Lab-grown meat’ harvested in ‘massive steel vats’ edges closer to fed approval & U.S. dinner plates. EU approves human consumption of worms & crickets

One of the things I miss about living in the boonies was the availability of clean meat. Both from local farmers and from hunting.

Get a freezer and find a conscientious farmer.

From Seattle, it was literally an hour's drive plus a ferry crossing, once a year, to pick up a half of beef from the processor on the Olympic Peninsula. So massively worth it to know we were eating clean meat, and a beautiful day of driving. I paid about $5.50 a pound for tenderloin and the best rib-eye you ever saw!

The dumb left wing sheep will accept eating bugs to save the planet

Well, all those sheeples living in squalor that vote for Demonicreeps have more than enough food on-hand at any given time..........with all the cockroaches, silverfish, and waterbugs they have infesting their welfare shacks.....they should be set for life.
Ask yourself these questions.........

WHAT is this fake meat grown FROM?
What ALTERCATIONS to its structure has been done?
What CHEMICALS are used in its production?
What CHEMICALS are used in its storage and shipping?
What EFFECTS does it have on the human cell structure and/or DNA?


If its FAKE........WHY would it be good for a living entity to eat it???
I WILL eat lab grown meat. I don't care to eat bugs. I currently eat chicken fish, beef and pork (in roughly that order) but have always been a bit bothered by the morality of animals suffering horribly so I can enjoy a good meal. I think lab-grown meat is the perfect solution.
The fact is that there are insect parts in all kinds of packaged foods so you are eating bugs

Ask yourself these questions.........

WHAT is this fake meat grown FROM?
What ALTERCATIONS to its structure has been done?
What CHEMICALS are used in its production?
What CHEMICALS are used in its storage and shipping?
What EFFECTS does it have on the human cell structure and/or DNA?


If its FAKE........WHY would it be good for a living entity to eat it???

I guess they think that it's okay for chickens to eat bugs so it must be okay for people.

And you're correct about poisonous chemicals. Gates has already said he wants to put "vaccines" in the food supply. Why else would he purchase so much farm land? Hasn't everyone seen his video about reducing population by using "vaccines"?

TBHQ will make it look normal to you. Just like it makes hot dogs and lunch meat look normal to you.
Grab a bag of Takis to go with it. Yum.

‘Lab-grown meat’ harvested in ‘massive steel vats’ edges closer to fed approval & U.S. dinner plates – As EU approves human consumption of worms & crickets​

Climate Depot's Marc Morano: "You Will Eat lab-grown 'meat' and bugs -- and Be Happy. Or so the forces of the Great Food Reset believe. Bill Gates is gobbling up U.S. farmland (now the single largest owner) and the World Economic Forum pushes eating bugs, and the U.S. FDA and USDA edge closer to approving lab-grown 'meat' -- Bon appetite?!

If you want to eat lab-grown or bugs, that should be your choice. But, the climate agenda/Great Reset goal is to collapse modern high-yield agriculture and meat production to meet net-zero climate goals. As shortages and prices skyrocket on meat and other foods, it will be much easier to push insect-eating and lab-grown 'meat' to the public.

The Great Food Reset: ‘Lab-grown meat’ harvested in ‘massive steel vats’ edges closer to fed approval & U.S. dinner plates – As EU approves human consumption of worms & crickets

No prime rib or cheeseburgers for you ...
So dumb.

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