Kamala facing protests in Tremendous Nation of Zambia


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
The Zambian people are opposed to men busting each other's cheeks, and see Biden's handpicked Vice President as a huge advocate for sodomy.

Zambia is proud to be a Christian nation according to their Constitution, and doesn't want to so down the road that Sodom as well as Gomorrah already did.

They were calling her island girl.... LMAO
Zambia's opposition leader, Fred M'membe, on Kamala Harris's visit to the country today:

The country that overthrew so many governments in Africa, that led so many coups in Africa and other parts of the world. The country that has assassinated so many of our leaders in Africa and other parts of the world. The murderers of Patrice Lumumba, the murderers of Kwame Nkrumah, the murderers of Nasser, the murderers of Muammar Gaddafi are coming to teach us about democracy today. A country that was built on brute force, on the enslavement of other human beings, on the humiliation of Africans, on the exploitation of Africans, will come today to teach us about democracy. If you have no respect for the dignity of others, if you have no respect for the sovereignty of other countries, you cannot claim to be a "champion of democracy."
You'd think the West would get tired of going into African countries trying to get them to denounce Russia and be scared of China.
But nope, they continue to go and get told about their own crimes, called hypocrites and get mocked for claiming to spread democracy A joy to watch!

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