Kurds and Bernard Henri Levy probably involved in Iran Protests


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Kurds in Iran, who have long complained of oppression and neglect of their region at the hands of the regime, have played an important role in the protests in Iran, according to Hussein Yazdanpanah, leader of the Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK). “We do expect the US and the international community to support us,” he said.

Yazdanpanah and his Kurdish group live in exile in northern Iraq and have played a key role in the war against Islamic State for the last three years alongside Kurdish Peshmerga. He has served as a frontline general commanding his fighters in battles near Hawija and Bashiqa in northern Iraq.

“We are not apart from the situation in Iran,” he wrote in an email. “Our main supporters are based in Iran.”
The current protests that have stretched into their fifth day are against poverty, hunger, “totalitarianism and oppression by the Iranian regime,” Yazdanpanah said.

It was poverty and the lack of basic needs that caused people to go into the streets on December 28, he said, adding: “They were first economic protests. These protests were politicized from the slogans of the people against Khamenei and the regime.”

In addition, Kurds have played a central role in the protests throughout eastern Kurdistan, a region known as Rojhelat in Kurdish.
“Kermanshah was the leader of politicizing the situation by holding slogans of freedom,” Yazdanpanah said.

Kurds in Iran expect U.S., int’l community support against regime

Kurdistan, and Erbil is their capital. they are yet a territory but plan to vote themselves in as a state, kind of like Israel.
We can almost bet Bernard Henri Levy is involved somehow.The Kurdish Project: Bernard-Henri Levy’s fantasizing about a second Israel
Kurds in Iran, who have long complained of oppression and neglect of their region at the hands of the regime, have played an important role in the protests in Iran, according to Hussein Yazdanpanah, leader of the Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK). “We do expect the US and the international community to support us,” he said.

Yazdanpanah and his Kurdish group live in exile in northern Iraq and have played a key role in the war against Islamic State for the last three years alongside Kurdish Peshmerga. He has served as a frontline general commanding his fighters in battles near Hawija and Bashiqa in northern Iraq.

“We are not apart from the situation in Iran,” he wrote in an email. “Our main supporters are based in Iran.”
The current protests that have stretched into their fifth day are against poverty, hunger, “totalitarianism and oppression by the Iranian regime,” Yazdanpanah said.

It was poverty and the lack of basic needs that caused people to go into the streets on December 28, he said, adding: “They were first economic protests. These protests were politicized from the slogans of the people against Khamenei and the regime.”

In addition, Kurds have played a central role in the protests throughout eastern Kurdistan, a region known as Rojhelat in Kurdish.
“Kermanshah was the leader of politicizing the situation by holding slogans of freedom,” Yazdanpanah said.

Kurds in Iran expect U.S., int’l community support against regime

Kurdistan, and Erbil is their capital. they are yet a territory but plan to vote themselves in as a state, kind of like Israel.
We can almost bet Bernard Henri Levy is involved somehow.The Kurdish Project: Bernard-Henri Levy’s fantasizing about a second Israel
Oooohhhh, I love the short sighted........

The seeds to the current unrest were planted with Iran's adoption of the ersatz democracy which gave the people the illusion of selecting their leaders. In that illusion hope was born and they've watched the real power undo or undermine everything they tried to do. Also the sanctions against Iran created economic problems that have only been exacerbated by the ruling elite's hard stand and gross mismanagement. With Trump pulling out of the deal Obama made with Iran, (a deal the religious leaders knew would help normalize their economy), showed just how fragile their economy is leading to runaway inflation and unemplyment and when under pressure from the hardline ruling elites new taxes were instituted that was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.
The dead giveaway is where and among whom the protests started, the poor neighborhoods, the under and unemployed.
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Kurds in Iran, who have long complained of oppression and neglect of their region at the hands of the regime, have played an important role in the protests in Iran, according to Hussein Yazdanpanah, leader of the Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK). “We do expect the US and the international community to support us,” he said.

Yazdanpanah and his Kurdish group live in exile in northern Iraq and have played a key role in the war against Islamic State for the last three years alongside Kurdish Peshmerga. He has served as a frontline general commanding his fighters in battles near Hawija and Bashiqa in northern Iraq.

“We are not apart from the situation in Iran,” he wrote in an email. “Our main supporters are based in Iran.”
The current protests that have stretched into their fifth day are against poverty, hunger, “totalitarianism and oppression by the Iranian regime,” Yazdanpanah said.

It was poverty and the lack of basic needs that caused people to go into the streets on December 28, he said, adding: “They were first economic protests. These protests were politicized from the slogans of the people against Khamenei and the regime.”

In addition, Kurds have played a central role in the protests throughout eastern Kurdistan, a region known as Rojhelat in Kurdish.
“Kermanshah was the leader of politicizing the situation by holding slogans of freedom,” Yazdanpanah said.

Kurds in Iran expect U.S., int’l community support against regime

Kurdistan, and Erbil is their capital. they are yet a territory but plan to vote themselves in as a state, kind of like Israel.
We can almost bet Bernard Henri Levy is involved somehow.The Kurdish Project: Bernard-Henri Levy’s fantasizing about a second Israel
In the case of Iranians, who, unlike yourself, actually attend universities, are too well educated to be manipulated.
Kurds in Iran, who have long complained of oppression and neglect of their region at the hands of the regime, have played an important role in the protests in Iran, according to Hussein Yazdanpanah, leader of the Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK). “We do expect the US and the international community to support us,” he said.

Yazdanpanah and his Kurdish group live in exile in northern Iraq and have played a key role in the war against Islamic State for the last three years alongside Kurdish Peshmerga. He has served as a frontline general commanding his fighters in battles near Hawija and Bashiqa in northern Iraq.

“We are not apart from the situation in Iran,” he wrote in an email. “Our main supporters are based in Iran.”
The current protests that have stretched into their fifth day are against poverty, hunger, “totalitarianism and oppression by the Iranian regime,” Yazdanpanah said.

It was poverty and the lack of basic needs that caused people to go into the streets on December 28, he said, adding: “They were first economic protests. These protests were politicized from the slogans of the people against Khamenei and the regime.”

In addition, Kurds have played a central role in the protests throughout eastern Kurdistan, a region known as Rojhelat in Kurdish.
“Kermanshah was the leader of politicizing the situation by holding slogans of freedom,” Yazdanpanah said.

Kurds in Iran expect U.S., int’l community support against regime

Kurdistan, and Erbil is their capital. they are yet a territory but plan to vote themselves in as a state, kind of like Israel.
We can almost bet Bernard Henri Levy is involved somehow.The Kurdish Project: Bernard-Henri Levy’s fantasizing about a second Israel
In the case of Iranians, who, unlike yourself, actually attend universities, are too well educated to be manipulated.

The true Iranians are not, but leave it to "Ayatollah Mike" to lead a few rebel groups.

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