Kazakhstan to change from Cyrillic to Latin alphabet


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
all neighbors after Crimean occupation run from Morder like from the plague...Who will next get back to Latin alphabet Belarusians, Ukrainians?


"The Kazakh language will change from Cyrillic to Latin script as part of a modernization and development effort. The move is also viewed as an attempt to distance the language from "Russian" and promote nationalism...Kazakh briefly used the Latin script before switching to Cyrillic in 1940.."

Kazakhstan to change from Cyrillic to Latin alphabet | News | DW | 27.10.2017

The Belarusian Latin alphabet or Łacinka ([laˈt͡sinka], from Belarusian: лацінка (BGN/PCGN: latsinka) for the Latin script in general) is the common name of the several historical alphabets to render the Belarusian (Cyrillic) text in Latin script. It is similar to the Sorbian alphabet, incorporating features of the Polish and Czech alphabets.

"The Kazakh language will change from Cyrillic to Latin script as part of a modernization and development effort. The move is also viewed as an attempt to distance the language from "Russian" and promote nationalism

Europe has key economic and security interests at stake in Central Asia, particularly in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. What does China and Russia’s increasingly important partnerships with Central Asian countries mean for Europe’s interests in the region? Are American and European energy, security and geopolitical interests in the region aligned? Is there a case for Europe to step up its strategic dialogue with States such as India on security and energy? What happens in the post-2014 scenario in Afghanistan and how will this affect Europe’s presence in the region? Dr. Stephen J. Blank is an internationally known expert on Russia and the former Soviet Union, who comes to American Foreign Policy Council from the US Army War College where he spent the last 24 years, 1989-2013 as a Professor of National Security Studies at the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College in Carlisle Barracks, PA. Dr. Blank's expertise covers the entire Russian and post-Soviet region and has also written extensively on defense strategy, arms control, information warfare, energy issues, US foreign and defense policy, European, and Asian security.

all neighbors after Crimean occupation run from Morder like from the plague...Who will next get back to Latin alphabet Belarusians, Ukrainians?

Nope, Ukrainians will choose Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovakian and Romanian languages and flee to more prosperous countries with their territorials.

all neighbors after Crimean occupation run from Morder like from the plague...Who will next get back to Latin alphabet Belarusians, Ukrainians?

Nope, Ukrainians will choose Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovakian and Romanian languages and flee to more prosperous countries with their territorials.

No, you Mongols Juchi will get back to your Arabic language

Alexander Nevsky's helmet has Arabic writing on it, saying something like "With Allah's help" and "Speedy victory".



'Allah is Great' inscribed on helmet of Ivan the Terrible, Iranian diplomat says
12 Jun 2009 Paul Goble
VIENNA, June 12 – An Arabic inscription on the helmet worn by Ivan the Terrible reads “Allah Mohammed,” according to an Iranian diplomat, who told Russian journalists in Astrakhan this week that these words could be an abbreviated form of “well-known expression that ‘’Allah is Great and Mohammed is His Prophet.’”

Seid Holmarez Meyguni, Iran’s consul general in Astrakhan, noted that the Arab inscription on the upper portion of the tsar’s helmet now on display there comes from “a rare Arabic dialect” but that there is no doubt in his mind that the words should be translated as he suggested, according to a report in “Izvestiya” (www.izvestia.ru/news/news20672....

Russian experts are treating Meyguni’s suggestion with respect, but they are calling for further investigation not only of the translation but of what the appearance of such an inscription on the field crown of the Russian tsar who conquered a series of Muslim khanates including Astrakhan and Kazan could mean.

Elena Arutyunova, a senior specialist at the Astrakhan museum where Ivan’s helmet is now on display, told Itar-Tass that “we consider the translation of the Iranian consul as a version which behind doubt requires checking by linguists and orientalists,” who should also seek to determine why it was there.

One explanation, she suggested, is that this headgear was “given to the father of Ivan the Grozny by the Turkish sultan,” an interpretation that is suggested by another inscription, “already in the Slavic language, identifying this helmet as that of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, the son of the Great Prince Vasiliy Ivanovich.”

The helmet itself has an interesting history. It currently belongs to the Royal Armament Chamber of the Swedish government but was specially loaned to Astrakhan for an exhibit in honor of the “forcible” incorporation of that khanate by Ivan. “Earlier,” the Moscow paper continued, “it has been displayed in the Armament Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.”

According to the “Izvestiya” article, there are several possible explanations for how the helmet of Ivan the Terrible ended up in Stockholm. “It is possible,” the paper said, that “it was seized in Moscow during the Time of Troubles in 1611-1612 and along with other treasures was sent to Warsaw for King Sigismund.”

“Then, in 1665, when the Polish forces suffered defeat in a war with Sweden,” the crown could “have been carried off by the Swedes from Warsaw as their trophy,” an explanation that is supported by the appearance of Ivan’s helmet in the 1663 inventory of the Royal Armament Chamber in Stockholm.”

This report about a single exhibit is part of the larger and unsettled debates about the origins of Russia and the Russians that continue to resound among residents of that country even as people there mark its national day (For a discussion, see www.vestnikcivitas.ru/pbls/714...) But it also serves as a reminder of two other and more important aspects of that history.

On the one hand, this report highlights the dangers of trying to impose a single “correct” reading on many issues in that complex history. And on the other, this story calls attention to something many Russian nationalists currently are reluctant to admit: the role that Islam and Islamic peoples have played not only as opponents of Russian statehood but as parts of it.



all neighbors after Crimean occupation run from Morder like from the plague...Who will next get back to Latin alphabet Belarusians, Ukrainians?

Nope, Ukrainians will choose Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovakian and Romanian languages and flee to more prosperous countries with their territorials.

No, you Mongols Juchi will get back to your Arabic language

Alexander Nevsky's helmet has Arabic writing on it, saying something like "With Allah's help" and "Speedy victory".



'Allah is Great' inscribed on helmet of Ivan the Terrible, Iranian diplomat says
12 Jun 2009 Paul Goble
VIENNA, June 12 – An Arabic inscription on the helmet worn by Ivan the Terrible reads “Allah Mohammed,” according to an Iranian diplomat, who told Russian journalists in Astrakhan this week that these words could be an abbreviated form of “well-known expression that ‘’Allah is Great and Mohammed is His Prophet.’”

Seid Holmarez Meyguni, Iran’s consul general in Astrakhan, noted that the Arab inscription on the upper portion of the tsar’s helmet now on display there comes from “a rare Arabic dialect” but that there is no doubt in his mind that the words should be translated as he suggested, according to a report in “Izvestiya” (www.izvestia.ru/news/news20672....

Russian experts are treating Meyguni’s suggestion with respect, but they are calling for further investigation not only of the translation but of what the appearance of such an inscription on the field crown of the Russian tsar who conquered a series of Muslim khanates including Astrakhan and Kazan could mean.

Elena Arutyunova, a senior specialist at the Astrakhan museum where Ivan’s helmet is now on display, told Itar-Tass that “we consider the translation of the Iranian consul as a version which behind doubt requires checking by linguists and orientalists,” who should also seek to determine why it was there.

One explanation, she suggested, is that this headgear was “given to the father of Ivan the Grozny by the Turkish sultan,” an interpretation that is suggested by another inscription, “already in the Slavic language, identifying this helmet as that of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, the son of the Great Prince Vasiliy Ivanovich.”

The helmet itself has an interesting history. It currently belongs to the Royal Armament Chamber of the Swedish government but was specially loaned to Astrakhan for an exhibit in honor of the “forcible” incorporation of that khanate by Ivan. “Earlier,” the Moscow paper continued, “it has been displayed in the Armament Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.”

According to the “Izvestiya” article, there are several possible explanations for how the helmet of Ivan the Terrible ended up in Stockholm. “It is possible,” the paper said, that “it was seized in Moscow during the Time of Troubles in 1611-1612 and along with other treasures was sent to Warsaw for King Sigismund.”

“Then, in 1665, when the Polish forces suffered defeat in a war with Sweden,” the crown could “have been carried off by the Swedes from Warsaw as their trophy,” an explanation that is supported by the appearance of Ivan’s helmet in the 1663 inventory of the Royal Armament Chamber in Stockholm.”

This report about a single exhibit is part of the larger and unsettled debates about the origins of Russia and the Russians that continue to resound among residents of that country even as people there mark its national day (For a discussion, see www.vestnikcivitas.ru/pbls/714...) But it also serves as a reminder of two other and more important aspects of that history.

On the one hand, this report highlights the dangers of trying to impose a single “correct” reading on many issues in that complex history. And on the other, this story calls attention to something many Russian nationalists currently are reluctant to admit: the role that Islam and Islamic peoples have played not only as opponents of Russian statehood but as parts of it.




And here the REAL future of Europe and Western World

all neighbors after Crimean occupation run from Morder like from the plague...Who will next get back to Latin alphabet Belarusians, Ukrainians?

Nope, Ukrainians will choose Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovakian and Romanian languages and flee to more prosperous countries with their territorials.

No, you Mongols Juchi will get back to your Arabic language

Alexander Nevsky's helmet has Arabic writing on it, saying something like "With Allah's help" and "Speedy victory".



'Allah is Great' inscribed on helmet of Ivan the Terrible, Iranian diplomat says
12 Jun 2009 Paul Goble
VIENNA, June 12 – An Arabic inscription on the helmet worn by Ivan the Terrible reads “Allah Mohammed,” according to an Iranian diplomat, who told Russian journalists in Astrakhan this week that these words could be an abbreviated form of “well-known expression that ‘’Allah is Great and Mohammed is His Prophet.’”

Seid Holmarez Meyguni, Iran’s consul general in Astrakhan, noted that the Arab inscription on the upper portion of the tsar’s helmet now on display there comes from “a rare Arabic dialect” but that there is no doubt in his mind that the words should be translated as he suggested, according to a report in “Izvestiya” (www.izvestia.ru/news/news20672....

Russian experts are treating Meyguni’s suggestion with respect, but they are calling for further investigation not only of the translation but of what the appearance of such an inscription on the field crown of the Russian tsar who conquered a series of Muslim khanates including Astrakhan and Kazan could mean.

Elena Arutyunova, a senior specialist at the Astrakhan museum where Ivan’s helmet is now on display, told Itar-Tass that “we consider the translation of the Iranian consul as a version which behind doubt requires checking by linguists and orientalists,” who should also seek to determine why it was there.

One explanation, she suggested, is that this headgear was “given to the father of Ivan the Grozny by the Turkish sultan,” an interpretation that is suggested by another inscription, “already in the Slavic language, identifying this helmet as that of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, the son of the Great Prince Vasiliy Ivanovich.”

The helmet itself has an interesting history. It currently belongs to the Royal Armament Chamber of the Swedish government but was specially loaned to Astrakhan for an exhibit in honor of the “forcible” incorporation of that khanate by Ivan. “Earlier,” the Moscow paper continued, “it has been displayed in the Armament Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.”

According to the “Izvestiya” article, there are several possible explanations for how the helmet of Ivan the Terrible ended up in Stockholm. “It is possible,” the paper said, that “it was seized in Moscow during the Time of Troubles in 1611-1612 and along with other treasures was sent to Warsaw for King Sigismund.”

“Then, in 1665, when the Polish forces suffered defeat in a war with Sweden,” the crown could “have been carried off by the Swedes from Warsaw as their trophy,” an explanation that is supported by the appearance of Ivan’s helmet in the 1663 inventory of the Royal Armament Chamber in Stockholm.”

This report about a single exhibit is part of the larger and unsettled debates about the origins of Russia and the Russians that continue to resound among residents of that country even as people there mark its national day (For a discussion, see www.vestnikcivitas.ru/pbls/714...) But it also serves as a reminder of two other and more important aspects of that history.

On the one hand, this report highlights the dangers of trying to impose a single “correct” reading on many issues in that complex history. And on the other, this story calls attention to something many Russian nationalists currently are reluctant to admit: the role that Islam and Islamic peoples have played not only as opponents of Russian statehood but as parts of it.




And here the REAL future of Europe and Western World

Denmark is much stronger against Islam than your Muscovy

all neighbors after Crimean occupation run from Morder like from the plague...Who will next get back to Latin alphabet Belarusians, Ukrainians?

Nope, Ukrainians will choose Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovakian and Romanian languages and flee to more prosperous countries with their territorials.

No, you Mongols Juchi will get back to your Arabic language

Alexander Nevsky's helmet has Arabic writing on it, saying something like "With Allah's help" and "Speedy victory".



'Allah is Great' inscribed on helmet of Ivan the Terrible, Iranian diplomat says
12 Jun 2009 Paul Goble
VIENNA, June 12 – An Arabic inscription on the helmet worn by Ivan the Terrible reads “Allah Mohammed,” according to an Iranian diplomat, who told Russian journalists in Astrakhan this week that these words could be an abbreviated form of “well-known expression that ‘’Allah is Great and Mohammed is His Prophet.’”

Seid Holmarez Meyguni, Iran’s consul general in Astrakhan, noted that the Arab inscription on the upper portion of the tsar’s helmet now on display there comes from “a rare Arabic dialect” but that there is no doubt in his mind that the words should be translated as he suggested, according to a report in “Izvestiya” (www.izvestia.ru/news/news20672....

Russian experts are treating Meyguni’s suggestion with respect, but they are calling for further investigation not only of the translation but of what the appearance of such an inscription on the field crown of the Russian tsar who conquered a series of Muslim khanates including Astrakhan and Kazan could mean.

Elena Arutyunova, a senior specialist at the Astrakhan museum where Ivan’s helmet is now on display, told Itar-Tass that “we consider the translation of the Iranian consul as a version which behind doubt requires checking by linguists and orientalists,” who should also seek to determine why it was there.

One explanation, she suggested, is that this headgear was “given to the father of Ivan the Grozny by the Turkish sultan,” an interpretation that is suggested by another inscription, “already in the Slavic language, identifying this helmet as that of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, the son of the Great Prince Vasiliy Ivanovich.”

The helmet itself has an interesting history. It currently belongs to the Royal Armament Chamber of the Swedish government but was specially loaned to Astrakhan for an exhibit in honor of the “forcible” incorporation of that khanate by Ivan. “Earlier,” the Moscow paper continued, “it has been displayed in the Armament Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.”

According to the “Izvestiya” article, there are several possible explanations for how the helmet of Ivan the Terrible ended up in Stockholm. “It is possible,” the paper said, that “it was seized in Moscow during the Time of Troubles in 1611-1612 and along with other treasures was sent to Warsaw for King Sigismund.”

“Then, in 1665, when the Polish forces suffered defeat in a war with Sweden,” the crown could “have been carried off by the Swedes from Warsaw as their trophy,” an explanation that is supported by the appearance of Ivan’s helmet in the 1663 inventory of the Royal Armament Chamber in Stockholm.”

This report about a single exhibit is part of the larger and unsettled debates about the origins of Russia and the Russians that continue to resound among residents of that country even as people there mark its national day (For a discussion, see www.vestnikcivitas.ru/pbls/714...) But it also serves as a reminder of two other and more important aspects of that history.

On the one hand, this report highlights the dangers of trying to impose a single “correct” reading on many issues in that complex history. And on the other, this story calls attention to something many Russian nationalists currently are reluctant to admit: the role that Islam and Islamic peoples have played not only as opponents of Russian statehood but as parts of it.




And here the REAL future of Europe and Western World

Denmark is much stronger against Islam than your Muscovy

View attachment 157925

Are you a Jew and victim of pogroms in Russia in 18th century? ?Why do you hate Russia so much? In my neighborhood lived some guys from Lithuania, no one told against Russia something.
all neighbors after Crimean occupation run from Morder like from the plague...Who will next get back to Latin alphabet Belarusians, Ukrainians?

Nope, Ukrainians will choose Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovakian and Romanian languages and flee to more prosperous countries with their territorials.

No, you Mongols Juchi will get back to your Arabic language

Alexander Nevsky's helmet has Arabic writing on it, saying something like "With Allah's help" and "Speedy victory".



'Allah is Great' inscribed on helmet of Ivan the Terrible, Iranian diplomat says
12 Jun 2009 Paul Goble
VIENNA, June 12 – An Arabic inscription on the helmet worn by Ivan the Terrible reads “Allah Mohammed,” according to an Iranian diplomat, who told Russian journalists in Astrakhan this week that these words could be an abbreviated form of “well-known expression that ‘’Allah is Great and Mohammed is His Prophet.’”

Seid Holmarez Meyguni, Iran’s consul general in Astrakhan, noted that the Arab inscription on the upper portion of the tsar’s helmet now on display there comes from “a rare Arabic dialect” but that there is no doubt in his mind that the words should be translated as he suggested, according to a report in “Izvestiya” (www.izvestia.ru/news/news20672....

Russian experts are treating Meyguni’s suggestion with respect, but they are calling for further investigation not only of the translation but of what the appearance of such an inscription on the field crown of the Russian tsar who conquered a series of Muslim khanates including Astrakhan and Kazan could mean.

Elena Arutyunova, a senior specialist at the Astrakhan museum where Ivan’s helmet is now on display, told Itar-Tass that “we consider the translation of the Iranian consul as a version which behind doubt requires checking by linguists and orientalists,” who should also seek to determine why it was there.

One explanation, she suggested, is that this headgear was “given to the father of Ivan the Grozny by the Turkish sultan,” an interpretation that is suggested by another inscription, “already in the Slavic language, identifying this helmet as that of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, the son of the Great Prince Vasiliy Ivanovich.”

The helmet itself has an interesting history. It currently belongs to the Royal Armament Chamber of the Swedish government but was specially loaned to Astrakhan for an exhibit in honor of the “forcible” incorporation of that khanate by Ivan. “Earlier,” the Moscow paper continued, “it has been displayed in the Armament Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.”

According to the “Izvestiya” article, there are several possible explanations for how the helmet of Ivan the Terrible ended up in Stockholm. “It is possible,” the paper said, that “it was seized in Moscow during the Time of Troubles in 1611-1612 and along with other treasures was sent to Warsaw for King Sigismund.”

“Then, in 1665, when the Polish forces suffered defeat in a war with Sweden,” the crown could “have been carried off by the Swedes from Warsaw as their trophy,” an explanation that is supported by the appearance of Ivan’s helmet in the 1663 inventory of the Royal Armament Chamber in Stockholm.”

This report about a single exhibit is part of the larger and unsettled debates about the origins of Russia and the Russians that continue to resound among residents of that country even as people there mark its national day (For a discussion, see www.vestnikcivitas.ru/pbls/714...) But it also serves as a reminder of two other and more important aspects of that history.

On the one hand, this report highlights the dangers of trying to impose a single “correct” reading on many issues in that complex history. And on the other, this story calls attention to something many Russian nationalists currently are reluctant to admit: the role that Islam and Islamic peoples have played not only as opponents of Russian statehood but as parts of it.




And here the REAL future of Europe and Western World

Denmark is much stronger against Islam than your Muscovy

View attachment 157925

Are you a Jew and victim of pogroms in Russia in 18th century?
?Why do you hate Russia so much? In my neighborhood lived some guys from Lithuania, no one told against Russia something.

LOL, how you guys feel when you get humiliated in " your red army" by Yakuts (not talk about Chechen mulism )

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми



the Jews are forcing Yakuts do it to you guys?))

Nope, Ukrainians will choose Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovakian and Romanian languages and flee to more prosperous countries with their territorials.

No, you Mongols Juchi will get back to your Arabic language

Alexander Nevsky's helmet has Arabic writing on it, saying something like "With Allah's help" and "Speedy victory".



'Allah is Great' inscribed on helmet of Ivan the Terrible, Iranian diplomat says
12 Jun 2009 Paul Goble
VIENNA, June 12 – An Arabic inscription on the helmet worn by Ivan the Terrible reads “Allah Mohammed,” according to an Iranian diplomat, who told Russian journalists in Astrakhan this week that these words could be an abbreviated form of “well-known expression that ‘’Allah is Great and Mohammed is His Prophet.’”

Seid Holmarez Meyguni, Iran’s consul general in Astrakhan, noted that the Arab inscription on the upper portion of the tsar’s helmet now on display there comes from “a rare Arabic dialect” but that there is no doubt in his mind that the words should be translated as he suggested, according to a report in “Izvestiya” (www.izvestia.ru/news/news20672....

Russian experts are treating Meyguni’s suggestion with respect, but they are calling for further investigation not only of the translation but of what the appearance of such an inscription on the field crown of the Russian tsar who conquered a series of Muslim khanates including Astrakhan and Kazan could mean.

Elena Arutyunova, a senior specialist at the Astrakhan museum where Ivan’s helmet is now on display, told Itar-Tass that “we consider the translation of the Iranian consul as a version which behind doubt requires checking by linguists and orientalists,” who should also seek to determine why it was there.

One explanation, she suggested, is that this headgear was “given to the father of Ivan the Grozny by the Turkish sultan,” an interpretation that is suggested by another inscription, “already in the Slavic language, identifying this helmet as that of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, the son of the Great Prince Vasiliy Ivanovich.”

The helmet itself has an interesting history. It currently belongs to the Royal Armament Chamber of the Swedish government but was specially loaned to Astrakhan for an exhibit in honor of the “forcible” incorporation of that khanate by Ivan. “Earlier,” the Moscow paper continued, “it has been displayed in the Armament Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.”

According to the “Izvestiya” article, there are several possible explanations for how the helmet of Ivan the Terrible ended up in Stockholm. “It is possible,” the paper said, that “it was seized in Moscow during the Time of Troubles in 1611-1612 and along with other treasures was sent to Warsaw for King Sigismund.”

“Then, in 1665, when the Polish forces suffered defeat in a war with Sweden,” the crown could “have been carried off by the Swedes from Warsaw as their trophy,” an explanation that is supported by the appearance of Ivan’s helmet in the 1663 inventory of the Royal Armament Chamber in Stockholm.”

This report about a single exhibit is part of the larger and unsettled debates about the origins of Russia and the Russians that continue to resound among residents of that country even as people there mark its national day (For a discussion, see www.vestnikcivitas.ru/pbls/714...) But it also serves as a reminder of two other and more important aspects of that history.

On the one hand, this report highlights the dangers of trying to impose a single “correct” reading on many issues in that complex history. And on the other, this story calls attention to something many Russian nationalists currently are reluctant to admit: the role that Islam and Islamic peoples have played not only as opponents of Russian statehood but as parts of it.




And here the REAL future of Europe and Western World

Denmark is much stronger against Islam than your Muscovy

View attachment 157925

Are you a Jew and victim of pogroms in Russia in 18th century?
?Why do you hate Russia so much? In my neighborhood lived some guys from Lithuania, no one told against Russia something.

LOL, how you guys feel when you get humiliated in " your red army" by Yakuts (not talk about Chechen mulism )

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми



the Jews are forcing Yakuts do it to you guys?))


Fake News Masquerade
No, you Mongols Juchi will get back to your Arabic language

Alexander Nevsky's helmet has Arabic writing on it, saying something like "With Allah's help" and "Speedy victory".



'Allah is Great' inscribed on helmet of Ivan the Terrible, Iranian diplomat says
12 Jun 2009 Paul Goble
VIENNA, June 12 – An Arabic inscription on the helmet worn by Ivan the Terrible reads “Allah Mohammed,” according to an Iranian diplomat, who told Russian journalists in Astrakhan this week that these words could be an abbreviated form of “well-known expression that ‘’Allah is Great and Mohammed is His Prophet.’”

Seid Holmarez Meyguni, Iran’s consul general in Astrakhan, noted that the Arab inscription on the upper portion of the tsar’s helmet now on display there comes from “a rare Arabic dialect” but that there is no doubt in his mind that the words should be translated as he suggested, according to a report in “Izvestiya” (www.izvestia.ru/news/news20672....

Russian experts are treating Meyguni’s suggestion with respect, but they are calling for further investigation not only of the translation but of what the appearance of such an inscription on the field crown of the Russian tsar who conquered a series of Muslim khanates including Astrakhan and Kazan could mean.

Elena Arutyunova, a senior specialist at the Astrakhan museum where Ivan’s helmet is now on display, told Itar-Tass that “we consider the translation of the Iranian consul as a version which behind doubt requires checking by linguists and orientalists,” who should also seek to determine why it was there.

One explanation, she suggested, is that this headgear was “given to the father of Ivan the Grozny by the Turkish sultan,” an interpretation that is suggested by another inscription, “already in the Slavic language, identifying this helmet as that of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, the son of the Great Prince Vasiliy Ivanovich.”

The helmet itself has an interesting history. It currently belongs to the Royal Armament Chamber of the Swedish government but was specially loaned to Astrakhan for an exhibit in honor of the “forcible” incorporation of that khanate by Ivan. “Earlier,” the Moscow paper continued, “it has been displayed in the Armament Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.”

According to the “Izvestiya” article, there are several possible explanations for how the helmet of Ivan the Terrible ended up in Stockholm. “It is possible,” the paper said, that “it was seized in Moscow during the Time of Troubles in 1611-1612 and along with other treasures was sent to Warsaw for King Sigismund.”

“Then, in 1665, when the Polish forces suffered defeat in a war with Sweden,” the crown could “have been carried off by the Swedes from Warsaw as their trophy,” an explanation that is supported by the appearance of Ivan’s helmet in the 1663 inventory of the Royal Armament Chamber in Stockholm.”

This report about a single exhibit is part of the larger and unsettled debates about the origins of Russia and the Russians that continue to resound among residents of that country even as people there mark its national day (For a discussion, see www.vestnikcivitas.ru/pbls/714...) But it also serves as a reminder of two other and more important aspects of that history.

On the one hand, this report highlights the dangers of trying to impose a single “correct” reading on many issues in that complex history. And on the other, this story calls attention to something many Russian nationalists currently are reluctant to admit: the role that Islam and Islamic peoples have played not only as opponents of Russian statehood but as parts of it.




And here the REAL future of Europe and Western World

Denmark is much stronger against Islam than your Muscovy

View attachment 157925

Are you a Jew and victim of pogroms in Russia in 18th century?
?Why do you hate Russia so much? In my neighborhood lived some guys from Lithuania, no one told against Russia something.

LOL, how you guys feel when you get humiliated in " your red army" by Yakuts (not talk about Chechen mulism )

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми



the Jews are forcing Yakuts do it to you guys?))


Fake News Masquerade

really ? you have here 2 Muscovite friends ask them about this video

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми

and this one ) love it)))

Чеченцы наказали офицера воевавшего в ЧЕЧНЕ
And here the REAL future of Europe and Western World

Denmark is much stronger against Islam than your Muscovy

View attachment 157925

Are you a Jew and victim of pogroms in Russia in 18th century?
?Why do you hate Russia so much? In my neighborhood lived some guys from Lithuania, no one told against Russia something.

LOL, how you guys feel when you get humiliated in " your red army" by Yakuts (not talk about Chechen mulism )

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми



the Jews are forcing Yakuts do it to you guys?))


Fake News Masquerade

really ? you have here 2 Muscovite friends ask them about this video

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми

and this one ) love it)))

Чеченцы наказали офицера воевавшего в ЧЕЧНЕ

Fake News produced by the Russian Fifth Column!
Denmark is much stronger against Islam than your Muscovy

View attachment 157925

Are you a Jew and victim of pogroms in Russia in 18th century?
?Why do you hate Russia so much? In my neighborhood lived some guys from Lithuania, no one told against Russia something.

LOL, how you guys feel when you get humiliated in " your red army" by Yakuts (not talk about Chechen mulism )

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми



the Jews are forcing Yakuts do it to you guys?))


Fake News Masquerade

really ? you have here 2 Muscovite friends ask them about this video

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми

and this one ) love it)))

Чеченцы наказали офицера воевавшего в ЧЕЧНЕ

Fake News produced by the Russian Fifth Column!

so you are in love with Kadyrov like 99% of Muscovites ? you love the new czar or Muscovy?
Are you a Jew and victim of pogroms in Russia in 18th century? ?Why do you hate Russia so much? In my neighborhood lived some guys from Lithuania, no one told against Russia something.

LOL, how you guys feel when you get humiliated in " your red army" by Yakuts (not talk about Chechen mulism )

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми



the Jews are forcing Yakuts do it to you guys?))


Fake News Masquerade

really ? you have here 2 Muscovite friends ask them about this video

Калмыки и якуты прессуют в армии славян Тюрко монголы потомки Чингизхана и Истеми

and this one ) love it)))

Чеченцы наказали офицера воевавшего в ЧЕЧНЕ

Fake News produced by the Russian Fifth Column!

so you are in love with Kadyrov like 99% of Muscovites ? you love the new czar or Muscovy?

I do not like western presstitutes and insane policyamakers who are hardly working on igniting of WWIII. I have not desire to burn in a nuclear war. I have not a bunker like Trump or Merkel. A friendship with Russia is better as a war, Ukraine is for me a sh... and all Russian internal matters are not our deal.
NATO is completely obsolet, Russia has their own interests in Europe like we have them in the entirely world. Let be freedom and not a war.

Fake News produced by the Russian Fifth Column!

so you are in love with Kadyrov like 99% of Muscovites ? you love the new czar or Muscovy?

I do not like western presstitutes and insane policyamakers who are hardly working on igniting of WWIII. I have not desire to burn in a nuclear war. I have not a bunker like Trump or Merkel. A friendship with Russia is better as a war, Ukraine is for me a sh... and all Russian internal matters are not our deal.
NATO is completely obsolet, Russia has their own interests in Europe like we have them in the entirely world. Let be freedom and not a war.

i see you like Kadyrov, and you like Koba too?

so you are in love with Kadyrov like 99% of Muscovites ? you love the new czar or Muscovy?

I do not like western presstitutes and insane policyamakers who are hardly working on igniting of WWIII. I have not desire to burn in a nuclear war. I have not a bunker like Trump or Merkel. A friendship with Russia is better as a war, Ukraine is for me a sh... and all Russian internal matters are not our deal.
NATO is completely obsolet, Russia has their own interests in Europe like we have them in the entirely world. Let be freedom and not a war.
i see you like Kadyrov, and you like Koba too?


I like neither Kadyrov nor Koba, but i do not want to burn in a nuclear war.

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