Keep women, women leftists and leftists away from movie franchises...they wreck all of them....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
John Nolte.....gets right down to the truth.....

They gave the Star Wars franchise to a girl, and the same thing happened.

Who wants to see a more sensitive James Bond?

Who wants to see an emasculated James Bond?

No one, other than the bubbled freaks and weirdos who make up Barbara Broccoliā€™s social circleā€”these awful people who get off on ruining everything fun wants James Bond to get in touch with his feelings.

The whole point of the James Bond character is that heā€™s an alpha predator working on behalf of Her Majestyā€™s Secret Service who lives with the knowledge he can die at any moment. Therefore, he seeks out lifeā€™s sensual pleasures whenever possible. Moreover, he does not open up emotionally because 1) that could get him killed, and 2) itā€™s unfair to others to get close when you have such a dangerous job.

Those traits that make James Bond James Bond.

Once you remove those qualities, heā€™s just another Jason Bourne or Ethan Hunt.

But this girl producer wants to make James Bond a girl.

She claims men are evolving. Really? Iā€™m sorry, but turning into Phil Donahue is not evolving. Likewise, becoming more feminine is not evolving. Instead, itā€™s devolving into a self-centered narcissist more concerned with your emotional hang-ups than your duty.

Who will protect the free world if the men are all gazing at their navels?

And this is why Daniel Craig is such a forgettable Bond. The first half of Casino Royalewas terrific. Skyfall was pretty good. The other three Craig films stunk. Killing Bond off was beyond stupid. Overall, turning what should be standalone films into a five-part series about Bondā€™s emotional journey undermined what made Bond so iconic: living life for two hours with a capable, devil-may-care superspy who lives for the moment, relishes luxury, and seduces beautiful women.


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