Just When The Arizona Election Audit Couldn't Get Any Worse, It Somehow Does

• Observers have warned of a possible intermingling of counted and uncounted ballots, which could result in ballots being counted multiple times or not at all.

• Cyber Ninjas claim that their methods of counting ballots are a trade secret, and thus has refused to divulge their procedures. A judge has declared that to be absolute bullshit, in the very real and legally binding sense, and ordered them to produce it.

As a result of those court battles, we now know that while the private auditing team had no apparent standards for evaluating how the ballots should actually be counted, once they got to the actual counting part, they did spend considerable time gaming out what would be done if antifa attacked the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an attempt to ruin their counting efforts.

If we're being honest with ourselves, the vibes coming off from this thing already have a heavy aura of "somebody is going to end up in jail by the end of this, and it's not going to be antifa."

You get your vibes from a vibrator.

That's about it.
It is an audit.

It means very little in terms of what happens.

It will just open a can of worms if it "finds anything".

You guys just can yak and blab enough.
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• Observers have warned of a possible intermingling of counted and uncounted ballots, which could result in ballots being counted multiple times or not at all.

• Cyber Ninjas claim that their methods of counting ballots are a trade secret, and thus has refused to divulge their procedures. A judge has declared that to be absolute bullshit, in the very real and legally binding sense, and ordered them to produce it.

As a result of those court battles, we now know that while the private auditing team had no apparent standards for evaluating how the ballots should actually be counted, once they got to the actual counting part, they did spend considerable time gaming out what would be done if antifa attacked the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an attempt to ruin their counting efforts.

If we're being honest with ourselves, the vibes coming off from this thing already have a heavy aura of "somebody is going to end up in jail by the end of this, and it's not going to be antifa."

But.....But.....But Bamboo in the Ballots!!!!

These idiots wanted violate Voter Privacy by going door-to-door to directly questions Voters on their ballot choice, the DOJ shut that down fast. It's call Voter Intimidation/Voter Harassment.
• Observers have warned of a possible intermingling of counted and uncounted ballots, which could result in ballots being counted multiple times or not at all.

• Cyber Ninjas claim that their methods of counting ballots are a trade secret, and thus has refused to divulge their procedures. A judge has declared that to be absolute bullshit, in the very real and legally binding sense, and ordered them to produce it.

As a result of those court battles, we now know that while the private auditing team had no apparent standards for evaluating how the ballots should actually be counted, once they got to the actual counting part, they did spend considerable time gaming out what would be done if antifa attacked the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an attempt to ruin their counting efforts.

If we're being honest with ourselves, the vibes coming off from this thing already have a heavy aura of "somebody is going to end up in jail by the end of this, and it's not going to be antifa."

But.....But.....But Bamboo in the Ballots!!!!

These idiots wanted violate Voter Privacy by going door-to-door to directly questions Voters on their ballot choice, the DOJ shut that down fast. It's call Voter Intimidation/Voter Harassment.
Bullshit, they merely asked if they voted.

Several cases of fake registrations were found. Like hundreds of registered voters at empty lots or half-way houses. Or just as many at one actual residence that can’t possibly house that many people.

I thought they made all the observers sign non-disclosure agreements, specifically so nobody would know what went on behind closed doors, making observers useless.
That would be more fraudulent itself. Totally. Vote observers signing non-disclosure agreements ? Good grief. That's like hiring somebody to be a cowboy, but not allowed to ride a horse. Ridiculous. Height of absurdity.

No end to the crazieness Democrats have been coming up with.
The Democrats are not running the bought and paid for election audit. Do you get the internet?
View attachment 488005
It's amazing all the worthless info one can get on the internet now, but when it comes to what the average citizen is looking for (i.e. when shopping for a vehicle sold by private individual's), it's almost impossible to find. Bet one could find almost anything that is worthless unto you on the net, but looking for something worth while, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, it's like a dirty secret that can't be published. How ridiculous is this bullcrap ??
He wasn't aware of the news and that wasn't near all the sources. The dumb asses couldn't even keep it quiet, but of course it is done by trumpers. They never could keep the lid on anything, though they tried and were usually vindictive when they failed.
Ain't as good at hiding stuff like them demicrats eh ?? They need to step up their game huh ?
Would rather they cleaned up their acts instead of improving their game hiding their acts.
Let's do this. Let's stop the BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories which dominate the results of the last election. It has been made clear by three score of court decisions that no fraud was large enough to overturn the election.

The fantasy by the poor losers would be hysterically funny, if it wasn't continuing to destroy democracy in America (of course this has been the goal of the far right extremists for decades). It began with the removal of our nation as a democratic republican, and replace democratic with a constitutional republic, a clear example of sophistry.

For the less knowledgeable, a sophist uses fallacious arguments with the intention of deceiving. As everyone knows the United States is the longest democratic country to have ever existed, and all governors, mayors, city, county counsels/boards of supervisors, US Senators and Members of the H, of Rep. are elected by the voters. To declare we are not a democratic republic is nothing more than a BIG LIE.

Off topic, and my opinion: The President and Vice President are elected by the electoral college, an archaic system which can put the popular voters aside, and elect both a President and a Vice President of their choosing. In these times of the dark media, dark money and greed the electors can create monsters: See the Russian and the Chinese system of governance, if you have any doubts that the electoral college must be repealed.
“On the floor of Veterans Memorial Coliseum, where Sir Charles Barkley once dunked basketballs and Hulk Hogan wrestled King Kong Bundy, 46 tables are arrayed in neat rows, each with a Lazy Susan in the middle.

Seated at the tables are several dozen people, mostly Republicans, who spend hours watching ballots spin by, photographing them or inspecting them closely. They are counting them and checking to see if there is any sign they were flown in surreptitiously from South Korea. A few weeks ago they were holding them up to ultraviolet lights, looking for a watermark rumored to be a sign of fraud.

This is Arizona’s extraordinary, partisan audit of the 2020 election results in the state’s most populous county — ground zero for former President Donald Trump and a legion of his supporters who have refused to accept his loss in Arizona or in other battleground states. Theses ballots have been counted before and certified by the Republican governor. Much of the country has moved on.

And yet, in this aging arena, Republicans are searching for evidence to support claims they already believe.”

The GOP has gone insane.
The cheating this election for Biden and dem senators was the worst in American history.

Tell us again how Biden won all those states that voted for GOP control of both state house and senate....

Answer - the fraud ballots were just marked for Biden or Biden plus a dem senator....

The Dems and their Zionist "republican" allies were stunned how much of a RED WAVE it really was. That's why they had to use these obviously fraudulent ballots and

You handed the op his ass to him on a platter. :thankusmile:
• Observers have warned of a possible intermingling of counted and uncounted ballots, which could result in ballots being counted multiple times or not at all.

• Cyber Ninjas claim that their methods of counting ballots are a trade secret, and thus has refused to divulge their procedures. A judge has declared that to be absolute bullshit, in the very real and legally binding sense, and ordered them to produce it.

As a result of those court battles, we now know that while the private auditing team had no apparent standards for evaluating how the ballots should actually be counted, once they got to the actual counting part, they did spend considerable time gaming out what would be done if antifa attacked the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an attempt to ruin their counting efforts.

If we're being honest with ourselves, the vibes coming off from this thing already have a heavy aura of "somebody is going to end up in jail by the end of this, and it's not going to be antifa."

But.....But.....But Bamboo in the Ballots!!!!

These idiots wanted violate Voter Privacy by going door-to-door to directly questions Voters on their ballot choice, the DOJ shut that down fast. It's call Voter Intimidation/Voter Harassment.
That is a lie, and the Democrats are trying to stop canvassing. The only question will be if they voted. How stupid is that, expecting people to believe that. You are a joke.
• Observers have warned of a possible intermingling of counted and uncounted ballots, which could result in ballots being counted multiple times or not at all.

• Cyber Ninjas claim that their methods of counting ballots are a trade secret, and thus has refused to divulge their procedures. A judge has declared that to be absolute bullshit, in the very real and legally binding sense, and ordered them to produce it.

As a result of those court battles, we now know that while the private auditing team had no apparent standards for evaluating how the ballots should actually be counted, once they got to the actual counting part, they did spend considerable time gaming out what would be done if antifa attacked the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in an attempt to ruin their counting efforts.

If we're being honest with ourselves, the vibes coming off from this thing already have a heavy aura of "somebody is going to end up in jail by the end of this, and it's not going to be antifa."

But.....But.....But Bamboo in the Ballots!!!!

These idiots wanted violate Voter Privacy by going door-to-door to directly questions Voters on their ballot choice, the DOJ shut that down fast. It's call Voter Intimidation/Voter Harassment.

DOJ is getting ready to shut the whole thing down. What remains to be seen is if anybody ends up getting indicted by a federal grand jury.
That's no evidence of a serious election issue. It is Russian fake media, and you guys fell for it. Again.

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