Kim plays Trump like a fiddle!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.
Can anyone tell what this typical fucking miserable war mongering left wing loser is saying?
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.
Can anyone tell what this typical fucking miserable war mongering left wing loser is saying?

Sorry...I won't use so many big words next time. :290968001256257790-final:
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.

....and you think The Magic Negro stopped Iran cute.
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.
Can anyone tell what this typical fucking miserable war mongering left wing loser is saying?

Sorry...I won't use so many big words next time. :290968001256257790-final:

Given your OP you don't know any "big words".
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.
Can anyone tell what this typical fucking miserable war mongering left wing loser is saying?


There you go.
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.

Sounds like you have been played by CNN.
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.
------------------------------------------------ seems to me that The TRUMP may do ok with 'rocket man kim' . After all , Trump has Mattis , Bolton and other American hard azzez advising him plus many American Generals and other military chain of command experts . And the last thing that matters to me is the probable starving of 'norks' as a reason to be mad at 'rocket man' . The only reason to go after 'rocketman kim' is the promise that Trump made that the 'norks' will not be allowed to have 'nukes' B718 .
Liberals use to say give peace a chance. Now they spew hate whenever and where ever possible.
i think that Bill718 is just another 'never trumper' that lost the election .
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?
Holy fucking convolution Batman!

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth.
Inside line to DPRK intel services?

It's funny how quick shitlibs grab their foil once things go off the reservation.
I didn’t vote for Trump, but I do support a lot of things he is doing a president. I hope he can get NK straightened out without war.
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.
The only ones getting that are the Trump delussionists.
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.
will you be here if you are wrong about this and saying you were wrong?...
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?

Of course Kim has been plotting this all along, he's not even bothering to cloak it much. He knows how stupid Trump is. All he has to do is make the Trumpster look good and Donnie will be happy to look the other way while Kim continues to starve his people in order to arm his poor country to the teeth. Meanwhile, back home, the less than intelligent nitwits who worship Trump above GOD will clutch their little bibles and give thanks that the almighty has delivered them from that terrible, awful negro, and given to them to them a REAL American President that's once again making America that great, shining city on the hill.

Pardon me while I ralph up my lunch, I haven't been this sick since the last time I saw Bedtime for Bonzo.

^^^ Liberal Anti-American POS at it again ^^^
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?
You need a good bitch slap
Is anyone getting the idea that North Korea's Kim has been plotting all along to use Trump's tough talk against him so they can initiate a bogus peace process that will allow Trump to look like a tough guy, while N. Korea is allowed to secretly arm themselves just like before?
You need a good bitch slap
View attachment 190649
Only wacked out TDS types are getting that.

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