King Of Fake News CNN Blames Trump For Threats

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
As the blood of Republicans is still drying on the ball field the head of CNN blames threats to his sycophants who spend 24 hours a day smearing Trump, and anyone affiliated with him, on those who support Trump.

So let me get this straight. Your lame stream so called news channel has spent the last two years calling conservatives racists, homophobes, misogynists, Islamophobes and every other derogatory name you can dream up and now you're crying about threats to your so called reporters and hide behind freedom of speech protected by the Constitution just days after a Harvard study states your coverage is 83% negative towards Trump?????

Listen up, idiot left. You earned the Fake News moniker fair and square and you continue to earn it.

It's your supporters who gobble up the smears you perpetuate, gunning us down on the ball field, killing cops, doing drugs, rioting and looting, and our prisons are full of libtardos as if we needed any more proof.

Sources said, that's correct. You're the source of the bullets doctors are digging out of us. How long do you and the smear merchants at CNN think people will put up with it before they start to push back?

Ted Turner and Jeff Zucker are fake news, sources said.

CNN's chief Zucker lays blame on Trump for threats

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