Karzai Calls Americans 'Demons'...

Once they started droning on & on about fighting a 'Drug War' in Afghanistan, i knew all was lost over there. That's not the reason we went there. The goalposts just keep being moved further & further away. Time to wrap it up over there. It's over.

If anything it's the money that opium generates and what happens to that money. It sure as hell doesn't go to the peasants who are growing the poppies.
Don't ever forget democrats giving Hugo Chavez a standing ovation when he called the President of the United States, Satan.

He was calling George W. Bush the devil. Diablo. And I say, damn straight. Bush and Cheney are war criminals.

Obama might not have won the election in 2008 if the majority of Americans weren't thoroughly disgusted with Bush and his foreign policy. Think about it.
And you're paying for this America. Your Tax Dollars at work. Fun times huh?

Gulf Widens Between U.S. and a More Volatile Karzai

The Americans in Afghanistan are “demons.”

They claim they burned Korans by mistake, but really those were “Satanic acts that will never be forgiven by apologies.”

The massacre of 16 Afghan children, women and men by an American soldier “was not the first incident, indeed it was the 100th, the 200th and 500th incident.”

Such harsh talk may sound as if it comes from the Taliban, but those are all remarks either made personally by the United States’ increasingly hostile ally here, President Hamid Karzai, or issued by his office in recent days and weeks.

The strongest such outburst came Friday. “Let’s pray for God to rescue us from these two demons,” Mr. Karzai said, apparently holding back tears at a meeting with relatives of the massacre victims, and clearly referring to the United States and the Taliban in the same breath. “There are two demons in our country now.”

Ever since the Koran-burning episode on Feb. 20 and its violent aftermath, the relationship between the two governments has lurched from one crisis to another. American officials have scrambled to run damage control, with President Obama expressing a personal apology for the Koran burning, as well as regrets about the massacre, while calling Mr. Karzai twice in the past week.

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Well, Karzai was neither a politician nor a diplomat when he took his job on. He had the heartache of putting family in their grave in revenge as soon as it was announced America would be leaving.

Obama has erred a friend and mouthed an apology. The only thing missing was a will to insure the nation George Bush took away from the Taliban is to stay there until the Taliban is out rather than growing each and every time Obama blathers of how he is going to save the world from war by just pulling the carpet out from under a friend with full troop withdrawal, leaving massacre and upheaval in its wake.

Since the Obama administration is too craven to carry out a plan that ensures the Taliban will no longer be playing its dirty tricks on the world, like spearheading 9/11, for example, he needs to be replaced in November with someone who will listen to the commanders on the ground before swooping in with a unilateral jerk-out.

Jerking our troops out is not respecting the ground they fought for and gained for freedom's sake.

It's time to clean house, all right. Get rid of the Obama administration at the polls next November!
Don't ever forget democrats giving Hugo Chavez a standing ovation when he called the President of the United States, Satan.

He was calling George W. Bush the devil. Diablo. And I say, damn straight. Bush and Cheney are war criminals.

Obama might not have won the election in 2008 if the majority of Americans weren't thoroughly disgusted with Bush and his foreign policy. Think about it.
I have. You're wrong.
Karzai is under the false impression that he is running an effective government that can exist on it's own for some strange reason.

Let's do the logical thing here:

Withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Immediately hault ALL foreign aid flowing to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

He'll change his toon within an hour of having to actually govern his war-torn nation and it's tribal leaders who hate each other without US assistance.

By then though... we'll have the satisfaction of being able to say "Ha! It's too late."

Then carpet bomb them with burning Korans.....
The search for OBL and subsequent "surgical" bombing and/or SEAL invasions to eliminate the Taliban could have all been taken care of before January 2003. We know that for a fact since that's what we finally did in Pakistan. I can't believe Americans are tolerating an 11-year "war".

Your little tin god sure pumped it.

{Sen. Barack Obama said Sunday that United States needs to focus on Afghanistan in its battle against terrorism.

"The Afghan government needs to do more. But we have to understand that the situation is precarious and urgent here in Afghanistan. And I believe this has to be our central focus, the central front, on our battle against terrorism," Obama said Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation."

"I think one of the biggest mistakes we've made strategically after 9/11 was to fail to finish the job here, focus our attention here. We got distracted by Iraq," he said.}
Obama calls situation in Afghanistan 'urgent' - CNN
What do you expect him to say?

Thank you.

Good luck with that. He's thinking of the future..when Americans draw down.

He's already had a high ranking relative (Think it was his brother) get assasinated.

There's like a million bullets in Afghanistan with his name on it. And mainly because he's seen as a stooge for America.

I didn't think you ment in a pragmatic sense. In that context I agree with you.
What do you expect him to say?

Thank you.

Good luck with that. He's thinking of the future..when Americans draw down.

He's already had a high ranking relative (Think it was his brother) get assasinated.

There's like a million bullets in Afghanistan with his name on it. And mainly because he's seen as a stooge for America.
That's just it, as soon as we leave, Kabul will fall faster than Saigon did in 1975. Obama doesn't want that to happen on his watch, which is why I'll bet anything that he'll find a way to kick that can into 2016.
I bet he's already got a deal with the Taliban in place once we leave.
Slaughter everyone of the child and womenkillers with technology. We lost the respect of the people we saved in 2001 with our weakened pisition. People there had hope,a future of modernization,and coming from a socalled social liberal scumbag POTUS who is a hypocrite who is making deals with the women and childkiller taliban.slaughter the taliban,and stake them,as my 234th generation ancestor did.
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