Justin bieber arrested for dwi

I was just chatting with a Canadian friend about this story. He said they don't want him back. Sorry, guys, but we might be stuck with him.

Oh hell no!:eusa_hand: Either they take him back or we send Dennis Rodman to Canada!:evil:

Maybe we can load him into a missile and fire him at them. That'll teach them for sending him to us in the first place. :cool:
Justin is a thug.

Seems like he's on strike #3 by now. He either thinks he's above the law, or maybe, he just is not capable of thinking anymore. Either way, its high time to kick his sorry scrawny ass across the northern border.

He had some talent, but got all caught up in himself.
I was just chatting with a Canadian friend about this story. He said they don't want him back. Sorry, guys, but we might be stuck with him.

Oh hell no!:eusa_hand: Either they take him back or we send Dennis Rodman to Canada!:evil:

Maybe we can load him into a missile and fire him at them. That'll teach them for sending him to us in the first place. :cool:

Or we can load him and Dennis Rodman into a missle and send them both to North Korea. This way we stay friends with Canada and get him off our continent all together.
What a dweeb... He is fortunate enough to be able to do just about anything in life he would care to do. Why does he keep doing dumb shit when he could be doing some really good things?
Oh hell no!:eusa_hand: Either they take him back or we send Dennis Rodman to Canada!:evil:

Maybe we can load him into a missile and fire him at them. That'll teach them for sending him to us in the first place. :cool:

Or we can load him and Dennis Rodman into a missle and send them both to North Korea. This way we stay friends with Canada and get him off our continent all together.

We can load Dennis Rodman onto a separate missile headed to North Korea. As far as Canada goes, they produced him, and they have to pay. :tongue:
Maybe we can load him into a missile and fire him at them. That'll teach them for sending him to us in the first place. :cool:

Or we can load him and Dennis Rodman into a missle and send them both to North Korea. This way we stay friends with Canada and get him off our continent all together.

We can load Dennis Rodman onto a separate missile headed to North Korea. As far as Canada goes, they produced him, and they have to pay. :tongue:

Well that's a little harsh, but they did try to dump Bieber on us so maybe they deserve him.
As a celebrity he is supposed to be a role model for the younger kids, he's supposed to set an example. So far he's been caught with drugs in his home, thrown eggs at his neighbors house causing thousands of dollars in damage, and now arrested for drag racing, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, driving with a suspended license and resisting arrest.

He's setting a very bad example and I would not shed a tear if he is deported. Good riddance.

By the way, if he is found guilty, I hope he serves his time before he is deported.
I was just chatting with a Canadian friend about this story. He said they don't want him back. Sorry, guys, but we might be stuck with him.

Oh hell no!:eusa_hand: Either they take him back or we send Dennis Rodman to Canada!:evil:

Or both to N Korea?

Also heard Beiber resisted arrest and that he had to scrape up $2500 bond. And, I read there were little children on that street they blocked off.

What ever happened with the egging felony charge?

I really don't know this kid's talent or lack of same but this is just another case of too much, too soon. He's a spoiled child and acting like a spoiled child.

The worst of this is that he is getting special treatment.

Unknown black kid charged with a felony and dui/resisting arrest/drugs? He'd be in jail.
I did dumb shit at that age as well...the only difference is I couldn't afford a Ferrari to do it in - nor was it going to be on the evening news.
Lucky for me.

The kid's grown up with everyone telling him he's a god and with more money than he knows what to do with.
He's growing up in public without a proper mentor.
It was almost inevitable he would go off the rails.

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