Key Phrase From The Swamp Conspiracy; "Trump Made A Very Grave Mistake"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Notice how it's difficult for anyone to say anything positive about the Helsinki meeting.
After all, Trump was being diplomatic and tried not to be an asshole with Putin.
He wanted to mend fences and his critics wanted him to kick them down.

Guess what, it doesn't matter what Trump did. They would still find something wrong with it.

However, when Rod Rosenstein released a list of indictments, I knew that they were trying to set Trump up.

The new accusation is "Russian Meddling".

As with Global Warming, which was changed to "Man-made Climate Change" Russian Collusion has morphed into Russian Meddling.

So the very organization that the media accused of making serious errors in Iraq with respect to WMDs is now totally infallible. Claiming they may have made an error is now tantamount to taking sides with Russia against America.


Does anyone but me see the stupidity in this argument????

Nevertheless, almost every talking head on TV is saying this same exact phrase "TRUMP MADE A VERY GRAVE MISTAKE".

Excuse me???
What exactly was the mistake?
Do you think Trump should repeat the stupidity of Obama, who said that Russia isn't a threat?
Or do you want to buy into the FBI's claim that Russia hacked the DNC?
Which lie are you ready to believe?

The fact is a liar that is supported by a corrupt media can use any event to his or her purposes because the truth isn't a roadblock to them. They don't have to worry about a media watchdog out there ready to trip them up.
What I've discovered is no journalist can be trusted.
I remember the setup Fox News sprung on Trump during the debates.
I didn't think it was possible for them to be that dishonest and biased.
But they are.

Let's face journalist can be trusted now, because the only reason they have a job is due to the fact that they all went to the same schools and know the same people.
Democrats have literally married into every major news outlet in America.
You can't find a single network that doesn't have close ties with Democrats.
Even Fox News has owners that live in the UK.
I think it's highly possible that we have a situation that just about every political pundit is either willingly buying into a line of reasoning from a discredited FBI, or too stupid to figure it out for themselves and just want to keep their jobs.
Trump's intelligence community told him Russia meddled in the election.
Putin denied it.

Trump appeared to side with Putin.

Let's be clear, Trump fucking blew it. He had an opportunity to get tough with Putin on a worldwide stage, and instead he tucked his tail between his legs, and threw his own intelligence under the bus.
Trump's intelligence community told him Russia meddled in the election.
Putin denied it.

Trump appeared to side with Putin.

Let's be clear, Trump fucking blew it. He had an opportunity to get tough with Putin on a worldwide stage, and instead he tucked his tail between his legs, and threw his own intelligence under the bus.
You need to get the facts straight.
The FBI claims that Russians meddled in the election, but then they made it clear that this meddling didn't change one vote.
So whatever meddling they did was ineffective.
So why scream about meddling.
Obama was meddling in the Israeli election, why not arrest him?
The media is constantly meddling in our elections.
Why not arrest them?

Why does Trump have to call Putin a liar to his face?
What do you think that accomplishes???

Why are you such a fucking idiot????
I remember the gist of Obama's response to Russian Meddling was "Knock It Off".


He sure told them.
July 17, 2018
Brazile, Rice, Obama Gave Russian Hackers Free Rein
By Daniel John Sobieski

The conveniently timed indictments of 12 more Russians by Deputy A.G. (or should we just face reality and ditch the word "deputy"?) Rosenstein, who will never see the inside of an American courtroom, probably includes the Russian who "hacked" into John Podesta's email account secured with the password "password."

Rosenstein was no doubt pleased with himself to announce that 12 Russian spies were caught – er, spying, on President Obama's watch, by the way, but neglected to include one small detail in his announcement – namely, that DNC chair Donna Brazile and most of the Obama hierarchy let them do it.

As the Daily Caller reported:

Donna Brazile says in her new book the Democratic National Committee (DNC) went against professional advice and sat idly for a month while Russians stole data because primaries were still underway in a number of states.

"In May, when CrowdStrike recommended that we take down our system and rebuild it, the DNC told them to wait a month, because the state primaries for the presidential election were still underway, and the party and the staff needed to be at their computers to manage these efforts," Brazile wrote in her new book, "Hacks."

"For a whole month, CrowdStrike watched Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear operating. Cozy Bear was the hacking force that had been in the DNC system for nearly a year."

Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear are cybersecurity firms that have reported ties with Russian hackers. Both groups are blamed for the hacks on the DNC in 2016. CrowdStrike is a private U.S. cybersecurity firm that oversaw the protection of the DNC's servers.

The DNC never turned its servers over to the FBI, although it is not clear what Obama's and Comey's FBI would have done with them. Instead, Brazile, et al. simply stood by while the Russians emptied the computer jar of its cookies. Among stuff you couldn't make up was election cheater Donna Brazile telling Martha Raddatz, who got choked up over Trump's victory, on ABC's This Week on Sunday that Russian hackers kept her and predecessor Debbie Wasserman Schultz so busy that the DNC barely had time to put its fingers on the scale to tip the nomination to Bernie Sanders while feeding Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance. As ABC reported:

Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile said Russian hackers persisted in trying to break into the organization's computers "daily, hourly" until after the election – contradicting President Obama's assertion that the hacking stopped in September after he warned Russian President Vladimir Putin to "cut it out."

"They came after us absolutely every day until the end of the election. They tried to hack into our system repeatedly," Brazile told ABC's Martha Raddatz in an exclusive interview on "This Week" Sunday[.] ...

"We were attacked by a foreign adversary, and I think it's the responsibility of the government to help individual citizens – as well as institutions, nonprofits, corporations – to protect us," she said[.] ...

"The emails were weaponized," the Democratic chair said of the thousands of emails that were hacked from the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign staff and then released publicly. "Donald Trump used this information in ways to also sow division. I was very disappointed in his repeated usage some of the stolen information. He used it as if he received daily talking points."

But they were your emails, Ms. Brazile. They were Hillary Clinton's emails, at least the ones that Hillary didn't delete using BleachBit while under subpoena. They were John Podesta's emails. They were evidence of your corruption and your lies to the American people. The Russians didn't write them.

Indeed, what the Democrats and Mueller's team seem to be saying is that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election by hacking into the emails of John Podesta and the DNC to reveal how they were interfering in the 2016 elections. And they forget how former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz tipped the scales for Hillary Clinton over a surging Bernie Sanders. She interfered in the 2016 election in ways Vladimir Putin couldn't even dream of and arguably changed at least the Democratic Party results and campaign timeline.

So what the Democrats accused the Russians of doing, Debbie Wasserman Schultz's DNC actively did. And considering what we have found out about the Pakistanis, not the Russians, who were brought in to run the DNC's I.T. operation, it makes sense why the DNC refused to turn over its servers to FBI forensic investigators. What else were they trying to hide?

Robert Mueller's appointment as special counsel of the Russia election interference probe presents an opportunity for the FBI to inspect the Democratic Party computers that U.S. intelligence concluded were penetrated by Kremlin-directed hackers, cybersecurity analysts say.

The Democratic National Committee did not allow the FBI to physically inspect its machines, including servers. There is no public indication that any government agency has ever looked at the machines, prompting some former intelligence people to question the findings[.] ...

After former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told Congress that the DNC had refused his agency's assistance, Mr. Trump sent out a tweet: "Why did Democratic National Committee turn down the DHS offer to protect against hacks (long prior to election). It's all a big Dem HOAX!"

Maybe not a hoax, but certainly a cover-up that included Debbie Wasserman Schultz's curious relationship with Pakistani Imran Awan.

Awan was the top I.T. aide to Democratic rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The FBI reportedly "seized smashed computer hard drives" from his home. He was "arrested trying to flee to Pakistan after wiring almost $300,000 to the country," according to the Daily Caller, which has owned the story because it does actual news reporting.


Here's an amazing paragraph from the Caller: "Awan and members of his family received $4 million from the Democratic congressmen they were working for since 2010. Wasserman Schultz has been especially uncooperative with the probe into her staffers and even threatened the Capitol Police chief for gathering evidence. She refused to fire Awan until after he was arrested, even though Capitol Police had already revoked Awans' [sic] access to the congressional IT system in February in relation to a major security breach." (Four million dollars, and you wonder where your tax dollars go.)

According to Brazile, Wasserman Schultz was unbelievably unconcerned about the hacking of the DNC:

On June 14 Debbie invited the Democratic Party officers to a conference call to alert us that a story about hacking the DNC that would be published in the Washington Post the following day. That call was the first time we'd heard that there was a problem. Debbie's tone was so casual that I had not absorbed the details, nor even thought that it was much for us to be concerned about. Her manner indicated that this hacking thing was something she had covered. But had she? ...

In June, Wasserman Schultz claimed that neither the FBI nor any other government agency contacted her about the hacking of the DNC's computer networks. The former DNC's claim was rebuffed by former DHS head Jeh Johnson, who testified to the House Intelligence Committee that the FBI reached out to help the DNC, but opted to reply [sic - rely?] on a private cybersecurity company for assistance.

Indifference to Russian meddling was rampant throughout an Obama administration that could have done something about it but didn't. Obama was certain that Hillary Clinton would win, so why ruffle Putin's feathers unnecessarily, particularly after Obama had colluded with him to scuttle European missile defense as proof of his "flexibility"?

But it was more than indifference. Marching orders were given not to conduct an investigation on Russian meddling on Obama's watch.

And in June, left-leaning Mother Jones reported that President Barack Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, ordered officials to "stand down" as Russia allegedly attempted to meddle in the 2016 presidential election:

NSC officials were reportedly alarmed by Russia's attempts to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, including the hacking of Democratic National Committee officials' emails, and those belonging to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Michael Daniel, an NSC official responsible for the Russia portfolio, told to [sic] the book's authors of multiple plans to strike fear in Russian President Vladimir Putin with the aim of ending Russia's election meddling. These plans included surreptitiously releasing personal information about Putin's family, which revealed corruption in Putin's political party, and even crafting a large cybersecurity exercise as a public threat to Russia.

Daniel additionally told the authors that when Rice caught wind of his planning, she called him and berated him.

One day in late August, national security adviser Susan Rice called Daniel into her office and demanded he cease and desist from working on the cyber options he was developing. "Don't get ahead of us," she warned him. The White House was not prepared to endorse any of these ideas. Daniel and his team in the White House cyber response group were given strict orders: "Stand down." She told Daniel to "knock it off," he recalled.
Trump's intelligence community told him Russia meddled in the election.
Putin denied it.

Trump appeared to side with Putin.

Let's be clear, Trump fucking blew it. He had an opportunity to get tough with Putin on a worldwide stage, and instead he tucked his tail between his legs, and threw his own intelligence under the bus.

You are pushing a new COld War, for domestic political advantage.

You are vile beyond measure.
Trump did not make a mistake. He is intentionally weakening the tie between countries and praising the KGB murderer Putin because he is a Russian agent.
As a leftist, Marxist and someone extremely distrustful of the USG and its intentions around the globe I say thank you to President of the United States, Donald Trump for calling out the US intelligence community on the global stage.

This is quite entertaining.
Trump did not make a mistake. He is intentionally weakening the tie between countries and praising the KGB murderer Putin because he is a Russian agent.

You are pushing a new COld War, for domestic political advantage.

You are vile beyond measure.
Trump's intelligence community told him Russia meddled in the election.
Putin denied it.

Trump appeared to side with Putin.

Let's be clear, Trump fucking blew it. He had an opportunity to get tough with Putin on a worldwide stage, and instead he tucked his tail between his legs, and threw his own intelligence under the bus.

You are pushing a new COld War, for domestic political advantage.

You are vile beyond measure.
Way to go all in with Putin, Comrade.
Trump's intelligence community told him Russia meddled in the election.
Putin denied it.

Trump appeared to side with Putin.

Let's be clear, Trump fucking blew it. He had an opportunity to get tough with Putin on a worldwide stage, and instead he tucked his tail between his legs, and threw his own intelligence under the bus.

You are pushing a new COld War, for domestic political advantage.

You are vile beyond measure.
Way to go all in with Putin, Comrade.

You are pushing a new COld War, for domestic political advantage.

You are vile beyond measure.
Let me get this straight Russia is the only great power (India is borderline) that we have not fought directly:

UK twice

Low level combat with France during the Maximillian affair and earlier at Horseshoe Bend

Spain once

Germany/Austria twice.

China once in Korea

And Russia is the boogyman?
What I've discovered is no journalist can be trusted.
I remember the setup Fox News sprung on Trump during the debates.
I didn't think it was possible for them to be that dishonest and biased.
But they are.

Let's face journalist can be trusted now, because the only reason they have a job is due to the fact that they all went to the same schools and know the same people.
Democrats have literally married into every major news outlet in America.
You can't find a single network that doesn't have close ties with Democrats.
Even Fox News has owners that live in the UK.
I think it's highly possible that we have a situation that just about every political pundit is either willingly buying into a line of reasoning from a discredited FBI, or too stupid to figure it out for themselves and just want to keep their jobs.
fox traitors.jpg
Trump's intelligence community told him Russia meddled in the election.
Putin denied it.

Trump appeared to side with Putin.

Let's be clear, Trump fucking blew it. He had an opportunity to get tough with Putin on a worldwide stage, and instead he tucked his tail between his legs, and threw his own intelligence under the bus.
You need to get the facts straight.
The FBI claims that Russians meddled in the election, but then they made it clear that this meddling didn't change one vote.
So whatever meddling they did was ineffective.
So why scream about meddling.
Obama was meddling in the Israeli election, why not arrest him?
The media is constantly meddling in our elections.
Why not arrest them?

Why does Trump have to call Putin a liar to his face?
What do you think that accomplishes???

Why are you such a fucking idiot????
All the media hype and lies leading up to the election and all the rigged polls were nothing but an attempt by the media to sway the election.
No one here wants Trump to succeed any more than I do, but to deny that Trump looked weak, and made America look weak is partisan bullshit.
I'm mad as hell, not only because of how we looked to the world, but Trump has now further alienated his own party, and will have more problems accomplishing his agenda going forward.
He's also likely made it much easier for the Dims in the upcoming election.
Trump did not make a mistake. He is intentionally weakening the tie between countries and praising the KGB murderer Putin because he is a Russian agent.

You are pushing a new COld War, for domestic political advantage.

You are vile beyond measure.

I'm not pushing for any kind of war.

YOur pretense that you are too stupid to realize what you are calling for, is dismissed.

YOu might be stupid, but you are not THAT stupid.
What I've discovered is no journalist can be trusted.
I remember the setup Fox News sprung on Trump during the debates.
I didn't think it was possible for them to be that dishonest and biased.
But they are.

Let's face journalist can be trusted now, because the only reason they have a job is due to the fact that they all went to the same schools and know the same people.
Democrats have literally married into every major news outlet in America.
You can't find a single network that doesn't have close ties with Democrats.
Even Fox News has owners that live in the UK.
I think it's highly possible that we have a situation that just about every political pundit is either willingly buying into a line of reasoning from a discredited FBI, or too stupid to figure it out for themselves and just want to keep their jobs.


Notice how it's difficult for anyone to say anything positive about the Helsinki meeting.
After all, Trump was being diplomatic and tried not to be an asshole with Putin.
He wanted to mend fences and his critics wanted him to kick them down.

Guess what, it doesn't matter what Trump did. They would still find something wrong with it.

However, when Rod Rosenstein released a list of indictments, I knew that they were trying to set Trump up.

The new accusation is "Russian Meddling".

As with Global Warming, which was changed to "Man-made Climate Change" Russian Collusion has morphed into Russian Meddling.

So the very organization that the media accused of making serious errors in Iraq with respect to WMDs is now totally infallible. Claiming they may have made an error is now tantamount to taking sides with Russia against America.


Does anyone but me see the stupidity in this argument????

Nevertheless, almost every talking head on TV is saying this same exact phrase "TRUMP MADE A VERY GRAVE MISTAKE".

Excuse me???
What exactly was the mistake?
Do you think Trump should repeat the stupidity of Obama, who said that Russia isn't a threat?
Or do you want to buy into the FBI's claim that Russia hacked the DNC?
Which lie are you ready to believe?

The fact is a liar that is supported by a corrupt media can use any event to his or her purposes because the truth isn't a roadblock to them. They don't have to worry about a media watchdog out there ready to trip them up.

Exactly, obama bowed to Russia in Public and in action...


Increases American energy production, which obama refused to do...hurts putin.

Trump arms Ukraine with deadly weapons which obama refused to do....hurts putin.

Trump demands that NATO actually pay for functional militaries, which obama refused to do...hurts putin.

Trump enforces red line in Syria, which obama refused to do...hurts putin.

Trump calls out Germany for paying billions to putin.....hurts putin.

Trump kills 200 Russian soldiers posing as mercenaries in Syria, obama would never have allowed that....hurts putin.

Trump takes action against putin ..... and the squish republicans maintain their deserved reputation for being weak assholes.......

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