Kissinger calls on Obama to create a new world order

People shouldn't be worried about little things, like "their children," when Obama is running around creating a new world order.

like all Bush/Obama dupes you twist my words.Bush/Obama dupes like yourselfs are the ones who have left america in the mess that it is cause the ONLY thing you fools worry about is petty little things like how your favorite football team is doing,to ONLY worry about your children like so many idiot americans do is being plain stupid and ignorant.yeah worry about your kids but dont be an idiot and be the monkey that you Bush dupes are who cover your ears and eyes to the truth cause you only see what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear. great comeback to the thread as though it had anything to do with the topic.:cuckoo: further evidence you only see what you want to see and never watch videos like the monkey you are.

Nice backpeddling.
People shouldn't be worried about little things, like "their children," when Obama is running around creating a new world order.

like all Bush/Obama dupes you twist my words.Bush/Obama dupes like yourselfs are the ones who have left america in the mess that it is cause the ONLY thing you fools worry about is petty little things like how your favorite football team is doing,to ONLY worry about your children like so many idiot americans do is being plain stupid and ignorant.yeah worry about your kids but dont be an idiot and be the monkey that you Bush dupes are who cover your ears and eyes to the truth cause you only see what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear. great comeback to the thread as though it had anything to do with the topic.:cuckoo: further evidence you only see what you want to see and never watch videos like the monkey you are.

Nice backpeddling.

hahahahahaahaha,your the one backpeddling,like always,you wont even bother to watch that video cause as we both know,your that monkey who only sees what he wants to see and hears what he wants to hear who covers his ears and eyes to videos and evidence.

AGAIN theres plenty of Bush dupes out there such as yourself,radioman,and ditzcon who's ONLY concern is how their children are doing in school but dont give a crap about government conspiracys cause they want to ignore it and hope it goes away.Its because of prople like you Bush dupes that america has been destroyed like it has.
Wow, you should do something about that. Oh yeah, you're powerless and totally useless.

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy".

Henry K. A quote taken from a website off the internet sometime ago.

Wow. So, I wonder how many people in the military would like to hear and give comment about a saying like that? American soldiers are dying for Israel everyday and this is the thanks they get from these people.
a source for that quote would be nice
if it actually exists

Might look here -
Re: Well....... I never really liked Kissinger, BUT.......
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"Military men are dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns for foreign policy".

Henry K. A quote taken from a website off the internet sometime ago.

Wow. So, I wonder how many people in the military would like to hear and give comment about a saying like that? American soldiers are dying for Israel everyday and this is the thanks they get from these people.
a source for that quote would be nice
if it actually exists

Might look here -
Re: Well....... I never really liked Kissinger, BUT.......
Woodward and Bernstein's book is not exactly a source i would trust as proof for the exact quote
but thats all i could find also
YouTube - Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order

Below are also speechs Bush Sr and Clinton both have made in the past on creating a new world order.Funny how Hitler made these same speechs and yet people cant get it around here that Clinton,Bush,Obama or whoever is president,will always try to accomplish what Hitler did as long as we have the same corrupt two party system we have now.:cuckoo:

Clintons new world order speech.
new world order clinton speech - YouTube

George Bush Sr new world order speech
George Bush New World Order - YouTube

So, did Obama ever get around to creating that New World Order for Kissinger???
Inside. Did you get to the outside or are you suicidal ? The credits are running on that movie and they're getting ready to torch the theater.
Should I send materz ?


  • $materz1024x768.JPG
    68.1 KB · Views: 75
YouTube - Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order

Below are also speechs Bush Sr and Clinton both have made in the past on creating a new world order.Funny how Hitler made these same speechs and yet people cant get it around here that Clinton,Bush,Obama or whoever is president,will always try to accomplish what Hitler did as long as we have the same corrupt two party system we have now.:cuckoo:

Clintons new world order speech.
new world order clinton speech - YouTube

George Bush Sr new world order speech
George Bush New World Order - YouTube

So, did Obama ever get around to creating that New World Order for Kissinger???


The million German troops have put millions of Americans into FEMA camps.

Pay attention!

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