Kudos: The President Agrees To Offshore Drilling


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a reversal of a long-standing ban on most offshore drilling, President Barack Obama is allowing oil drilling 50 miles off Virginia's shorelines. At the same time, he is rejecting some new drilling sites that had been planned in Alaska.

Obama's plan offers few concessions to environmentalists, who have been strident in their opposition to more oil platforms off the nation's shores. Hinted at for months, the plan modifies a ban that for more than 20 years has limited drilling along coastal areas other than the Gulf of Mexico.

Obama was set to announce the new drilling policy Wednesday at Andrews air base in Maryland. White House officials pitched the changes as ways to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign oil and create jobs - both politically popular ideas - but the president's decisions also could help secure support for a climate change bill languishing in Congress.My Way News - Obama to allow oil drilling off Virginia coast

Bravo, President Obama takes a step toward making the country more energy self-sufficient, and, removes an arrow from the quivver of the Republicans. And pulls the rug out from under 'Big Green.'

It remains to be seen how much he will push the 'Cap and Trade' legislation which is based on bogus 'global warming' fears.
Why will this bring down prices? We lease the land to oil companies. Any oil found is theirs.
Why will this bring down prices? We lease the land to oil companies. Any oil found is theirs.

I think Obama had to give them this or they would have raised prices to $4 again and screw the Dems come November.

What they tell us is the reason is just the best possible spin they can put on it.
Why will this bring down prices? We lease the land to oil companies. Any oil found is theirs.

Consistent with the theme of every one of your posts, you understand nothing about the oil companies, to whom we owe both gratitude, for the service they provide, and for the support they provide for our fisc.

In 2008, Exxon made $45.2 billion profit. Chevron made $23.9 billion in profit! Historic profit. Although it gives the anti-capitalists a field day, what’s with the knee-jerk assumption that profit makes them evil?
Of course the whole attack falls apart when one looks at data from 1986 to 2006, when the average price of crude was $25.95/ barrel. In 2007, the price skyrocketed to $72.30, and then hit $147.27 in July 2008. And “The industry’s net profit per dollar of revenue was just under 9 cents, compared to 13 cents for the S&P 500, meaning the “markup” for the oil and gas industry is below average.”
Perhaps the evil oil companies cut back on supply? Wrong again. “The worldwide average number of barrels produced per day was an estimated 84.8 million in 2007, compared to 72.4 million during the period 1986 – 2006.”
Robert Murphy : On Those Oil Profits - Townhall.com

In 2006, the oil industry paid $81 billion in income tax, and while Exxon’s earnings increased 89% from 2003 to 2007, their income taxes increased 170%. Exxon: Profit Pirate or Tax Victim?

If Exxon’s 2008 tax bill of $116.2 billion were split equally among all tax filers who pay income tax, each filer’s share would be $1,259/year. Still hate Exxon? The Tax Foundation - Number of Americans Paying Zero Federal Income Tax Grows to 43.4 Million

One would imagine that being wrong as regularly as you are, you might consider remediation of some sort.
Why will this bring down prices? We lease the land to oil companies. Any oil found is theirs.

I think Obama had to give them this or they would have raised prices to $4 again and screw the Dems come November.

What they tell us is the reason is just the best possible spin they can put on it.

See that, Sealster, you ruined any attempt of my reading your post as soon as you typed those first two words!
lol, if this had been a Bush announcement, the left would be up in arms saying he is paying off his OIL buddies and is going to DESTROY the environment..Remember that?

but as we see, then was then, now is now..

all you can do is laugh your ass off.:lol:
lol, if this had been a Bush announcement, the left would be up in arms saying he is paying off his OIL buddies and is going to DESTROY the environment..Remember that?

but as we see, then was then, now is now..

all you can do is laugh your ass off.:lol:
He's got the enviro-nazis' appeasement up next this week when the EPA announces new and unprecedented regulations on CO2. More job killing.
lol, if this had been a Bush announcement, the left would be up in arms saying he is paying off his OIL buddies and is going to DESTROY the environment..Remember that?

but as we see, then was then, now is now..

all you can do is laugh your ass off.:lol:

And the right would have been celebrating a victory......but all they can say now is that it isn't enough. Isn't that what the Palestinians do?
Did anyone see the bit on converting CO2 to bakiing soda using Algae?

Get rid of CO2 and keep your fridge smelliing fresh.
lol, if this had been a Bush announcement, the left would be up in arms saying he is paying off his OIL buddies and is going to DESTROY the environment..Remember that?

but as we see, then was then, now is now..

all you can do is laugh your ass off.:lol:

And the right would have been celebrating a victory......but all they can say now is that it isn't enough. Isn't that what the Palestinians do?

I understand how hyperbolic this example is, but humor me: if your house was burning down, and the firemen would only put out the fire on one side, would you "say now is that it isn't enough..."
lol, if this had been a Bush announcement, the left would be up in arms saying he is paying off his OIL buddies and is going to DESTROY the environment..Remember that?

but as we see, then was then, now is now..

all you can do is laugh your ass off.:lol:

And the right would have been celebrating a victory......but all they can say now is that it isn't enough. Isn't that what the Palestinians do?

I understand how hyperbolic this example is, but humor me: if your house was burning down, and the firemen would only put out the fire on one side, would you "say now is that it isn't enough..."

this is nothing more then lip service.

I think this is a decision of genius. And look where the first leases are. Right off the coast of Virginia. When the oil companies do the inevitable screw up, it will not be a wilderness that only a few other people, other that the natives, see, but a major population center that will be fouled.

And, in the meantime, the push for alternative energy continues at a faster pace. And we get a carbon tax, or cap and trade, to create even more momentum for the switchover.
I think this is a decision of genius. And look where the first leases are. Right off the coast of Virginia. When the oil companies do the inevitable screw up, it will not be a wilderness that only a few other people, other that the natives, see, but a major population center that will be fouled.

And, in the meantime, the push for alternative energy continues at a faster pace. And we get a carbon tax, or cap and trade, to create even more momentum for the switchover.

So good to hear from the far-flung idiot precincts, the ones who hate anyone not a member of either the Sierra Club or the Al Gore Fan Club.

This guy and Hiroo Onoda (go ahead: google him) are still banging the warmist drums.

Just in you haven't made the distinction between bumper-sticker-jargon and actual knowledge, let's take the air out of his balloon:

"When the oil companies do the inevitable screw up,..." Assuming that he knows the meaning of 'inevitable,' and don't be too sure of that, check this out:

“During the past two decades, while U.S. oil imports and consumption have steadily risen, oil spill incidents and the volume of oil spilled have not followed a similar course. In general, the annual number and volume of oil spills have shown declines—in some cases, dramatic declines.” And 62% of all oil spillage is natural seepage from the earth itself, and only 1% of oil in coastal waters is due to oil extraction. http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL33705_20090827.pdf(Source: Prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) with data from the National Research Council
(NRC) of the National Academies of Science, 2003, Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects, p. 69.)

Gives a whole new meaning to 'inevitable,' huh?

And as for "the push for alternative energy continues at a faster pace." Let's just see if this boob gets his usual 'F-" for this post, or we can pass him with a 'gentleman's C...'

You probably guessed already, but, let's grade it anyway:

1. “Presidents all the way back to Richard Nixon -- whose "Project Independence" promised to make America independent from foreign oil by 1980 -- were thwarted by short attention spans, other urgent problems and gyrations in the energy market.” After some 30 years and billions of dollars poured into alternative technologies, renewable energy now accounts for a mere 6.7% of our total.
A Past President's Advice to Obama: Act With Haste - WSJ.com

Based on US Department of Energy, sources of energy used in the US:
39.2% petroleum, 23.3% natural gas, 22.4% coal, 8.3% nuclear, 3.6% biomass, 2.4% hydroelectric, 0.35% geothermal, 0.31% wind, 0.08% solar.

2. If green energy is as good, cheap, and clean as supporters say, why haven’t market forces should make it an increasing part of the energy picture…? Politics: rather than the promotion of new sources of energy, the movement has been hijacked by those whose main motivation is the devolution of America, or to accomplish government ownership and control of our energy supply. Sometimes called the “Watermelon Effect,” it is made up of the ‘green’ pro-environment policies on the outside, hiding the red Marxist redistributive policies on the inside.
BTW, we imported just over a third of our oil in 1981, and now 70%.

Green math: solar panels to save 50% on your electric bills? Well, if the average electric bill is about $100/mos, the savings is $600/ year! But solar costs 30-40 K, so it takes about 58 years to start saving money. But…solar panels are projected to last 20-30 years. So, savings? Not so much.

How about hybrid cars? About 15 yrs to payback. (19 yrs for the Volt.)

Now, one more thing, for the purpose of categorization here on USMB, this poster does not qualify to run as the dumbest poster grouping.

No, his category is most "Poster Most In The Hip Pocket Of 'Big Green' "
if this had been a Bush announcement, the left would be up in arms saying he is paying off his OIL buddies...

...and they would be right. Obama's doing it for the country, not to make his retirement cushier.
I think this is a decision of genius. And look where the first leases are. Right off the coast of Virginia. When the oil companies do the inevitable screw up, it will not be a wilderness that only a few other people, other that the natives, see, but a major population center that will be fouled.

And, in the meantime, the push for alternative energy continues at a faster pace. And we get a carbon tax, or cap and trade, to create even more momentum for the switchover.

So good to hear from the far-flung idiot precincts, the ones who hate anyone not a member of either the Sierra Club or the Al Gore Fan Club.

Why, I don't hate really stupid people like you. After all, we all have our problems:lol:

This guy and Hiroo Onoda (go ahead: google him) are still banging the warmist drums.

Just in you haven't made the distinction between bumper-sticker-jargon and actual knowledge, let's take the air out of his balloon:

"When the oil companies do the inevitable screw up,..." Assuming that he knows the meaning of 'inevitable,' and don't be too sure of that, check this out:

“During the past two decades, while U.S. oil imports and consumption have steadily risen, oil spill incidents and the volume of oil spilled have not followed a similar course. In general, the annual number and volume of oil spills have shown declines—in some cases, dramatic declines.” And 62% of all oil spillage is natural seepage from the earth itself, and only 1% of oil in coastal waters is due to oil extraction. http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL33705_20090827.pdf(Source: Prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) with data from the National Research Council
(NRC) of the National Academies of Science, 2003, Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Effects, p. 69.)

Gives a whole new meaning to 'inevitable,' huh?


And as for "the push for alternative energy continues at a faster pace." Let's just see if this boob gets his usual 'F-" for this post, or we can pass him with a 'gentleman's C...'

You probably guessed already, but, let's grade it anyway:

1. “Presidents all the way back to Richard Nixon -- whose "Project Independence" promised to make America independent from foreign oil by 1980 -- were thwarted by short attention spans, other urgent problems and gyrations in the energy market.” After some 30 years and billions of dollars poured into alternative technologies, renewable energy now accounts for a mere 6.7% of our total.
A Past President's Advice to Obama: Act With Haste - WSJ.com

Based on US Department of Energy, sources of energy used in the US:
39.2% petroleum, 23.3% natural gas, 22.4% coal, 8.3% nuclear, 3.6% biomass, 2.4% hydroelectric, 0.35% geothermal, 0.31% wind, 0.08% solar.

Of the installed new electrical generation in the US in 2009, 42% was wind.

2. If green energy is as good, cheap, and clean as supporters say, why haven’t market forces should make it an increasing part of the energy picture…? Politics: rather than the promotion of new sources of energy, the movement has been hijacked by those whose main motivation is the devolution of America, or to accomplish government ownership and control of our energy supply. Sometimes called the “Watermelon Effect,” it is made up of the ‘green’ pro-environment policies on the outside, hiding the red Marxist redistributive policies on the inside.
BTW, we imported just over a third of our oil in 1981, and now 70%.

Once again, revealing your stupidity. The wind turbines are not owned by the government, but by private companies and utitlities. And they are making money off of them.

Green math: solar panels to save 50% on your electric bills? Well, if the average electric bill is about $100/mos, the savings is $600/ year! But solar costs 30-40 K, so it takes about 58 years to start saving money. But…solar panels are projected to last 20-30 years. So, savings? Not so much.

First, the panels last a lot longer than that. Most are gauranteed for 20 years. Second, that price is old. Standard price now is about $3 a watt, and shopping can get you 30% off of that. The grid parrallel convetor for a 5 kw system is about $2000 to $5000. So, for $25,000, if you do the work yourself, you can have a system that will take care of all the electrical needs of most homes.

How about hybrid cars? About 15 yrs to payback. (19 yrs for the Volt.)

How on earth are you figuring that? The Prius cost little more than the average midsized car, and uses about half the fuel. At $3 a gallon, that is a $6 savings per 100 miles. $600 per 10,000 miles. And when the prices get back up to $5, the savings are even more significant.

Now, one more thing, for the purpose of categorization here on USMB, this poster does not qualify to run as the dumbest poster grouping.

No, his category is most "Poster Most In The Hip Pocket Of 'Big Green' "

Sticks and stones, and I don't give a shit as to what you think:lol::lol:
Heres my take, its a test drive.

Can they drill in a responsible way that will be clear for all politicians in DC to see?

How much will it impact our oil reserves?

If they get careless and make a mess of it they are done.
If the oil companies do it in such a way as to make sure the ecological concerns are protected they can make money by extracting this reserve.

When they cut corners to make higher profit then it doesnt work.

Responsibility is the key.

When will they accept the higher standards and LIVE within them?

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