticks to keep her fifteen minutes of fame churning along. Her music is metronomoic, generic pap. Case closed.

I predict that BlahBlah's finale is going to be an on-stage abortion. She'll dole out plastic sheets for the front row as if it were a Gallagher show and then place the barrel of a .357 in her mouth to end the spectacle with dignity.
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I understand she got her nic from listening a lot to Queen's "Radio GaGa".

She is a Performance Artist .... outrageous visuals is what she does. Her popularity will die out as fast as she rose to fame, I'm sure. If she's smart, she's invested her money well.
It's sad when "musician", really means entertainer now. There's a big difference. And this isn't totally aimed at Gaga-I don't think she's terrible, but I also don't what the big deal with her is. She brings nothing new to the table (musically speaking).
Lady BlahBlah's a barker for Starbucks. She's merely a rehash of Madonna. She relies on 'controversial' gimmicks and schticks to keep her fifteen minutes of fame churning along. Her music is metronomoic, generic pap. Case closed.

I predict that BlahBlah's finale is going to be an on-stage abortion. She'll dole out plastic sheets for the front row as if it were a Gallagher show and then place the barrel of a .357 in her mouth to end the spectacle with dignity.

Yea, she's like a Madonna copy, but she actually has a good voice. Her musinc isn't my style but I'll give her credit for being a performer and a musician.
She was on Letterman last night doin' the Sharon Stone thing...

... Uncle Ferd was real enthralled `cause she wasn't wearin' no panties...

... he said he always knew she wharn't no real blonde.
She was on Letterman last night doin' the Sharon Stone thing...

... Uncle Ferd was real enthralled `cause she wasn't wearin' no panties...

... he said he always knew she wharn't no real blonde.

I read a story that said Gaga was indeed a brunette, but she dyed her hair because she felt leaving it dark, she looked too much like Amy Winehouse and she didn't like that :lol:
She was on Letterman last night doin' the Sharon Stone thing...

... Uncle Ferd was real enthralled `cause she wasn't wearin' no panties...

... he said he always knew she wharn't no real blonde.

I read a story that said Gaga was indeed a brunette, but she dyed her hair because she felt leaving it dark, she looked too much like Amy Winehouse and she didn't like that :lol:

She's a brunette. She started as a classical piano player.
She was on Letterman last night doin' the Sharon Stone thing...

... Uncle Ferd was real enthralled `cause she wasn't wearin' no panties...

... he said he always knew she wharn't no real blonde.

I read a story that said Gaga was indeed a brunette, but she dyed her hair because she felt leaving it dark, she looked too much like Amy Winehouse and she didn't like that :lol:

She's a brunette. She started as a classical piano player.

And she's a very good one!! Plus, she was raised Catholic :rock:
So what do yunz think of her latest fashion wear??
Penis shoes


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I never really listened to her but I am quite certain there is something subliminal in it because I would catch only the first part of the rah rah something song just briefly here and there and then I had to listen to it. I was shocked to see on vevo live that she is actually talented and does not need all that mad glam to put on a good show with just a piano and her voice. I was suprised.

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