Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim

These people are literally insane.

Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim

The loony left’s logic is a fascinating thing to behold. The offender is the victim and the victim is the offender. Up is down and down is up. Oh, yea, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is intelligence.
So, when Kathy Griffin has your back, you know that you have seriously screwed up, right?

If you think the left is going insane now just wait until the November 6th election results are in and the Blue Wave turns out to just be a whirlpool going down the toilet.


Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim - BB4SP

Daily Wire:

Shockingly, alleged comedian Kathy Griffin is not only backing Samantha Bee for her vicious attack on First Daughter Ivanka Trump, but suggesting Bee is the victim in all this. Griffin, who once posed in an ISIS-style photo with a bloody, mock decapitated Donald Trump head, slammed TBS for apparently forcing Bee to apologize; Griffin tried to launch a campaign of support for Bee, noting the alleged harassment the “Full Frontal” star is receiving.

“Spineless,” wrote Griffin on Thursday. “Support your talent TBS. Instead, you made her apologize.” More

Kathy Griffin gives me the ED.
Did you know that more people in Western countries believe in Big Foot (`7%) than in Atheism (`2.5%)?
Breaking news: people are dumb.

You're living proof.
witty and fresh! And you show us why there are so few successful white wing comedians...

Most comedians, are comedians in the first place, because they have this emotional need for approval. Most frequently suffer from depression, as they typically are only truly happy when being applauded and approved of. Much of the time however they are emotional train wrecks. So yes, they typically are libs.
Most comedians, are comedians in the first place, because they have this emotional need for approval.
Haha... thanks for your dimestore psychology. Right, you suck at comedy, because being good at it would mean there was something wrong with you. Sure, that's why.

Too bad lying to one's self doesn't pay better... you might have money to boycott all of those Sam Bee advertisers!
These people are literally insane.

Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim

The loony left’s logic is a fascinating thing to behold. The offender is the victim and the victim is the offender. Up is down and down is up. Oh, yea, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is intelligence.
So, when Kathy Griffin has your back, you know that you have seriously screwed up, right?

If you think the left is going insane now just wait until the November 6th election results are in and the Blue Wave turns out to just be a whirlpool going down the toilet.


Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim - BB4SP

Daily Wire:

Shockingly, alleged comedian Kathy Griffin is not only backing Samantha Bee for her vicious attack on First Daughter Ivanka Trump, but suggesting Bee is the victim in all this. Griffin, who once posed in an ISIS-style photo with a bloody, mock decapitated Donald Trump head, slammed TBS for apparently forcing Bee to apologize; Griffin tried to launch a campaign of support for Bee, noting the alleged harassment the “Full Frontal” star is receiving.

“Spineless,” wrote Griffin on Thursday. “Support your talent TBS. Instead, you made her apologize.” More

I agree with Griffin enough of the idiotic apologizing for this crap, Donald Trump has apologized for nothing so it's only right to reciprocate with nothing. Cons want to get in the gutter let's limbo and watch the right wing snowflakes cry their eyes out at being butthurt by every little thing.
Well, if there is some place lower than the gutter, you leftist pinheads took us there years ago.....and you keep trying to create ever lower levels of conduct.
Most comedians, are comedians in the first place, because they have this emotional need for approval.
Haha... thanks for your dimestore psychology. Right, you suck at comedy, because being good at it would mean there was something wrong with you. Sure, that's why.

Too bad lying to one's self doesn't pay better... you might have money to boycott all of those Sam Bee advertisers!

I'm fine at comedy, I'm simply pointing out that professional comedians, are generally emotionally fucked up people. They have a much higher suicide rate than the general population. It's that constant emotional need for approval that they desperately need. Yep, they are likely to be libs, as their lives are generally ran by emotions rather than logic.
Most comedians, are comedians in the first place, because they have this emotional need for approval.
Haha... thanks for your dimestore psychology. Right, you suck at comedy, because being good at it would mean there was something wrong with you. Sure, that's why.

Too bad lying to one's self doesn't pay better... you might have money to boycott all of those Sam Bee advertisers!

I'm fine at comedy, I'm simply pointing out that professional comedians, are generally emotionally fucked up people. They have a much higher suicide rate than the general population. It's that constant emotional need for approval that they desperately need. Yep, they are likely to be libs, as their lives are generally ran by emotions rather than logic.
All artists of any kind are likely to be liberals. So thank you, professor, for your completely useless, self-soothing waste of time.
These people are literally insane.

Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim

The loony left’s logic is a fascinating thing to behold. The offender is the victim and the victim is the offender. Up is down and down is up. Oh, yea, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is intelligence.
So, when Kathy Griffin has your back, you know that you have seriously screwed up, right?

If you think the left is going insane now just wait until the November 6th election results are in and the Blue Wave turns out to just be a whirlpool going down the toilet.


Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim - BB4SP

Daily Wire:

Shockingly, alleged comedian Kathy Griffin is not only backing Samantha Bee for her vicious attack on First Daughter Ivanka Trump, but suggesting Bee is the victim in all this. Griffin, who once posed in an ISIS-style photo with a bloody, mock decapitated Donald Trump head, slammed TBS for apparently forcing Bee to apologize; Griffin tried to launch a campaign of support for Bee, noting the alleged harassment the “Full Frontal” star is receiving.

“Spineless,” wrote Griffin on Thursday. “Support your talent TBS. Instead, you made her apologize.” More

Kathy Griffin gives me the ED.
She's your typical liberal idiot.
They live in different world than the rest of us do.
They do so many things they feel guilty for when they're fucked up.....then they try to do or say nice things only to virtue-signal.
"You see.....look at me.....I'm not a worthless self-centered bag of excrement....I'm a really nice person!!!"

Their favorite target now is Trump. Before, it was Bush. I feel sorry for the next sorry individual that has to put up with their lies and their slander.

These types will do anything for anyone as long as they tell them they're supporting their causes. They're the biggest security threat in America.:iagree:
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By the way, I came across some info about who advertises on Samatha Bee's show.

Discover Card
Diamond Producers Association
I can just imagine Samatha Bee playing the bitch in one of those “you are not yourself when you are hungry” Snickers advertisements.
When are certain people going to learn that when they share their two pennies no matter how dirty or shiny they are, pennies from other people can be thrown down too? This is like the Dixie Chick controversy all over again. Yes, they have the right to speak their mind, but so does everyone else in this country.

God bless you always!!!

These people are literally insane.

Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim

The loony left’s logic is a fascinating thing to behold. The offender is the victim and the victim is the offender. Up is down and down is up. Oh, yea, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is intelligence.
So, when Kathy Griffin has your back, you know that you have seriously screwed up, right?

If you think the left is going insane now just wait until the November 6th election results are in and the Blue Wave turns out to just be a whirlpool going down the toilet.


Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim - BB4SP

Daily Wire:

Shockingly, alleged comedian Kathy Griffin is not only backing Samantha Bee for her vicious attack on First Daughter Ivanka Trump, but suggesting Bee is the victim in all this. Griffin, who once posed in an ISIS-style photo with a bloody, mock decapitated Donald Trump head, slammed TBS for apparently forcing Bee to apologize; Griffin tried to launch a campaign of support for Bee, noting the alleged harassment the “Full Frontal” star is receiving.

“Spineless,” wrote Griffin on Thursday. “Support your talent TBS. Instead, you made her apologize.” More

I agree with Griffin enough of the idiotic apologizing for this crap, Donald Trump has apologized for nothing so it's only right to reciprocate with nothing. Cons want to get in the gutter let's limbo and watch the right wing snowflakes cry their eyes out at being butthurt by every little thing.
Yes, Kathy Griffin is a nobody...
These people are literally insane.

Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim

The loony left’s logic is a fascinating thing to behold. The offender is the victim and the victim is the offender. Up is down and down is up. Oh, yea, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is intelligence.
So, when Kathy Griffin has your back, you know that you have seriously screwed up, right?

If you think the left is going insane now just wait until the November 6th election results are in and the Blue Wave turns out to just be a whirlpool going down the toilet.


Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim - BB4SP

Daily Wire:

Shockingly, alleged comedian Kathy Griffin is not only backing Samantha Bee for her vicious attack on First Daughter Ivanka Trump, but suggesting Bee is the victim in all this. Griffin, who once posed in an ISIS-style photo with a bloody, mock decapitated Donald Trump head, slammed TBS for apparently forcing Bee to apologize; Griffin tried to launch a campaign of support for Bee, noting the alleged harassment the “Full Frontal” star is receiving.

“Spineless,” wrote Griffin on Thursday. “Support your talent TBS. Instead, you made her apologize.” More

I agree with Griffin enough of the idiotic apologizing for this crap, Donald Trump has apologized for nothing so it's only right to reciprocate with nothing. Cons want to get in the gutter let's limbo and watch the right wing snowflakes cry their eyes out at being butthurt by every little thing.
Yes, Kathy Griffin is a nobody...
I still can't get over her last name. she needs to change it
These people are literally insane.

Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim

The loony left’s logic is a fascinating thing to behold. The offender is the victim and the victim is the offender. Up is down and down is up. Oh, yea, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is intelligence.
So, when Kathy Griffin has your back, you know that you have seriously screwed up, right?

If you think the left is going insane now just wait until the November 6th election results are in and the Blue Wave turns out to just be a whirlpool going down the toilet.


Kathy Griffin: Samantha Bee Is The Real Victim - BB4SP

Daily Wire:

Shockingly, alleged comedian Kathy Griffin is not only backing Samantha Bee for her vicious attack on First Daughter Ivanka Trump, but suggesting Bee is the victim in all this. Griffin, who once posed in an ISIS-style photo with a bloody, mock decapitated Donald Trump head, slammed TBS for apparently forcing Bee to apologize; Griffin tried to launch a campaign of support for Bee, noting the alleged harassment the “Full Frontal” star is receiving.

“Spineless,” wrote Griffin on Thursday. “Support your talent TBS. Instead, you made her apologize.” More

Kathy is only sorry SHE didn't think of the vile insult against Ivanka first! And yet -- -- -- -- silence is the word from Kathy on defending Roseanne Barr. Funny how that works. For the Left, it is all in whatever makes you FEEL good between you and the other Lefties!
Most comedians, are comedians in the first place, because they have this emotional need for approval.
Haha... thanks for your dimestore psychology. Right, you suck at comedy, because being good at it would mean there was something wrong with you. Sure, that's why.

Too bad lying to one's self doesn't pay better... you might have money to boycott all of those Sam Bee advertisers!

I'm fine at comedy, I'm simply pointing out that professional comedians, are generally emotionally fucked up people. They have a much higher suicide rate than the general population. It's that constant emotional need for approval that they desperately need. Yep, they are likely to be libs, as their lives are generally ran by emotions rather than logic.
All artists of any kind are likely to be liberals. So thank you, professor, for your completely useless, self-soothing waste of time.

Yep, artists are emotional people. They are desperate for approval.