Just So There Isn't Any Mistake...


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

The goalpost moves again:
'Today Gaza, tomorrow Jerusalem' – Qureia

By Jerusalem Newswire Editorial Staff

July 27th, 2005

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia Wednesday said Israel's planned withdrawal from the Gaza Strip would eventually lead to its surrender of the Jews' ancient capital – Jerusalem.

“We are telling the entire world, today Gaza and tomorrow Jerusalem. Today Gaza and tomorrow and independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” Qureia said while reviewing PA security forces in Gaza.

He insisted the Palestinian Arabs would never agree to end their hostility towards the Jews until the holy city was relinquished to their control.

“Without Jerusalem there will be no peace,” said Qureia a day earlier, amid reports Israel planned to build a new Jewish housing structure in the so-called “Muslim Quarter” of Jerusalem's Old City...
gee imagine that

give up your claims to the settelments


now give up tthe holy city


now get out of israel
I certainly hope they will make good use of the 2.2 Billion they are asking the US for to pay for the pullout. WHY WHY WHY do we keep dumping money down this drain? :blowup:
Some other day I'd have the U.S. take over Jerusalem, give Jews Tel Aviv and the pre-67 borders and the Arabs the West Bank. Whaddya think the Semites would do then? NB: I'd nuke anyone who stepped to. Then I'd let the Pope control Jerusalem and I'd raise a Christian cross in every quarter of the Old City.

Ha! Choke on that for a second.

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