Karine-Jean Spoke Briefly About Todays Shooting.Indirectly Blames Congress.Oh Comon!! Not Sure If She Mentioned It Was A Female Shooter.

It was some time after 2 when I overheard Karine-Jean speak of the shootings while doing some home cleaning. and it didnt take long to bring up how decisions by congress may have played into this tragedy. Oh Really? what about during the Obama years? weren't there a few shootings during that 8 year period? was it all the fault of republicans who believe in the right to defend ourselves? Maybe she doesn't know that any insane/crazed lunatic that wants a gun can get one? at any means? right? but no, todays shooting was pretty much the fault of the republicans in congress, right?
Did she have a hangover?
welcome to joey xiden’s america…sad and crazy stuff. Xiden and the demafacist radical and dangerous rhetoric lead to this transgender confused individual to shoot and murder young christian children children.

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