Kids in Oregon won’t put up with hate


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Apparently the school board in Newburg (small town 30 miles SW of Portland) has banned all LGBTQ, BLM, tee shirts, flags, ANYTHING political or even basic human rights oriented. The ban even includes Trump stuff. The kids said F you! I’m proud of these kids & figure the future is in pretty good hands.

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Apparently the school board in Newburg (small town 30 miles SW of Portland) has banned all LGBTQ, BLM, tee shirts, flags, ANYTHING political or even basic human rights oriented. The ban even includes Trump stuff. The kids said F you! I’m proud of these kids & figure the future is in pretty good hands.
Can you explain how banning all political messages across-the-board, right and left, equal hate?
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Fuck the little communist snowflakes.

Schools are NOT political institutions, nor are they the proper place for ANY kind of personal opinions, non-school related organizations, or brainwashing groups of any kind!!

Schools are for learning, PERIOD!! EVERYTHING ELSE should be banned and made federal crimes against schools and the kids in them.

These kids should be learning history, math, science, English, and how to interact with society as a whole.

They should NOT be learning one-sided opinions that are WRONG, discussing politics (unless it's in history class), getting brainwashed about sex/gender, or getting enticed by political activists!!!

If it doesn't have to do with learning knowledge and how to become a responsible, viable adult in this country, then it all must be banned!!!
Can you explain how banning all political messages across-the-board, right and left, equal heat?
Equal heat? The whole deal is stoopid. For the love of God, let kids express themselves unless the message is violent/ incindiary. Can’t find the vid, but marching band and kids all wore whatever they wanted to wear to last nights game in solidarity.

Fuck the little communist snowflakes.

Schools are NOT political institutions, nor are they the proper place for ANY kind of personal opinions, non-school related organizations, or brainwashing groups of any kind!!

Schools are for learning, PERIOD!! EVERYTHING ELSE should be banned and made federal crimes against schools and the kids in them.

These kids should be learning history, math, science, English, and how to interact with society as a whole.

They should NOT be learning one-sided opinions that are WRONG, discussing politics (unless it's in history class), getting brainwashed about sex/gender, or getting enticed by political activists!!!

If it doesn't have to do with learning knowledge and how to become a responsible, viable adult in this country, then it all must be banned!!!

Oh for God’s sake, go smuggle some bacon & fucking relax. :rolleyes-41:
Equal heat?
Hate. Voice to text error
The whole deal is stoopid. For the love of God, let kids express themselves unless the message is violent/ incindiary. Can’t find the vid, but marching band and kids all wore whatever they wanted to wear to last nights game in solidarity.
And I agree that it’s stupid, so argue the merits of that decision honestly instead of throwing around another buzz word haphazardly and devaluing its meaning
Actually "hate" is perfectly fine in Oregon. It's practiced by the left in the streets of Portland every weekend unabated.
Downtown Portland has been peaceful for several months. Take that crap and shove it. This is a small, conservative town many miles away. Kids have changed my fine feathered friend. They don’t have feathers lodged up their butts like ewe. ;)
Hate. Voice to text error

And I agree that it’s stupid, so argue the merits of that decision honestly instead of throwing around another buzz word haphazardly and devaluing its meaning

You know Dr. Love is a hypocritical asshat who will claim to not care if they were Trump or Blue Lives matter stuff but will cheer silently when the kids get their asses kicked by their fellow students.
Keep up the conversation please. It’s important. I have early flight tomorrow & will catch up with y’all after I settle into Boise. Thanks
Marching band at last night’s game. School board got a giant FU :lol:

Can you explain how banning all political messages across-the-board, right and left, equal heat?

Ok Taz, I take a shot here before I get my beauty rest ;-) I happen to believe that school is about more than reading, writing and arithmetic. Athletics are important. Band is important. Art is important. PE is important. Clubs are important. AND -

Civility is important. IOW, don’t create a game on social media where you think it’s hilarious to trade slaves. Not cool dudes and outside the bounds of civility.

These are kids. Kids need time to socialize, express themselves, and figure out who the hell they are. What possible damage is done if a kid (LGBYQ or in solidarity) wears a rainbow mask OR a MAGA mask to class?

Will it slow the learning process somehow?
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