Labour ahead in polls

If I were a Tory I wouldn't care about the polls. Corbyn is unelectable unless the Tories do something stupid.
What more stupid things do the Tories dave to?

Well that's how bad Corbyn really is. That he's not doing well when the Tories are being so bad, with infighting, messing it all up.

OK, given he was a "new" leader, had just about all MSM against him and "Blairites" in his own party trying to undermine him during the election, I think he did remarkably well. He believes Labour is a "broad church" capable of accepting multiple viewpoints, pity the Blairite faction prefers to try to fight their own party rather than fight the Tories. Maybe Tommy is right, Labour should purge them but if they did, it would just create the impression of a shift to the far-left and another smear campaign.

But isn't the role of a party leader to unite the party, get the media on his side, and win elections?

You're taking all the things he's failed at, and using them to show how well he's done.

Whereas I take all the things he's failed at and use them to show how shit he's done.
Yes, but all of that takes time. The party is united, except for a small fanatical Blairite faction that's getting more MSM coverage than they deserve, we have almost 600,000 card carrying members and are the largest political party in the UK. In 2017, for the first time in decades, we've raised more financial contributions than the Tories (most of Tory contributions come from bequests from dead people it seems!). We started 20 points down and are now ahead in the polls. The Tories and Right wing MSM are terrified that there is a sea change coming which is why we are getting all this negative attention. I'm sorry if doing the impossible is not enough for you, unfortunately miracles take a bit longer. :)

The party is united, except for those who aren't united, of course, and it's unable to win elections.

The number of people who carry a card isn't important. It's the number of people who VOTE that's important. It would seem that a lot of people joined the party in order to make the party unelectable.

Being ahead in the polls also doesn't matter. Because as soon as the election starts, people will be like "shit, Corbyn might be leader" and he'll drop like a stone again.

I've heard all the trumpet blowing from Corbyn about how amazing he is. How he'd be PM within a year (that was more than a year ago), the guy is a moron who's making it easy for the Tories.

Had Blair been leader, Labour would have walked the last election.
What more stupid things do the Tories dave to?

Well that's how bad Corbyn really is. That he's not doing well when the Tories are being so bad, with infighting, messing it all up.

OK, given he was a "new" leader, had just about all MSM against him and "Blairites" in his own party trying to undermine him during the election, I think he did remarkably well. He believes Labour is a "broad church" capable of accepting multiple viewpoints, pity the Blairite faction prefers to try to fight their own party rather than fight the Tories. Maybe Tommy is right, Labour should purge them but if they did, it would just create the impression of a shift to the far-left and another smear campaign.

But isn't the role of a party leader to unite the party, get the media on his side, and win elections?

You're taking all the things he's failed at, and using them to show how well he's done.

Whereas I take all the things he's failed at and use them to show how shit he's done.
Yes, but all of that takes time. The party is united, except for a small fanatical Blairite faction that's getting more MSM coverage than they deserve, we have almost 600,000 card carrying members and are the largest political party in the UK. In 2017, for the first time in decades, we've raised more financial contributions than the Tories (most of Tory contributions come from bequests from dead people it seems!). We started 20 points down and are now ahead in the polls. The Tories and Right wing MSM are terrified that there is a sea change coming which is why we are getting all this negative attention. I'm sorry if doing the impossible is not enough for you, unfortunately miracles take a bit longer. :)

The party is united, except for those who aren't united, of course, and it's unable to win elections.

The number of people who carry a card isn't important. It's the number of people who VOTE that's important. It would seem that a lot of people joined the party in order to make the party unelectable.

Being ahead in the polls also doesn't matter. Because as soon as the election starts, people will be like "shit, Corbyn might be leader" and he'll drop like a stone again.

I've heard all the trumpet blowing from Corbyn about how amazing he is. How he'd be PM within a year (that was more than a year ago), the guy is a moron who's making it easy for the Tories.

Had Blair been leader, Labour would have walked the last election.
Labour looks a mess until you look at the Tories. They have clearly divided into two factions and can block any brexit deal put forward.
Well that's how bad Corbyn really is. That he's not doing well when the Tories are being so bad, with infighting, messing it all up.

OK, given he was a "new" leader, had just about all MSM against him and "Blairites" in his own party trying to undermine him during the election, I think he did remarkably well. He believes Labour is a "broad church" capable of accepting multiple viewpoints, pity the Blairite faction prefers to try to fight their own party rather than fight the Tories. Maybe Tommy is right, Labour should purge them but if they did, it would just create the impression of a shift to the far-left and another smear campaign.

But isn't the role of a party leader to unite the party, get the media on his side, and win elections?

You're taking all the things he's failed at, and using them to show how well he's done.

Whereas I take all the things he's failed at and use them to show how shit he's done.
Yes, but all of that takes time. The party is united, except for a small fanatical Blairite faction that's getting more MSM coverage than they deserve, we have almost 600,000 card carrying members and are the largest political party in the UK. In 2017, for the first time in decades, we've raised more financial contributions than the Tories (most of Tory contributions come from bequests from dead people it seems!). We started 20 points down and are now ahead in the polls. The Tories and Right wing MSM are terrified that there is a sea change coming which is why we are getting all this negative attention. I'm sorry if doing the impossible is not enough for you, unfortunately miracles take a bit longer. :)

The party is united, except for those who aren't united, of course, and it's unable to win elections.

The number of people who carry a card isn't important. It's the number of people who VOTE that's important. It would seem that a lot of people joined the party in order to make the party unelectable.

Being ahead in the polls also doesn't matter. Because as soon as the election starts, people will be like "shit, Corbyn might be leader" and he'll drop like a stone again.

I've heard all the trumpet blowing from Corbyn about how amazing he is. How he'd be PM within a year (that was more than a year ago), the guy is a moron who's making it easy for the Tories.

Had Blair been leader, Labour would have walked the last election.
Labour looks a mess until you look at the Tories. They have clearly divided into two factions and can block any brexit deal put forward.

Great for the UK, isn't it? Shit opposition and shit government. If the opposition get into government they'll be shit too. On top of that you've got Brexit shitting the country up.

Great time to be British. Self destruction, counting down, 5, 4 boom.
OK, given he was a "new" leader, had just about all MSM against him and "Blairites" in his own party trying to undermine him during the election, I think he did remarkably well. He believes Labour is a "broad church" capable of accepting multiple viewpoints, pity the Blairite faction prefers to try to fight their own party rather than fight the Tories. Maybe Tommy is right, Labour should purge them but if they did, it would just create the impression of a shift to the far-left and another smear campaign.

But isn't the role of a party leader to unite the party, get the media on his side, and win elections?

You're taking all the things he's failed at, and using them to show how well he's done.

Whereas I take all the things he's failed at and use them to show how shit he's done.
Yes, but all of that takes time. The party is united, except for a small fanatical Blairite faction that's getting more MSM coverage than they deserve, we have almost 600,000 card carrying members and are the largest political party in the UK. In 2017, for the first time in decades, we've raised more financial contributions than the Tories (most of Tory contributions come from bequests from dead people it seems!). We started 20 points down and are now ahead in the polls. The Tories and Right wing MSM are terrified that there is a sea change coming which is why we are getting all this negative attention. I'm sorry if doing the impossible is not enough for you, unfortunately miracles take a bit longer. :)

The party is united, except for those who aren't united, of course, and it's unable to win elections.

The number of people who carry a card isn't important. It's the number of people who VOTE that's important. It would seem that a lot of people joined the party in order to make the party unelectable.

Being ahead in the polls also doesn't matter. Because as soon as the election starts, people will be like "shit, Corbyn might be leader" and he'll drop like a stone again.

I've heard all the trumpet blowing from Corbyn about how amazing he is. How he'd be PM within a year (that was more than a year ago), the guy is a moron who's making it easy for the Tories.

Had Blair been leader, Labour would have walked the last election.
Labour looks a mess until you look at the Tories. They have clearly divided into two factions and can block any brexit deal put forward.

Great for the UK, isn't it? Shit opposition and shit government. If the opposition get into government they'll be shit too. On top of that you've got Brexit shitting the country up.

Great time to be British. Self destruction, counting down, 5, 4 boom.
Stopping brexit has to be the priority at this point. if that disaster happens the job of governing will be beyond any government.
Labour looks a mess until you look at the Tories. They have clearly divided into two factions and can block any brexit deal put forward.
I believe once the dust settles after the annihilation of the Tories they will not have learnt their lesson, they will probably move more rightwing extreme a la Farage.
I believe once the dust settles after the annihilation of the Tories they will not have learnt their lesson, they will probably move more rightwing extreme a la Farage.
I think it de[ends who is left.. I think the nutters will survive.
I think they are out for a long time. The next tory PM has probably not ever been an MP.
Schapps is being hooked next.
And now the people who will allow even more Islamists to flood the country are in charge.
The OP of course will be celebrating, watching as his country is slowly taken over.
I am glad this scumbag lost his seat, he was part of the Labour right who took Corbyn down in 2019, he phoned a Tory friend just before the 2019 election slagging off Corbyn, then he expected us to believe that Tory wouldn't use the conversataion, and what kind of Socialist has Tory friends?
I am glad this scumbag lost his seat, he was part of the Labour right who took Corbyn down in 2019, he phoned a Tory friend just before the 2019 election slagging off Corbyn, then he expected us to believe that Tory wouldn't use the conversataion, and what kind of Socialist has Tory friends?

That was a bonus. Worrying to see so many spads and similar get in. Not many factory workers.

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