Kindergarten Teacher Reads Class Books On Transgenderism

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
This is out right bullshit. No other way to describe it.

5 years old and hearing about this shit from some disgusting person passing themselves off as a "teacher"? This person has no interest in "teaching" these kids, this is libtarded indoctrination designed to subvert the parents. If you're a parent you better find out everything these losers are teaching your kids. They can do permanent damage to your child.

If you're teaching your kids this nonsense they should be taken away from you. This is child abuse.

“My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy,” one parent of a kindergartner at Rocklin Academy said."

Parents Frightened: Kindergartners ‘Crying, Shaking’ over Transgender Book Teacher Read
This is a bit much. Most kindergarteners barely understand the differences between girls and boys. Let alone what it means to be transgender. I'm a huge supporter of the trans community, but I don't agree with discussing it with children who dont have a concept and understanding of these things.

As a teacher I'm shocked she thought it was ok to read something like this without informing parents.
It IS a bit much, but what does a teacher do if it's happening in his or her classroom?

The way I read this, a child was identifying as the other gender, and brought in the books to the teacher. Ideally, I would have wanted to draft a letter to parents explaining the situation warning them that their children will have questions, and I wonder why that wasn't done. What I wonder is if there was some kind of privacy issue with the child and her family.

Although, once the child started dressing and identifying as the other gender, it becomes pretty obvious who it is.

Bottom line, this should have been discussed with parents, so they could address the situation at home. Of course, the transgender child in question still deserves every bit of support a school community can give, regardless of your personal opinion.
This is out right bullshit. No other way to describe it.

5 years old and hearing about this shit from some disgusting person passing themselves off as a "teacher"? This person has no interest in "teaching" these kids, this is libtarded indoctrination designed to subvert the parents. If you're a parent you better find out everything these losers are teaching your kids. They can do permanent damage to your child.

If you're teaching your kids this nonsense they should be taken away from you. This is child abuse.

“My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy,” one parent of a kindergartner at Rocklin Academy said."

Parents Frightened: Kindergartners ‘Crying, Shaking’ over Transgender Book Teacher Read
Those kids sure look older than 5...
This is out right bullshit. No other way to describe it.

5 years old and hearing about this shit from some disgusting person passing themselves off as a "teacher"? This person has no interest in "teaching" these kids, this is libtarded indoctrination designed to subvert the parents. If you're a parent you better find out everything these losers are teaching your kids. They can do permanent damage to your child.

If you're teaching your kids this nonsense they should be taken away from you. This is child abuse.

“My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy,” one parent of a kindergartner at Rocklin Academy said."

Parents Frightened: Kindergartners ‘Crying, Shaking’ over Transgender Book Teacher Read
Oh the humanity.
Not surprising.......we do have mental cases in some of our classes. People are getting too upset about fringe assholes pulling stunts these days. It reflects societal dynamics............there have always been mental cases in the classroom, we just never heard about them 20.....50 years ago.

Its like this whole transgender shit.........its such a tiny % of the population. And the whole world knows these people are mental cases. Its the fringe progressives pushing this goofy narrative like these people are normal. We know they are not...........people have to stop getting all hot and bothered over fringe stuff.
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9 Jewish LGBTQ activists you should know

Gee I didn't even know who she was. I saw on you tube, she knew it at age 2, I don't even remember when I was 2,
and she says Teachers should read the book to their kids. Those are not teachers kids, those kids belong to the parents.

At that young age its between their parents, the child and the doctor , its not a teachers place to read the book to her students.
It IS a bit much, but what does a teacher do if it's happening in his or her classroom?

The way I read this, a child was identifying as the other gender, and brought in the books to the teacher. Ideally, I would have wanted to draft a letter to parents explaining the situation warning them that their children will have questions, and I wonder why that wasn't done. What I wonder is if there was some kind of privacy issue with the child and her family.

Although, once the child started dressing and identifying as the other gender, it becomes pretty obvious who it is.

Bottom line, this should have been discussed with parents, so they could address the situation at home. Of course, the transgender child in question still deserves every bit of support a school community can give, regardless of your personal opinion.

there is zero reason for parents to give into a 5 year old when it comes to pretty much anything, wanting to be another gender included. It is done under the misguided principle that this will help them later on, but all it does is open up confusion and questions that really shouldn't be dealt with by anyone before puberty. Once they hit that, let them figure it out, and once they hit 18 let a psychologist decide if they actually have a gender dysphoria that only surgery can correct.
It IS a bit much, but what does a teacher do if it's happening in his or her classroom?

The way I read this, a child was identifying as the other gender, and brought in the books to the teacher. Ideally, I would have wanted to draft a letter to parents explaining the situation warning them that their children will have questions, and I wonder why that wasn't done. What I wonder is if there was some kind of privacy issue with the child and her family.

Although, once the child started dressing and identifying as the other gender, it becomes pretty obvious who it is.

Bottom line, this should have been discussed with parents, so they could address the situation at home. Of course, the transgender child in question still deserves every bit of support a school community can give, regardless of your personal opinion.

there is zero reason for parents to give into a 5 year old when it comes to pretty much anything, wanting to be another gender included. It is done under the misguided principle that this will help them later on, but all it does is open up confusion and questions that really shouldn't be dealt with by anyone before puberty. Once they hit that, let them figure it out, and once they hit 18 let a psychologist decide if they actually have a gender dysphoria that only surgery can correct.

As a teacher, I would have no say in how the parents dealt with their own child. As a teacher, it would be my responsibility to consider the whole class and how to best ease that transition.
Absolutely no reason 5 year olds are exposed to this garbage in kindergarten...none.

If a kid who was considered a boy began identifying as a girl, they're exposed to it.

Wooosh right over your head. It's not appropriate for kindergarten....period

No, it's not over my head. My deal is that a teacher doesn't get a say if the parents are helping a Kindergarten child transition to the other gender.

Stomping your foot and saying, "It's not appropriate" is not a plan.
The Time article I read said her parents were fine with her dressing as a girl at home but not in public.
The Time article I read said her parents were fine with her dressing as a girl at home but not in public.

The link in the OP said that this particular Kindergartener brought in books for the teacher, and I believe the child had begun dressing as her identified gender.

The parents obviously were on board with that. The teacher has to think of the whole class, and had to explain to the kids to the best of her ability what was happening. Where she went wrong was in not notifying all students' parents prior.
The Time article I read said her parents were fine with her dressing as a girl at home but not in public.

The link in the OP said that this particular Kindergartener brought in books for the teacher, and I believe the child had begun dressing as her identified gender.

The parents obviously were on board with that. The teacher has to think of the whole class, and had to explain to the kids to the best of her ability what was happening. Where she went wrong was in not notifying all students' parents prior.
Wouldn't it work to just matter of factly explain to the class that Johnnie feels like a girl on the inside and wants to act like a girl on the outside, too, so (s)he is going to start dressing like a girl and we are going to call her Joelle. Make a game out of remembering. Could kids not just accept that at age 5?
Personally, i wouldnt play along with her delusion if i was a teacher. And i damn sure wouldnt make puppets out of the rest of the class.
The Time article I read said her parents were fine with her dressing as a girl at home but not in public.

The link in the OP said that this particular Kindergartener brought in books for the teacher, and I believe the child had begun dressing as her identified gender.

The parents obviously were on board with that. The teacher has to think of the whole class, and had to explain to the kids to the best of her ability what was happening. Where she went wrong was in not notifying all students' parents prior.
Wouldn't it work to just matter of factly explain to the class that Johnnie feels like a girl on the inside and wants to act like a girl on the outside, too, so (s)he is going to start dressing like a girl and we are going to call her Joelle. Make a game out of remembering. Could kids not just accept that at age 5?

Ummmm..... I think some would. Others would have "why" questions. A few of the more savvy ones would ask about if (s)he still had a penis. But it would probably go pretty smoothly with just the kids.

But no, I think the real problem would be the parent backlash of not being notified that this would be discussed in the first place. Hence, the need for a plan, because you have to be ready to answer parent questions and overreaction. Then parent comments and snide remarks and overreaction filters through the kids and into the classroom.

Trust me, I saw this with the last election, believe it or not. And this topic is much more loaded.

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