korea or vietnam


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I fought with the boys of the big red 1. I fought with the 82 nd airborne, and I fought with the rangers. The truth is, I couldn't get along with anyone. Then I discovered alcoholics anoninimous
Uneducated lefties seem to want to blame Nixon for Vietnam and Truman gets a pass for his thoroughly bungled war on the Korean peninsula.

Nixon was to the Vietnam war what Biden was to Afghanistan. They both managed our exit strategy but Nixon did a hell of lot better job of it.
there was no way democrats and the media would let him succeed.

Like the Democrats that controlled both houses of Congress between 1973 and 1975, and refused to honor our agreement with South Vietnam when North Vietnam violated the terms of the Paris Peace Accords and attacked repeatedly.

Even today, many will outright lie and try to claim it was a civil war.
He signed the national security act of 1947

And what was the problem there?

Come on now, you have to actually explain yourself and not just toss off a single sentence and thing that answers the question.

Not that it even matters, because it was an act submitted by the Republicans, and had wide bipartisan support. So much support in fact that even if he had tried to veto it, Congress could likely have overridden his veto. The House vote was verbal, but overwhelming in support and it passed with no roll call needed. But in the Senate, it passed by an overwhelming 52-19 vote. That is not very far off from the 2/3 needed to override a veto, and likely would have been achieved if the issue was pushed.
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what did Truman do wrong?
It was all about politics and the liberal media was on the side of the Truman administration,. Truman hired MacArthur and MacArthur never spent a night in Korea. He depended on faulty intelligence reports created by his toadie general Almond. When push came to shove after the Chosin disaster, Truman was disrespected by MacArthur at a meeting. The fawning liberal media called Korea the forgotten war when about 50,000 Americans died in a three year confligration that should have been over in a year.
And what was the problem there?
It created the CIA, the NSA, reconfigured the military from the War Department to the Department of Defense, which in effect created the military industrial complex. He later said it was a mistake, and Eisenhower and Kennedy warned us about the siphoning of power from the people to corporate interests. You should know that without being told. Truman Was Right About the CIA | Jeff Deist.
MacArthur never spent a night in Korea

Oh, this is so obviously untrue. Why you have this need to attack him constantly with things you make up yourself, I have absolutely no idea.

He was there for quite a bit of time, including the entire week of the breakout from Pusan, and the landings at Inchon. I have no idea what you consider "a night in Korea", but I would unquestionably count over a week on the USS Mount McKinley, a WWII era ship in an enemy held port where one of the most important battle of the war happened as "spending the night on Korea".

But in the end it matters little, because he was the theater commander, not the commander on the ground. That was actually Generals Ridgeway and Van Fleet.

General Macarthur could not afford to spend much time in Korea. In case you are not aware of it, he was much more busy being in charge of the entire Pacific Theater, as well as being the SCAP in charge of the Occupation of Japan. The man was literally head of state of a nation at the time, expecting him to spend any amount of time on battlefields in another nation would be like expecting the US President to actually be on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.
We're all conspiracy theorists, we just choose different conspiracies to accept. Follow your own path.

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